This article describes how to buy services such as licenses for SSL VPN, Global VPN, 24x7 Support or 8x5 Support, Security products, and other services.
Login to
Cli Click on My Workspace, and then Products. Select the device and click on the serial number.
3 Once click on the device serial number, the product details page will pop up.
To the right of each service, there will be a shopping cart and key icons. Select the shopping cart next to the SSL VPN service.
Th The next page will display the different Licensing options available to you. Here you can select the quantity. Click the +Add option.
Yo You will see a green banner stating Success. You will need to click the white X to see an item in your shopping cart, this is located at the top right of your screen.
7. You can Continue Shopping, or if you're ready Checkout. Once you Checkout you'll see your shopping cart to the right and a three-step process to complete payment for services.
8. Click Continue when you've finished filling out the appropriate information in each field.
NOTE: You can also purchase services through an Authorized Distributor
NOTE: This option for online service is ONLY for NOAM and Canada customer.