Votre solution de sécurité des terminaux est-elle à même de suivre le rythme ? Si vous ne pouvez pas visualiser aisément l’état de santé des terminaux de vos différents tenants, comment être sûr que l’un d’eux n’a pas été compromis ? Et si tel est le cas, comment être certain de pouvoir réagir suffisamment vite ?

Rejoignez Laurent Meimoun, expert en cybersécurité. Il abordera la lutte des administrateurs en matière de visibilité et de gestion de leur stratégie de sécurité des terminaux, notamment en raison de la vague massive de télétravail.

Le minacce persistenti avanzate (Advanced Persistent Threats, APT) si differenziano da altre minacce alla sicurezza IT sia in termini di motivazione che di approccio da parte degli aggressori. Luca Pesce, esperto di cybersecurity di SonicWall, illustra le nuove minacce APT e spiega quali sono gli strumenti più efficaci per rilevare queste minacce silenziose.

Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs) unterscheiden sich von anderen Bedrohungen für die IT-Sicherheit sowohl hinsichtlich der Motivation als auch der Vorgehensweise von Angreifern. Seien Sie dabei, wenn unser Experte für Cybersicherheit, Fabian Freundt, die neuen APTs von heute unter die Lupe nimmt und Ihnen sagt, wie Sie diese lautlosen Bedrohungen mit den richtigen Tools erkennen können.

Las Amenazas persistentes avanzadas (APTs) difieren de otras amenazas de seguridad de TI tanto en la motivación como en el enfoque de los atacantes. Escuche al Experto en Ciberseguridad de SonicWall Alex Vázquez hablar sobre las nuevas APTs de hoy en día y sobre cómo asegurarse de utilizar las herramientas adecuadas para detectar estas amenazas silenciosas.

Les menaces évoluées persistantes (APT) diffèrent des autres menaces de sécurité informatiques, tant en termes de motivation que d’approche des agresseurs. Rejoignez Laurent Meimoun, expert en cybersécurité SonicWall, pour explorer les nouvelles APT actuelles et savoir comment bien utiliser les outils adéquats pour détecter ces menaces silencieuses.

Breaches are caused by a host of factors: compromised credentials, phishing, system glitches and more. But they all have a few things in common: They cost organizations more than $4 million on average, and they can all be mitigated, if not prevented entirely.

Join SonicWall Information Security Leader and PSIRT Operations Manager Immanuel Chavoya as he reveals the most common causes of data breaches — along with the factors that have the biggest impact on how much a breach will cost your organization, from red team testing and security skills shortages to employee training and remote work.

Known mostly for gaming, Discord has become a powerful gathering place for the hackers of tomorrow. Some of them are using your business as a proving grounds to hone their skills–whether for fun or for profit–and others are trying to stop them.

Which side will win? The one that we feed.

Join SonicWall Senior Strategist Brook Chelmo as he highlights why the next generation of hackers are more ambitious, better equipped and more effective than any that preceded them—and reveals what we can do to ensure they become allies, not adversaries.

In May 2021, CMIT Solutions of Metrolina was caught in a major ransomware attack against one of their customers. Initially it started with an infected email attachment, but with additional actions it lead to 4000+ attacks on 200+ endpoints and servers in multiple locations.

Join us to hear how CMIT Solutions successfully fought off an advanced attack through the use of security technology and their own individual actions. Listen to what they learned through the experience and what changes they made moving forward.

It’s hard to defend against today’s threatscape while securing users, devices, apps, and data and providing quality customer experience. As organisations need to quickly adapt to an evolving threatscape, new compliance regulations, and customer demands, how can they keep security at the forefront of their cloud adoption plans?

Wherever they are in their cloud adoption journey, it remains necessary for organisations to be critical of cloud security blindspots and secure cloud assets. Join this summit to learn more about what your organisation can be doing to better their cloud security strategies.

Join us to learn:
– The latest threats targeting the cloud in 2021 and how to stay on top of the evolving threatscape
– How to protect your enterprise against ransomware
– How to better secure your cloud applications
– Why visibility across your cloud environments is key for early threat detection and mitigation

Moderated by:
Jeremy Synder, Senior Director of Corporate Development, Rapid7

Participants include:
Ateef Mulla, Regional Senior Solution Engineer & Cybersecurity Expert – SonicWall
Johannes Wiklund, Vice President, IT & Cyber Security, Somos
Chani Simms, Managing Director, MetaDefence Labs
Raphael Peyret, VP of Product, Horangi Cybersecurity

L’IoT non è una novità, ma lo sapevate che oggi è l’area di vulnerabilità che sta crescendo più rapidamente?
Nel 6° episodio della nostra serie MINDHUNTER, che si terrà il 20 ottobre, l’esperto di sicurezza Luca Pesce illustrerà le minacce e i semplici meccanismi che possono essere adottati per proteggere le organizzazioni. Non lasciate che l’IoT cresca in modo incontrollato!