Service Provider Program Monthly Switch and Access Point FAQ


What is the Monthly Service Provider Program?

As part of the SonicWall Service Provider Program, qualified SonicWall partners can purchase specific products using a monthly usage model—the Service Provider Monthly Model. This program now includes our switches and access points.

What products are eligible for the hardware promotion with this release?

The release includes all current SonicWall Switches and SonicWave 600 Series Access Points.

What will this release for switches and access points include?

Switches and Access Points can now be purchased, and the services can be billed monthly in MySonicWall. This is easily enabled on MySonicWall. The monthly billing allows for an easy subscription and pay-as-you-need model for our partners and customers.

What are the available bundles?

We will have two bundles for the SonicWave Access Points and one for SonicWall Switches. SonicWave Access Points will have Essential and Advanced license bundles, and SonicWall Switches will have an Essential license bundle.

What is included in the SonicWave Access Point bundles?


This will include the following licenses

  • Secure Cloud Wi-Fi Management or Wi-Fi Cloud Manager or Secure Cloud Wi-Fi (Wireless IDP, MIDM, Rogue AP, RF Monitoring)     
  • 24x7 Support or Wireless 24x7 Support
  • 7-Day WNM Reporting and Logs
  • 7-Day WNM Alerting
  • 365-Day Audit Logging


This will include the following licenses:

  • Secure Cloud Wi-Fi Management or Wi-Fi Cloud Manager or Secure Cloud Wi-Fi (Wireless IDP, MIDM, Rogue AP, RF Monitoring)     
  • 24x7 Support or Wireless 24x7 Support
  • Content Filtering Security (CFS) or Content Filtering: Premium Edition (as shown on MSW)
  • Capture Advanced Threat Protection or Capture ATP Security
  • Cloud Anti-Virus Security
  • 30-Day WNM Reporting and Logs
  • 30Day WNM Alerting
  • 365-Day Audit Logging

What is included in the SonicWall Switch bundle?


This will include the following licenses:

  • Wireless Network Management
  • 24x7 Support
  • 30-Day WNM Reporting and Logs
  • 30-Day WNM Alerting
  • 365-Day Audit Logging

Are there any restrictions to this program?

  • Only those who are part of the Service Provider Program can participate in the Monthly Billing Program

How will the program evolve in the future?

We will evaluate additional bundles and services based on future features/integrations and customer requirements.

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