Malware is a lucrative business in which cybercriminals expect a high return for their time and effort in coordinating and launching successful attacks, with a lot of effort being put into evasion of existing security tools.
Hear from IDG and SonicWall as they discuss cybersecurity industry’s pressing issues and trends. Our security experts will share insights about tomorrow’s malware landscape and ways to fight and stop these malware attacks.

Hear from Joan Goodchild, Senior Editor, Dark Reading, John Sawyer, Associate Director of Services IOActive, Inc. and Dmitriy Ayrapetov, Vice President Platform Architecture, SonicWall — our panelists will discuss:
• Methods cyber attackers often use to compromise your systems
• Tips to recognize well-disguised malware used in targeted exploits
• Actionable advice on how to respond quickly and effectively to attacks
• Understand how your security operations team can use actionable insight and methods for a quick response