SonicWall Analytics can be used in conjunction with NSM SaaS. This allows users to manage firewalls from NSM and also view reporting and analytics data in NSM. A SaaS-based analytics license can be upgraded to include reporting and analytics. This works on NSM Advanced license.
This works on both Gen6 and Gen7 Devices. On Gen6 devices, it will push out the VPN configuration along with the IPfix flow settings. On Gen 7 devices, it will push flow settings only, no VPN is used. AppFlow traffic are sent from the firewall to NSM by Internet which is encrypted
The steps mentioned below explains how to Reconfigure Reporting & Analytics on NSM
Step 1: Navigate to Home tab on NSM. Navigate to Firewall > Inventory page. Click on Reconfigure Reporting and Analytics option under Actions as shown below.
Step 2: Click on OK to complete the reconfiguration
Step 3: After the reporting and analytics is reconfigured, check if the flow log transport mechanism has changed from VPN to Encrypted mode. If it is changed successfully, the system will disable the SGMSServer-VPN tunnel that is established to transfer flow logs to NSM and you should not enable this tunnel manually.
Step 4: Once you have successfully completed all the steps, you will be able to view the System Events logs in Monitor tab on NSM as shown below.