Wir haben 500 IT-Leiter und Experten gefragt, wie ihre Organisationen mit E-Mail-Bedrohungen umgehen. Möchten Sie wissen, was sie geantwortet haben?

Nehmen Sie an unserem Webinar teil und erfahren Sie von unserem Experten Stephan Kaiser mehr über die versteckten Kosten bösartiger E-Mails. Wir zeigen Ihnen auch, wie ein effektiveres E-Mail-Management Ihr SOC entlasten kann, sodass Ihre Teams mehr Zeit für das Wesentliche haben.

¿Qué dicen 500 directores y líderes de TI sobre la forma en que sus organizaciones gestionan las amenazas de correo electrónico?

Escuche al experto de SonicWall Sebastián Yáñez, que revela el coste oculto de los e-mails maliciosos — y explica cómo una gestión del correo electrónico más efectiva puede aliviar la carga de su centro de operaciones de seguridad, permitiéndole dedicar más tiempo a centrarse en lo importante.

Qu’est-ce que 500 responsables et leaders IT ont dit sur leur façon de gérer les menaces véhiculées par e-mail ?

Rejoignez Xavier Mariault, expert SonicWall, pour connaître le coût caché des e-mails malveillants. Vous apprendrez également comment une gestion plus efficace de votre messagerie peut soulager le SOC et lui permettre de se concentrer davantage sur l’essentiel.

Just as enterprise organizations are embracing cloud computing, so too are cyber attackers and everyone is justifiably concerned. For all the advantages of the cloud, the framework is not impervious to cyber threats and so security protocols must always be a priority. Yet the myth that cloud is less secure than owned, on-premise security is just that: a myth. A 2020 Gartner forecast stated IaaS workloads would experience 60% fewer security incidents than traditional data centers — at least.

In order to comprehensively deploy a cloud security network, companies must understand the realities of their infrastructures. Identifying the responsibility of the cloud and that of the customer is critical, as is learning what services can be reasonably expected from a leading cloud provider. Only with the right facts can you build a truly secure network.

Join this panel of experts as they discuss the most common myths of cloud security and what you should actually be building your strategy around:

– Cloud vs. On-Premise Security: Which is easier to target?
– Is a public cloud more vulnerable than a private one?
– How automated can — and should — the cloud’s security protocol be?
– Accessibility: How much is too much?

Moderated by:
Michelle Drolet, CEO, Towerwall

Panelists to include:
Jessica Charter, EMEA Security Principal, Trustwave
Taylor Smith, Senior Product Marketing Manager, Prisma Cloud, Palo Alto Networks
Rajesh Agnihotri, Senior Solutions Engineer, Middle East, SonicWall
Scott Fanning, Senior Director, Cloud Security, CrowdStrike

In diesem Webinar erfahren Sie von Frank-Michael Bickel, SonicWall Solutions Engineer for Central Europe und Cybersecurity-Experte, wie Cyberkriminelle das Software-as-a-Service-Geschäftsmodell nutzen, um eine schnell wachsende „Hacker-Economy“ zu schaffen. Wir sehen uns neue Trends an, erläutern das MaaS-/RaaS-Geschäftsmodell und zeigen Ihnen, wie Sie Ihr Unternehmen schützen können. Zudem werfen wir einen Blick in die geschäftsbezogenen Daten hinter MaaS und nehmen bekannte Beispiele unter die Lupe.

Presentado por Borja de Hoz, Senior Solutions Engineer en Regional Sales (EMEA) y experto en ciberseguridad, este seminario virtual explora cómo los ciberdelincuentes aprovechan el modelo de negocio del software como servicio para establecer una «economía hacker» en rápido crecimiento. También incluye perspectivas sobre nuevas tendencias, define el modelo de negocio MaaS/RaaS y le explica qué puede hacer para proteger su negocio, al profundizar en los datos empresariales que hay detrás del MaaS y en los ejemplos conocidos que se han descubierto.

Présenté par Laurent Meimoun, Senior SE Manager South Europe et expert en cybersécurité, ce webinaire étudiera comment les cybercriminels exploitent le modèle du logiciel as a service pour mettre en place une « économie du piratage » à croissance rapide. Il apportera également des éléments sur les nouvelles tendances, définira le modèle commercial MaaS/RaaS et vous dira ce que vous pouvez faire pour vous protéger. Les données métier du MaaS y seront examinées de près, avec des exemples connus d’attaques résolues à l’appui.

Presentato da Federico Diamantini, Solutions Engineer ed esperto di cybersecurity, questo webinar illustra come i criminali informatici sfruttano il modello di business del software as-a-service per creare una “economia del cybercrime” in rapida crescita. Il webinar fornisce inoltre informazioni sulle nuove tendenze, offre una definizione del modello di business MaaS/RaaS e spiega cosa potete fare per proteggere la vostra azienda, esaminando in dettaglio i dati legati al business del MaaS e alcuni esempi di malware già scoperti.

Presented by Simon Wikberg, SonicWall Cybersecurity Expert, this webcast will explore how cybercriminals are leveraging the software-as-a-service business model to establish a rapidly growing ‘hacker economy.’ It will also include insights on new trends, define the MaaS/RaaS business model, and what you can do to protect your business with a dive into deep business data behind MaaS and known examples that have been uncovered.

The exclusive 2022 SonicWall Cyber Threat Report offers deep analysis of large scale ransomware data, and offers insight into the cyberattacks that are cascading across different regions and verticals.