Cloud Edge Secure Access Getting Started Guide

WireGuard Connector

This article describes how to install a WireGuard based connector on a Linux server in your organization instead of creating a tunnel between your server and your Firewall/Router.

  • Configuring the connector at the Management Platform
  • Configuring the connector on your local Linux machine
  • Verifying the connector is up

Cloud Edge Web Console Admin needs to add permissions for network controller in order to access SonicWall Cloud Edge agents using WireGuard protocol.

Please follow the steps below:

Configuring the connector at the Management Platform

  1. Under Networks in the Management Platform on the left side, select the name of the network in which you'd like to set the tunnel. Locate the desired gateway, select the three-dotted menu (...) and select Add Tunnel.

    The following window displays:

  2. Select WireGuard Connector, then select Continue.
  3. Make sure you have a Windows server 2016, Ubuntu 16.04/18.04/20.04 LTS, CentOS/REHL7 or equivalent instance set within your local network or VPC, then select Next.

  4. Enter a Name of your choice, and the Endpoint, meaning the IP address from which the Linux server is connecting to the internet, accompanied by the correlating Subnet range (the values in the attached image are for demonstration only).
  5. Select Next.

    You can query the Endpoint by executing the following command in your Linux terminal:
    dig +short

  6. Select Confirm and Apply, then wait until the deployment is finished (this may take several minutes).

Configuring the connector on your local Linux machine

Make sure the machine that we'll be hosting the connector meets the following requirements:

On Ubuntu:

  • Please see attached the Prerequisites for the machine.

  • Your kernel is up to date.
  • The following packages are installed:

    • curl
    • dig
    • software-properties-common


  • Please see attached the Prerequisites for the machine.
  • Your kernel is up to date.
  • The following packages are installed:

    • curl
    • bind-utils

If you're not sure you possess the appropriate image installation files, you can find them here (Ubuntu 18.04).

  1. You should now see the connector under the Network section. Select the three-dotted menu (...) besides its icon, then select Configure. A similar window will open (the displayed command varies from connector to connector):

  2. Copy the command.
  3. Open the Linux Terminal as Root user and run the copied command (select Yes at Stage 4 for access-only).
  4. Follow the instructions during the connector installation on the Linux server.

Verifying the connector is up

  1. Connect to your SonicWall CloudEdge server with the designated app ( you can do it on any machine).
  2. Open the terminal and run the following command:

    ping XXXX.XXXX.XXXX.XXXX (replace with one of the internal resources in your organization)

  3. If the ping command fails, please make sure that port UDP/8000 is not blocked in your firewall/router, and that you went through all the steps.
  4. If the issue persists, please contact our support services attaching the logs. These can be found at the following paths:

    ##Configuration file


Setting up a WireGuard tunnel using a docker container

This article was written for the OSX Big Sur operating system, but should be able to support any system capable of running Docker. This behind the scenes process involves a similar setup to Wireguard Connector.

The basic docker container for WireGuard can run in its own container (We use the one from - but you can use one of your choice if you like). Then we download our peer config file for Wireguard and mount a shared folder to its location on the docker host in order to share it with the docker container. It's that easy!

Install Docker on your OS

  1. Get Docker

  2. Pull the WireGuard Docker Container from

Create a barebones config docker-compose.yaml file

Linux Version

version: "2.1"
container_name: wireguard
- PUID=1000
- PGID=1000
- TZ=America/New_York
- /var/tmp/config:/config
- /lib/modules:/lib/modules
- 8000:8000/udp
- net.ipv4.conf.all.src_valid_mark=1
restart: unless-stopped

Windows Version

version: "2.1"
container_name: wireguard
- PUID=1000
- PGID=1000
- TZ=America/New_York
- C://wgConfig:/config
- /lib/modules:/lib/modules
- 8000:8000/udp
- net.ipv4.conf.all.src_valid_mark=1
restart: unless-stopped

The primary difference between Linux and Windows is the volume mount for the config file

Create a wg0.conf file

  • Make sure you create a config file and place it in this directory /var/tmp/config:

  • /var/tmp/config/wg0.conf

  • Reference for wg.conf file creation

This config contains accurate information for tunnel establishment. This information must match exactly in order for the tunnel to come up. Please make sure that the wg0.conf file is created correctly. Please do not share your private key with anyone.

Docker-compose run

Run the following command from command prompt or terminal. Make sure to run this from the directory where docker-compose.yaml resides

Docker-compose up -d


Windows 10

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