Graph Tools

Use the graph tools to drill down for more detail or take other actions directly on the graphical data.

Graph Icons Function

The Filter function within the graph works a little differently than the filter in the header of the graph.

  1. Select a node or node type in the graph.

  2. Click on the Filter icon and a filter is added.

  3. Click on Refresh and the graph is updated based on the new filter.

  4. Click the x by the filter to clear it and click Refresh to update the data in the graph.

The Reset icon centers the graph and resets it to its default size.




When you click on the (1) Drag/Select option, it expands to show your choices, (2) shows the expanded options. The (1) Drag mode, is the active option, which is also indicated in orange when expanded. When in Drag mode, you can select a node or connection and reposition it within the graph. You can also drag the entire graph by clicking and holding on some white space within the chart and then dragging the chart where you want it.

When in Select mode, the rightmost icon in (2), you can also select a node or connection and reposition it within the graph. With the Select mode, you can also draw a square around a node or group of nodes to take action on them.

The left arrow, second icon from left in (2) closes the expanded view.




When you click on the (1) Layout chart option, it expands to show several views for the chart, (2) shows the expanded options. The options include: Tweak, Structural, Standard, Hierarchical, Radial, and Lens. The Lens chart is the default. The icon highlighted in orange is the expanded view.

The left arrow, second icon from left in (2) closes the expanded view.

The zoom function allows you to Zoom in or Zoom out, as needed. Grab the node and slide it up or down the scale. You can also zoom in and out using the wheel on your mouse.

You can drill down for more details on the nodes and connections in the chart.

  • The physical size of the node within the chart can be an indicator of its rank or number of connections. For example, a larger computer node has several connections while a smaller one only shows one or two.

  • The thickness of the connecting lines indicate which connections are busier. A thicker line indicates more sessions, bytes and packets than the thinner lines.

  • You can click on any node or connection and get more details about it from the window that pops up.

  • Once a node or connection is selected, you can right-click on your mouse to see additional options. The following show some of the options: