Capture Client Activities, Logs, and Reports
Device Logs
The time period for the Devices logs can be adjusted by sliding the orange marker along the scale at the top of the list. The predefined options for the scale ranges from last 5 min to all.
At the top of the page, you can see the icons that allow you to:
- Filter the list: Click and check the boxes for the Priority and Device options you want to filter on. The Priority options include Emergency, Alert, Critical, Error, Warning, Notice, Info, and Debug.
- Detailed view: click to expand the options and see the detailed view in the table. Click it again to return to the simple view.
- Email logs: Click and confirm that you want to receive the mails for tenant logs.
- Download logs: Click and confirm that you want to download the tenant logs.
- Refresh Data: Click to refresh the page.
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