Nesta próxima sessão de junho, procuramos fornecer a você um caso de uso que vimos funcionar bem em ambientes de clientes regularmente, e compartilhar uma breve demonstração de melhores práticas. Além disso, falaremos sobre o nosso NSM beta que lançaremos em breve.

E se você é um cliente ou parceiro GMS atualmente e está procurando iniciar sua transição para a plataforma de gerenciamento mais recente, junte-se a nós!

Nossa equipe de SE regional ficará feliz de ver você e estará disponível para responder suas perguntas ao vivo.

Join us to discover why there’s never been a better time to partner with SonicWall!

In this up-and-coming June session, we are looking to provide you with a use case that we have seen work well in customer environments that come up regularly, sharing a short best practices demo. In addition, we will talk about what is in our current NSM beta that we expect to be released soon.

And if you are a GMS customer or partner, looking to start your transition to the latest management platform, please join us.

Our regional SE team is looking forward to virtually seeing you there and will be available to answer any questions live.

In this up-and-coming June session, we are looking to provide you with a use case that we have seen work well in customer environments that come up regularly, sharing a short best practices demo. In addition, we will talk about what is in our current NSM beta that we expect to be released soon.

And if you are a GMS customer or partner, looking to start your transition to the latest management platform, please join us.
Our regional SE team is looking forward to virtually seeing you there and will be available to answer any questions live.

En esta próxima sesión de junio, queremos ofrecerle un caso de uso que hemos visto funcionar bien en entornos de clientes que surgen con regularidad, compartiendo una breve demostración de buenas prácticas.

Si usted es cliente o socio de GMS y desea iniciar la transición a la última plataforma de gestión, no dude en unirse a nosotros.

Lo esperamos!

Your network is under more pressure than ever. As the number of connected devices expands, bandwidth demands continue to soar, making it difficult to consistently provide the secure, high-speed connection your business depends on.

In this up-and-coming June session, we are looking to provide you with a use case that we have seen work well in customer environments that come up regularly, sharing a short best practices demo. In addition, we will talk about what is in our current NSM beta that we expect to be released soon.

And if you are a GMS customer or partner, looking to start your transition to the latest management platform, please join us.

In a world of uncertainty and constantly evolving threats, both customers and partners need a vendor that can provide an on-demand, flexible security services platform that only charges customers for the services they actually use.

Join this live webinar panel discussion for a deep dive into how you can supercharge your monthly revenue with SonicWall’s new Monthly Firewall Services. This webinar will show you high-demand services you can add to your current portfolio while also giving you expert advice from our executive guests from Logically.

In addition to sharing insights, strategies and tactics for offering firewall security services, this panel will also offer a chance to speak with SonicWall’s new VP, Global Channel Chief, Michelle Ragusa-McBain, who will be on hand ready to share her expertise on recurring revenue models.

Get the Stories Behind the 2023 SonicWall Cyber Threat Report from the author!

The data from the mid-year update to the 2023 SonicWall Cyber Threat Report is in:
Ransomware is down, cryptojacking soars and global hotspots are shifting. But why? And what does this mean for the future of the threat landscape?
Join our Threat Report expert and author as she explores:
• The top cybercrime trends from the first half of 2023
• Which industries and locations were hit hardest (and where it’s getting worse)
• Why the forces behind threat reversals and accelerations may not be what you think