I nuovi firewall NSsp ad alte prestazioni, la gestione nativa del cloud e l’analisi interna delle minacce stanno rivoluzionando il mercato aziendale nel senso della sicurezza con un valido rapporto qualità-prezzo, nella nuova normalità operativa

MILPITAS, California, 11 agosto 2020. Le nuove imprese distribuite, gli enti pubblici e i fornitori di servizi di sicurezza gestiti (MSSP) sono costantemente alle prese con la necessità di garantire la protezione vitale e immediata delle reti di grandi dimensioni e dei dipendenti che utilizzano il telelavoro, dovendo al tempo stesso attenersi a un numero sempre crescente di obblighi che variano da paese a paese.

SonicWall, un’azienda che propone soluzioni economicamente innovative per gli ambienti a sicurezza elevata, ha annunciato in data odierna nuovi metodi per installare, adeguare e proteggere nel tempo gli investimenti in sistemi di sicurezza per le nuove imprese estese distribuite, gli enti pubblici e gli MSSP. La concezione di sicurezza riformulata di SonicWall razionalizza i controlli di sicurezza di rete e la visibilità dell’intera rete attraverso interfacce utente comprensibili e intuitive.

Questa evoluzione della Cybersecurity illimitata di SonicWall comprende i nuovi firewall ad alte prestazioni NSsp 15700 e multi-gigabit TZ570 e TZ670, il nuovo CSa 1000 per sandboxing con tecnologia Real-Time Deep Memory Inspection™ (RTDMI), i nuovi modelli di firewall virtuali NSv e la gestione modulare della sicurezza nativa per il cloud.

“Le organizzazioni stanno ripensando le attività e la sicurezza dovendo fare i conti con le nuove sfide portate dalla diffusione degli ambienti di massa resa necessaria dalla nuova normalità operativa – ha dichiarato Bill Conner, Presidente e CEO di SonicWall, che ha così proseguito –  e garantire la sicurezza di queste nuove reti estese in modo rapido e completo è diventata una delle principali priorità. Le organizzazioni sono sempre più bersaglio di malintenzionati che cercano di trarre vantaggio delle minacce legate al COVID ai danni di reti distribuite che sono state riorganizzate in tutta fretta – praticamente dall’oggi al domani – per consentire l’accesso al personale che lavora in remoto e in mobilità”.

L’espansione completa della piattaforma Capture Cloud comprende:

  • Il nuovo sistema operativo SonicOS 7.0
  • Il nuovo sistema operativo SonicOSX 7.0 per le imprese distribuite, gli enti pubblici e gli MSSP
  • I nuovi firewall di fascia alta SonicWall NSsp 15700
  • I nuovi firewall virtuali SonicWall NSv 270, 470 e 870
  • Il nuovo SonicWall CSa 1000 con tecnologia RTDMITM
  • I nuovi firewall entry-level SonicWall TZ570 e TZ670
  • La nuova certificazione SNSP (SonicWall Network Security Professional) 2.0

“È giunto il momento di garantire che le organizzazioni interessate possano contare sulla capacità, sulla protezione e sui controlli necessari per potersi difendere con successo senza penalizzare la velocità, la convenienza e l’affidabilità, il tutto nel rispetto dei requisiti normativi” ha dichiarato Bill Conner.

Protezione delle nuove imprese estese distribuite e degli enti pubblici
Forte di una lunga tradizione all’insegna della semplificazione degli aspetti complessi della sicurezza, SonicWall mette la stessa facilità d’uso e le stesse capacità a disposizione delle grandi imprese distribuite, degli enti pubblici e degli MSSP, semplificando la gestione grazie a un approccio più flessibile di facile attuazione.

Il sistema operativo SonicOS 7.0 e Network Security Manager (NSM) 2.0 consentono una visibilità, una gestione e un controllo migliori grazie alle interfacce utente completamente nuove. Il modo di lavorare dell’utente moderno è organizzato in modo intelligente, comprende i pannelli di controllo dei dispositivi, topologie riprogettate, il supporto dell’applicazione mobile SonicExpress e la semplificazione della definizione e della gestione delle politiche.

Realizzato da zero come piattaforma di gestione nativa per il cloud, NSM è stato progettato in funzione della velocità, della modularità e dell’affidabilità per le grandi aziende distribuite. Le grandi aziende e gli enti pubblici possono ottimizzare, controllare, supervisionare e gestire decine di migliaia di dispositivi di sicurezza di rete, come firewall, switch gestiti e access point wireless, il tutto grazie ad una soluzione di gestione della sicurezza affidabile, modulare e nativa per il cloud.

“I prodotti SonicWall hanno sempre funzionato ottimamente, ma il nuovo sistema operativo SonicOS 7.0 abbinato alle apparecchiature di settima generazione costituisce un enorme passo in avanti – ha dichiarato Prabhod T.R., Senior Security Engineer di Thinkss, che ha aggiunto –  e con la versione 7.0 del suo sistema operativo SonicOS l’azienda ha abbandonato le interfacce e le esperienze utente (UI/UX) tradizionali che sono state in voga per anni ed ha cambiato completamente l’aspetto e l’operabilità dei suoi dispositivi, facendo fare loro un balzo in avanti per essere all’altezza della concorrenza”.

Migliore protezione e maggiori rendimenti degli investimenti per la sicurezza
Lo sviluppo globale e l’espansione dei reparti fanno sì che sia le grandi aziende, sia gli enti pubblici avvertano l’esigenza di adeguarsi rapidamente, garantire una maggiore protezione e mantenere il controllo di reti in rapida espansione, il tutto dovendo tener conto delle ristrettezze di bilancio.

“Qualsiasi impresa che si chieda perché rivolgersi a un fornitore di soluzioni di sicurezza dovrebbe considerare le sfide quotidiane che deve affrontare: ambienti complessi con soluzioni complesse di tipo aziendale di numerosi fornitori – ha dichiarato Jeff Wilson Chief Analyst per la Cybersecurity di Omdia, che ha così proseguito – e spesso si tratta di ambienti che non sono in realtà riusciti a risolvere i problemi di sicurezza delle reti, mentre le aziende si trovano a dover fare i conti con carenze di personale, mancanza di competenze e ristrettezze di bilancio. SonicWall produce soluzioni pensate per offrire una sicurezza elevata alle aziende che non hanno personale specializzato in cybersecurity o non ne hanno a sufficienza o sufficientemente preparato e che hanno anche problemi di budget”.

Il sistema operativo potenziato SonicOSX 7.0 è stato progettato per semplificare le politiche complesse, le verifiche ispettive e i controlli di gestione sempre più richiesti dalle imprese distribuite e dagli enti pubblici. Il nuovo sistema operativo SonicWall è basato su un unico codice, per cui quando gli amministratori imparano a utilizzare un prodotto, imparano a utilizzali tutti. Le interfacce e l’esperienza UI/UX consentono di acquisire familiarità, ridurre la formazione e accorciare i tempi d’installazione.

Network Security Manager 2.0, una soluzione aperta, modulare e nativa per il cloud, ottimizza l’agilità e l’efficienza operativa per imprese, enti pubblici e fornitori di servizi attraverso un unico pannello di controllo. Il servizio riduce anche il rischio, visualizzando gli eventi di sicurezza che interessano i dispositivi gestiti. I reparti informatici ottengono conferme e riscontri istantanei, possono annullare le modifiche a livello di singole apparecchiature o di gruppo e sono in grado di definire intere sequenze di prova complete con uno storico delle variazioni completo.

Le organizzazioni possono ridurre ulteriormente i costi limitando l’impiego del personale in loco ed evitando di dover inviare stuoli di tecnici per installare migliaia di firewall, switch connessi e access point wireless grazie al provisioning potenziato in modalità zero-touch e ai modelli di configurazione. Gli amministratori in mobilità possono completare le più comuni attività di gestione, come la registrazione, l’installazione, la configurazione e il monitoraggio dei firewall, grazie alla nuova applicazione mobile SonicExpress.

Reti di grandi dimensioni e sicurezza delle filiali già predisposte per il futuro
Il nuovo firewall SonicWall NSsp 15700, dotato di interfacce multiple da 100/40/10 GbE e di capacità di elaborazione comparabile con quella dei cluster di computer, mette imprese, enti pubblici, centri di elaborazione dati e fornitori di servizi in condizione di sfruttare gli investimenti man mano che le esigenze d’impiego delle risorse e di connessione crescono con l’aumentare dei dispositivi e degli utenti connessi.

“La nuova piattaforma destinata alle imprese che SonicWall si appresta a commercializzare abbina una tecnologia di livello aziendale a tutto ciò che abbiamo appreso aiutando le PMI ad affrontare sfide che, a quanto pare, sono effettivamente le più importanti che le aziende si trovano a dover affrontare” ha dichiarato Jeff Wilson.

I firewall SonicWall della serie NSsp 15700 sono ottimizzati per l’analisi veloce delle minacce nelle reti più esigenti. Si tratta di firewall che si contraddistinguono per le rivoluzionarie funzioni multi-istanza, in grado di proteggere milioni di connessioni.

Sia i firewall di fascia alta NSsp 15700, sia il nuovissimo servizio di firewall virtuali NSv 270, 470 e 870 comprendono il supporto TLS 1.3 integrato, che migliora le prestazioni e la sicurezza, eliminando al tempo stesso le complessità. Il supporto completo TLS 1.3 sui firewall fisici e su quelli virtuali garantisce anche per il futuro la compatibilità degli investimenti anche con i più recenti standard di crittografia.

I nuovi firewall SonicWall TZ570 e 670 sono dotati di funzioni zero-touch integrate per installare la connettività e la sicurezza delle filiali nel giro di pochi minuti. I modelli della nuova serie TZ sono anche predisposti per il 5G e per SD-Branch sicura.

Installazione della protezione interna per un miglior controllo dei dati
Per le organizzazioni che hanno l’esigenza di aumentare la visibilità e mantenere il controllo dei dati al momento dell’identificazione e del blocco dei ciberattacchi conosciuti e non, che contraddistinguono la nuova normalità operativa, il servizio di sandbox multi-engine SonicWall Capture Advanced Threat Protection (ATP) con tecnologia RTDMI è disponibile per le apparecchiature interne tramite la CSa 1000 completamente nuova.

Con la tecnologia in attesa di brevetto Real-Time Deep Memory Inspection (RTDMI), la CSa 1000 interna e la piattaforma Capture ATP basata sul cloud sono in grado di individuare e bloccare ogni giorno migliaia di campioni di malware evasivo fino ad ora sconosciuti, e persino attacchi crittografati con TLS 1.3 inviati da un firewall connesso SonicWall per un’analisi più approfondita.

La tecnologia RTDMI è una delle poche a offrire una protezione basata sulla rete nei confronti del codice necessario per portare attacchi su canale laterale come Meltdown, Spectre, Foreshadow, PortSmash, Spoiler, MDS e TPM-Fail.

Per informazioni dettagliate sui prodotti visitare:

SonicWall fornisce soluzioni di cybersecurity illimitata per l’era iperdistribuita in una realtà lavorativa in cui tutto è all’insegna del telelavoro, della mobilità e della mancanza di sicurezza. SonicWall salvaguarda le organizzazioni che si mobilitano per la nuova normalità operativa con una protezione senza soluzione di continuità che blocca i ciberattacchi più evasivi in tutti i punti di esposizione esterni e che colpiscono un organico che lavora in misura sempre maggiore in remoto, in mobilità e in ambienti cloud. Conoscendo l’ignoto, offrendo una visibilità in tempo reale e rendendo possibili economie innovative, SonicWall colma le lacune della cybersecurity per aziende, enti pubblici e PMI in ogni parte del mondo. Per ulteriori informazioni visitare www.sonicwall.com o seguirci su Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook e Instagram.

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November 6, 2024

SonicWall Unveils TZ80: Empowering Service Providers to Deliver Comprehensive Security, Remote Access and Networking Solutions for Branch Offices and SOHO

More Than a Firewall: SonicWall Introduces Integrated Cybersecurity Platform with the TZ80 at the Core of the Market’s Next-Gen SOHO Solution, Featuring: Industry-First Warranties, Cloud Native VPN, Firewall Management and Flexible Pricing MILPITAS, Calif. — November 7, 2024 — SonicWall announced today the launch of the TZ80, a groundbreaking security solution designed specifically for branch offices and small office/home office (SOHO) environments. With its comprehensive, cost-effective package of networking, access, and security solutions, the TZ80 is a subscription-based device designed for service providers and value-added resellers (VARs) – and is set to revolutionize the way they deliver cybersecurity. The SonicWall TZ80 combines performance and price and provides industry leading networking and security capabilities, with advanced threat protection at a low total cost of ownership (TCO), making the TZ80 ideal for branch offices with remote workers, SOHO, IoT, and businesses with small form-factor requirements. This best-in-class firewall platform features built-in integration with cloud-native zero trust network access (ZTNA) and VPN as a service (VPNaaS) for hybrid environments and is backed by world-class technical support, available firewall management and network monitoring, and an industry-first cyber threat warranty. “The TZ80 is more than a firewall; it embodies the future of cybersecurity for managed service providers and their customers,” said SonicWall President and CEO Bob VanKirk. “With this launch, we’re transforming network security by integrating on-premise, hybrid, and cloud technologies into a cohesive solution. Our unified approach enhances security and performance while protecting customer data with modern cloud management and backed by expert services to keep our partners secure in today’s evolving threat landscape.” MSPs can complement their existing firewall monitoring and network operations center (NOC) to enhance their services with SonicWall’s managed security services, who work behind the scenes as a force multiplier for SonicWall partners. The Managed Protection Services Suite (MPSS) bundle provides management for TZ80 devices, with remote implementation, firmware and vulnerability management, and system health monitoring to help MSPs ensure that their customers employ best practices and stay up-to-date for the highest level of protection in today’s threat landscape. “We’ve been looking for a solution like the TZ80, and it’s exciting to see SonicWall deliver precisely what we need,” said President/CEO and SonicWall partner Brian A. Reed of Firewalls.com. “This opens up significant opportunities in the SOHO market for us, and the bundled cloud native VPN adds tremendous value, while the pay-as-you-go model makes it even more accessible. Additionally, the MPSS bundle enhances our offering and helps us stay focused on the core of our business, ensuring our clients stay secure.” To further enhance the value proposition, SonicWall will offer industry-first cybersecurity warranties for the TZ80 and other SonicWall front-line defense products certified by Cysurance. These warranties will help supplement insurance coverage by providing cash for covering deductibles or other out of pocket expenses before insurance kicks in. SonicWall will offer warranties for the TZ80 and other certified products as follows: $100K for a qualifying firewall $200K for a qualifying managed firewall Additionally, SonicWall is excited to introduce its latest and new "3 & Free" promotion. This promotion includes cloud native VPN licenses along with a free next-gen firewall. When purchasing a 3-year Advanced Protection Services Suite (APSS) or Essential Protection Services Suite (EPSS) customers get more than just free firewalls - they also gain comprehensive protection from latest cyber threats. SonicWall remains dedicated to equipping its partners with the tools they need to deliver security outcomes in a rapidly evolving cybersecurity landscape. The TZ80 represents a significant leap forward in delivering scalable, and integrated security solutions via our MSPs for branch offices and SOHO environments. To learn more about SonicWall’s TZ80, the full offering, new warranties and promotions please visit https://www.sonicwall.com/products/firewalls/soho. About SonicWall SonicWall is a cybersecurity forerunner with more than 30 years of expertise and is recognized as a leading partner-first company. With the ability to build, scale and manage security across the cloud, hybrid and traditional environments in real-time, SonicWall provides seamless protection against the most evasive cyberattacks across endless exposure points for increasingly remote, mobile and cloud-enabled users. With its own threat research center, SonicWall can quickly and economically provide purpose-built security solutions to enable any organization—enterprise, government agencies and SMBs—around the world. For more information, visit www.sonicwall.com or follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram.

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Infinigate and SonicWall Expand Partnership Across Eastern Europe

SonicWall and Infinigate extend their successful collaboration to cover the Eastern European region, including Balkan countries.   Rotkreuz, Switzerland – November 6, 2024: The Infinigate Group, the leading technology platform and trusted advisor in cybersecurity, cloud and network infrastructure, and SonicWall, a leading cybersecurity innovator and partner-first company, are extending their partnership across Eastern Europe. Infinigate will distribute SonicWall’s entire advanced portfolio of network and endpoint security, Cloud Secure Edge (CSE) and Managed Security Services (MSS) offering channel partners effective solutions to meet the ever-evolving requirements of a broad customer base – from SMB through to enterprise organisations. Spencer Starkey, Executive Vice President at SonicWall said: “The Eastern European market presents a strong opportunity for growth and Infinigate, in view of our long-standing successful collaboration and their reach and experience in this geographical area, is absolutely the right distribution partner for us. Being a channel-first organisation, we value Infinigate’s specialist focus and their technical and market knowledge.” Protecting your business from escalating cyber-attacks has become a priority, as illustrated in Sonic Wall’s 2024 Mid-Year Cyber-Threat Report. Ransomware is on the rise in the Americas, while EMEA is pulling the global numbers down, suggesting improved cybersecurity measures and law enforcement interventions are having a positive impact. “We are delighted to build on our long-standing success with SonicWall and leverage the full potential of this growing region, where cybersecurity is high on the agenda, as illustrated by the NIS2 readiness statistics,” said Denis Ferrand Ajchenbaum, Chief Growth Officer at Infinigate Group and Managing Director of Infinigate Cloud. “As a leading Managed Security Services Distributor, we value SonicWall’s range of managed security services that considerably strengthen our offering in the region,” he added. Doru Manea, RVP East at Infinigate commented: Doru Manea, RVP East at Infinigate, commented: “Bringing SonicWall into our regional portfolio strengthens our ability to support our channel partners across Eastern Europe. With SonicWall’s expertise in cybersecurity, we can better equip our partners to meet the security needs of businesses in this market. Our channel reach and the strong cybersecurity culture in the region are a solid basis for our shared success” About Infinigate The Infinigate Group, the leading technology platform and trusted advisor in Cybersecurity, Cloud & Network Infrastructure covers over 100 countries across EMEA, Australia and New Zealand. In the 2023-2024 financial year the Infinigate Group revenue reached 2.3B€. Our focus and deep technical expertise on cybersecurity, secure networks and secure cloud for SMB and enterprise set us apart. Our 1,250 employees provide locally tailored services complementing a robust central supply chain, sparking growth for our partners, MSSPs and vendors. In 2022, Starlink, Vuzion (now Infinigate Cloud) and Nuvias became part of the Infinigate Group. In 2024, Wavelink became an Infinigate Group company, adding coverage for the Australian and New Zealand (ANZ) market. For additional information please visit www.infinigate.com About SonicWall SonicWall is a cybersecurity forerunner with more than 30 years of expertise and is recognized as a leading partner-first company. With the ability to build, scale and manage security across the cloud, hybrid and traditional environments in real-time, SonicWall provides seamless protection against the most evasive cyberattacks across endless exposure points for increasingly remote, mobile and cloud-enabled users. With its own threat research center, SonicWall can quickly and economically provide purpose-built security solutions to enable any organization—enterprise, government agencies and SMBs—around the world. For more information, visit www.sonicwall.com or follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram.

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October 31, 2024

Government Organizations Face Surge in Malware and DDoS Attacks, Raising Alarms Over Potential Election Disruption

Newest report highlights some escalating risks to critical infrastructure as election day approaches MILPITAS, Calif. — October 31, 2024 — SonicWall released its latest threat brief focused exclusively on governments, reporting a staggering 236% year-over-year increase in malware-related attacks against government organizations globally during the first quarter of 2024. This alarming trend coincides with a notable 27% rise in attacks in the month leading up to the upcoming election, underscoring the urgent need for enhanced security measures. SonicWall's comprehensive threat intelligence reveals a 33% increase in attacks related to the software supply chain since the start of the year. Additionally, DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks are on track to surpass last year's figures by 32% - underscoring the escalating risks to critical infrastructure as election day approaches. “As attackers continue to attack critical government services and election-related systems, the importance of multi-layered cybersecurity measures cannot be overstated,” said Executive Director of Threat Research Doug McKee. "In a rapidly evolving threat landscape, the stakes have never been higher. We must  embrace cross-industry collaboration and threat intelligence information sharing  to ensure the integrity of our electoral processes and protect our vital infrastructure from those seeking to exploit  these systems. "  Rising Threats to Election Security The recent Hezbollah pager supply chain attack serves as a stark reminder of how easily everyday devices can be exploited to launch significant cyberattacks. As attackers target seemingly innocuous devices lacking stringent security protocols, the risk extends to critical election infrastructure. For instance, compromised IP cameras, frequently utilized at polling locales, could be weaponized or compromised to disrupt essential operations. SonicWall data highlights the pressing need for vigilance, as the company has successfully thwarted over 12.9 million attacks targeting IP cameras this year alone. These devices, often overlooked in cybersecurity strategies, present an enticing entry point for cybercriminals aiming to undermine public trust in the electoral process.  The Vulnerability of IoT Devices The growing reliance on Internet of Things (IoT) devices within government operations raises significant concerns. Many of these devices, including security systems and smart sensors, lack robust defenses, making them attractive targets for malicious actors. SonicWall emphasizes the urgent need for organizations to implement rigorous security measures to protect against the exploitation of vulnerable devices. The potential consequences of these vulnerabilities extend far beyond traditional cybersecurity threats, threatening the integrity of national infrastructure and electoral security. Call to Action As the election approaches, SonicWall urges government organizations to prioritize cybersecurity by strengthening their defenses against malware and DDoS attacks. By implementing advanced security solutions and enhancing awareness of IoT vulnerabilities, organizations can better safeguard their operations against these escalating threats. For more information about SonicWall and see the Government Threat Brief, please visit https://www.sonicwall.com/resources/brief/2024-threat-brief-government. About SonicWall SonicWall is a cybersecurity forerunner with more than 30 years of expertise and is recognized as a leading partner-first company. With the ability to build, scale and manage security across the cloud, hybrid and traditional environments in real-time, SonicWall provides seamless protection against the most evasive cyberattacks across endless exposure points for increasingly remote, mobile and cloud-enabled users. With its own threat research center, SonicWall can quickly and economically provide purpose-built security solutions to enable any organization—enterprise, government agencies and SMBs—around the world. For more information, visit www.sonicwall.com or follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram.

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September 25, 2024

SonicWall Report Details 14 Million Victims of Malware Breaches in the U.S. Healthcare Sector

SonicWall discovers 91% of healthcare breaches involve ransomware in 2024 - underscoring the urgent need for improved cybersecurity and strong partnerships with MSPs/MSSPs MILPITAS, Calif. — September 26, 2024 — SonicWall today unveiled a 2024 SonicWall Threat Brief, focused exclusively on the healthcare industry and is based on extensive research from SonicWall Capture Labs. The report reveals that a minimum of 14 million patients in the U.S. have fallen victim to malware breaches in this sector. Despite SonicWall sensors successfully preventing over 26,000 attacks, the findings underscore that healthcare organizations, due to their essential operations and potential for financial gain, remain prime targets for ransomware. Many healthcare organizations operate with limited cybersecurity resources and often rely on outdated technology – making them susceptible to ransomware attacks. SonicWall also determined that an astounding 60% of vulnerabilities were leveraged against Microsoft Exchange. "Understanding the threat landscape is crucial for the healthcare industry to effectively defend against cyberattacks,” said Executive Director, Threat Research at SonicWall Doug McKee. “As ransomware evolves and targets sensitive patient data, organizations must stay informed about emerging threats and vulnerabilities. By equipping themselves with knowledge and robust security measures, healthcare providers can better protect their critical operations and ensure the safety of patient information." Disrupting access to patient data or medical systems can have life-threatening consequences. Because of this, healthcare organizations are more likely to pay ransoms to restore operations quickly. In 2024, ransomware was leveraged in 91% of malware-related data breaches in the healthcare sector, with Lockbit emerging as one of the most notorious ransomware groups targeting this industry. The increasing digitalization of health records and telehealth services further expands the attack surface, making it nearly impossible for healthcare organizations to go it alone. Managed Service Providers (MSPs) and Managed Security Service Providers (MSSPs) should play a vital role in the healthcare industry by delivering specialized expertise and resources that many organizations lack. As cyber threats become increasingly sophisticated, MSPs/MSSPs can implement robust security measures, monitor systems in real-time, and ensure compliance with regulatory standards. Their proactive approach to cybersecurity helps healthcare providers defend sensitive patient data, minimize downtime, and focus on delivering quality care, ultimately enhancing the resilience of the entire healthcare ecosystem. To learn more about SonicWall’s finding in its 2024 SonicWall Threat Brief, please visit www.sonicwall.com/resources/brief/2024-threat-brief-healthcare. About SonicWall SonicWall is a cybersecurity forerunner with more than 30 years of expertise and is recognized as a leading partner-first company. With the ability to build, scale and manage security across the cloud, hybrid and traditional environments in real-time, SonicWall provides seamless protection against the most evasive cyberattacks across endless exposure points for increasingly remote, mobile and cloud-enabled users. With its own threat research center, SonicWall can quickly and economically provide purpose-built security solutions to enable any organization—enterprise, government agencies and SMBs—around the world. For more information, visit www.sonicwall.com or follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram. About SonicWall Capture Labs SonicWall Capture Labs threat researchers gather, analyze and vet cross-vector threat information from the SonicWall Capture Threat network, consisting of global devices and resources, including more than 1 million security sensors in nearly 215 countries and territories. SonicWall Capture Labs, which pioneered the use of artificial intelligence for threat research and protection over a decade ago, performs rigorous testing and evaluation on this data, establishes reputation scores for email senders and content, and identifies new threats in real-time.

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