Reset password for the GMS System or Application Interface


Reset the Analyzer/GMS password for the System and Application Interface


The default admin password for the System and Application interfaces is password. The admin account for the Application Interface is separate from the admin account for the System Interface.

  1. Log into the GMS application Interface (http://IPaddress/sgms) and get the primary GMS serial number at Console | Help About.
    Call TechSupport and provide the GMS serial number.

  2. TechSupport will do the password reset for the appliance interface from

      3. Once the password reset is completed by the Tech Support Team, access the System Interface authentication page (http://IPaddress   /appliance) and click Forgot password link



    4. Click on the Submit button after confirmation from TechSupport in order to sync the Password Reset operation from your MySonicwall account.



      5. The password will be reset to  password. You will be prompted to select a new password after entering username  admin and password  password.


        6. Once logged in with default username and password, user can change the default password as per their need from System->Administration:


Use this section if you need to reset the password for the GMS Admin account for the Application Interface:

  1. Download a MySQL query tool like HeidiSQL and install it on a PC which has access to GMS Appliance.
    You can download it from HeidiSQL
  2. Open HeidiSQL and set up new connection to your GMS Server Database IP address. If it is a Single Server Deployment, the GMS server ip itself will be the Database ip address, if it is a distributed setup, you need to provide the database server ip address.
    The database server ip can be verified from the GMS Server appliance login, Deployment

    3. Log into the SGMSDB database using either the default database user account "gmsuser" or the account you chose during Role Configuration (you need to know the password - in case you don't know that, please contact Technical Support) and select sgmsdb as in the screenshot.


    4. Enter this command in the top panel, then hit the Execute button:

    UPDATE USERS SET PASSWORD = '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99' WHERE ID = 'admin';


    5. The admin password has been reset. You can now log in to the Application Interface using username= admin | password= password.
    6. User can change the application password by navigating to Console|Management|General and change the password to a new one.

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