
ICSA Q4 2021 Advanced Threat Defense (ATD) Certification Testing Report

SonicWall Capture ATP with RTDMI detected all malicious samples without false positives in ICSA Labs testing - four times in a row.

SonicWall’s Capture Advanced Threat Protection (ATP) with patented Real-Time Deep Memory Inspection (RTDMI)â„¢ did something unusual this year. We became the first cybersecurity vendor in history to earn four consecutive perfect scores in Standard ICSA Labs Advanced Threat Defense (ATD) testing. From Q1 to Q4 2021, SonicWall nailed every test that was thrown at it without missing a single threat or posting a single false positive.

Standard ICSA Labs Advanced Threat Defense testing (ATD) is designed to identify new threats that traditional security products cannot detect. For a minimum period of three weeks, eligible security vendors are subject to quarterly testing. The ICSA Labs tests advanced threat defense solutions during this time. This test set includes a mix of new threats, lesser-known threats, and innocuous activities and applications.

The testing process for Q4 2021 was especially rigorous. Capture ATP detected all 801 malicious samples during this period, including 432 threats that were fewer than four hours old. Capture ATP also detected 824 harmless apps, none of which was incorrectly classified as malicious.

SonicWall was awarded the top ranking in this category. It also completed a year of perfect scores and eight consecutive ICSA certifications.

What is ICSA Advanced Threat Defense?

ICSA Labs Advanced Threat Defense (ATD) testing is aimed at vendor solutions designed to detect new threats that traditional security products miss. The test cycles evaluate vendor ATD solutions effectively to detect unknown and little-known threats while minimizing false positives.

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