NDR: Sensor Configuration & Authorization



  • This guide is intended to serve as an example only. Users must modify applicable details, such as IP addresses, subnets, and device names, to align with their specific environment.


    Exercise caution when making changes to your firewall or environment, as unplanned modifications can result in downtime, depending on the complexity of the configuration and infrastructure.


    Your experience may vary if you are using a different software version or a product from another brand or manufacturer. Please note that you are solely responsible for the configuration and management of your devices.

Sensor Configuration

Once the appliance is deployed, use the following steps to configure the sensor:

  1. Log in to your new sensor. The default username/password is aella/changeme. You are immediately prompted to change the password.
  2. Change the password.
  3. Set IP parameters for the management port. The commands are as follows (Substitute your own IP parameters for those shown in bold).
    1. set interface management ip
    2. set interface management gateway
    3. set interface management dns
  4. Verify the IP settings with the show interface command.
  5. Assign the tenant:
    1. The Tenant ID was provided in the ticket.

set tenant_id <Tenant ID from Stellar Cyber>

  1. Use the set cm command:

set cm <Applicable CM URL from below>

  1. NOAM Console: cm-solutionsgrantedinc.stellarcyber.cloud
  2. EMEA Console: cm-emea-snwl.stellarcyber.cloud
  1. Verify your settings with the show cm command. You should see the IP address of the DP listed as the CM Controller and the Status should be Established.
  2. Log out with the quit command.

Write down the Hostname and IP Address of the sensor as MSS will need this information to authorize the sensor

Sensor Authorization

Once complete, please reply to your engineer’s email with the following information so we can confirm that we are seeing the sensor and authorize it.

Sensor Details

  • Sensor Hostname
  • Sensor IP Address

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