The 2022 holiday season is upon us, kicking off another massive year of phishing scams carefully crafted to do one thing: bait users into making bad decisions. Even the most savvy employees can fall victim to these scams.
Watch this panel discussion now on-demand. Our security experts examine real-world examples of advanced holiday phishing campaigns that have successfully bypassed security filters and reached users’ inboxes.
Our experts answer questions and provide actionable insights and best practices you can implement to avoid falling victim this holiday season, including how to:
– Know the common indicators of phishing
– Understand different forms of obfuscation methods
– Discern legitimate emails from fake ones
– Choose the right email content protection technologies

Escuche al Experto en ciberseguridad de SonicWall, que ofrecerá detalles sobre el Informe de Ciberamenazas 2023 de SonicWall y hablará sobre la importancia de implementar contramedidas clave para protegerse contra las ciberamenazas y mantenerse al corriente de la más reciente inteligencia de amenazas.

A medida que las ciberamenazas continúan evolucionando, es esencial que las organizaciones conozcan bien los comportamientos y las tácticas de los cibercriminales para protegerse contra posibles ataques. En este seminario virtual, cubrimos la importancia de implementar contramedidas basadas en datos anuales fusionados sobre los comportamientos y las tácticas de los cibercriminales. Al conocer y responder a las tácticas y técnicas específicas utilizadas por los cibercriminales, las organizaciones pueden defenderse de forma más efectiva contra los ciberataques.

Seien Sie dabei, wenn unser Cybersicherheitsexperte den SonicWall Cyber Threat Report 2023 unter die Lupe nimmt, und erfahren Sie, warum Sie effektive Maßnahmen zur Abwehr von Cyberbedrohungen implementieren und stets die neuesten Bedrohungsdaten im Blick behalten sollten.

Fakt ist, dass Cyberbedrohungen sich kontinuierlich weiterentwickeln. Um sich gegen potenzielle Angriffe zu wappnen, benötigen Organisationen unbedingt ein umfassendes Verständnis der Verhaltensweisen und Taktiken von Bedrohungsakteuren. In diesem Webinar erfahren Sie, warum es so wichtig ist, Abwehrmaßnahmen zu implementieren, die auf den jährlich erfassten Daten zu den Verhaltensweisen und Taktiken von Cyberkriminellen basieren. Durch ein besseres Verständnis dieser Taktiken und Techniken können sich Organisationen effektiver vor Cyberangriffen schützen.

Join SonicWall’s cyber Security Expert as he dives into the 2023 SonicWall Cyber Threat Report, covering the importance of implementing key countermeasures to protect against cyber threats and to stay updated with the latest threat intelligence.

As cyber threats continue to evolve, it is essential for organizations to have a comprehensive understanding of the behaviors and tactics of threat actors in order to protect against potential attacks. This webinar covers the importance of implementing countermeasures based on coalesced yearly data on threat actor behaviors and tactics. By understanding and addressing the specific tactics and techniques used by threat actors, organizations can more effectively defend against cyber attacks.

Rejoignez l’expert en cybersécurité de SonicWall pour explorer le Rapport SonicWall 2023 sur les cybermenaces et découvrir pourquoi il est important de mettre en place des mesures clés de protection contre les cybermenaces et de pouvoir accéder aux tout derniers renseignements sur les menaces. Les cybermenaces ne cessant d’évoluer, il est essentiel pour les organisations de bien comprendre les comportements et les tactiques des acteurs de la menace pour se protéger contre les attaques potentielles. Ce webinaire souligne l’importance de mettre en place des contre-mesures adaptées sur la base des données annuelles collectées. Une bonne compréhension des tactiques et techniques spécifiques utilisées par les pirates peut aider les entreprises à se défendre plus efficacement contre les cyberattaques.

In questo webinar l’esperto di sicurezza di SonicWall presenta il Rapporto SonicWall 2023 sul Cybercrime e spiega quanto sia importante implementare contromisure per proteggersi dalle cyber minacce e rimanere aggiornati grazie alla informazioni più recenti sulle minacce. Poiché le cyber minacce continuano ad evolversi, per le aziende è essenziale comprendere i comportamenti e le tattiche dei criminali informatici per potersi proteggere dai potenziali attacchi. Questo webinar spiega l’importanza di implementare contromisure basate su dati raccolti ogni anno sui comportamenti e sulle tattiche adottate dai cybercriminali. Le organizzazioni possono difendersi in modo più efficace dagli attacchi informatici solo se comprendono e affrontano le tattiche e le tecniche specifiche utilizzate dagli autori delle minacce.


The first of this six-part series focuses on People and their role in the Importance of Three Categories of Protection. The 2022 Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR) states that “82% of breaches involved the human element. Whether it is the use of stolen credentials, phishing, misuse or simply error, people continue to play a very large role in incidents and breaches alike.”

In this webinar, we will explore the importance of people’s role in the overall cybersecurity strategy. This School of Phish Master’s Program is ideal for security professionals, IT managers, business leaders, and anyone interested in learning about the latest cybersecurity trends and best practices, such as:

– How attackers have evolved and blended their tactics to target human elements
– The importance of frequent cybersecurity training for people within the organization
– The importance and value of managing operational cyber risk

Our webinar panelists bring a combined 50+ years of extensive security expertise, sharing hard lessons learned from their real-world experiences. And more importantly, they will share their insights and proven strategies, helping you prepare your response team to respond methodically and calmly.

Register today for all 6 parts of the Master’s Program!


Part two of this series delves into the importance of the organization’s operational processes as an integral part of its cybersecurity strategy. While technology and people often take center stage in most security practitioners’ conversations, the role of the process is an equally vital component in the three protection categories we cannot overlook.

This webinar explores how well-defined processes hardened the backbone of the organization’s security framework when correctly established. We will examine real-world examples and best practices to give attendees valuable insights into leveraging process-oriented strategies to:
– Manage risks better
– Increase operational efficiency
– Strengthen overall security posture

The School of Phish Master Program webinar series is thoughtfully prepared to help you better understand the various players behind the hacks, how they operate, and the necessary steps to stay ahead of your adversaries.

These steps are not considered a one-time task but an ongoing journey of continuous improvements that you can measure, tune, review, and repeat regularly. Why? Because your defenses need to evolve to keep pace with the advanced tactics threat actors utilize to exploit the three known weaknesses in your security – people, process, and technology.

Our expert panelists bring a combined 50+ years of extensive security expertise, sharing hard lessons learned from real-world experiences. And more importantly, they will share their insights and proven strategies, helping you prepare your response team to respond methodically and calmly. Whether you’re an IT professional, a security manager, or a business owner, this webinar series will provide you with valuable insights and actionable takeaways to better protect yourself and your organization from phishing attacks.

In the persistent landscape where cyberattacks frequently arise from covert phishing campaigns, SonicWall remains dedicated to furnishing actionable insights that enhance the cyber stance of organizations worldwide.

Building upon an exploration of the fundamental triad encompassing people, processes, and technology that presently shape email security, the SonicWall team now presents a closer look into the realm of the “Threat Actors Tackle Box.” This session is poised to unveil the tactics, techniques, and procedures wielded by threat actors, set against the backdrop of countermeasures deployable by administrators and service providers in defense. Audiences are invited to embark on a journey that unveils an engaging cat-and-mouse game, shedding light on the strategic thinking of cybercriminals and their network-targeting maneuvers. SonicWall’s experts will meticulously dissect cyber strategies in a narrative format, with the intent of rendering the content not only enlightening but also interactive. This content offering has been thoughtfully tailored for IT professionals, managed service providers (MSPs), and cybersecurity consultants.

Part 3 of the series delves into the technology used to secure the inbox.

With over 90% of all cyberattacks start with a phishing campaign, email remains the most common attack vector for threat actors. Successfully combating email security requires multiple layers of technology to properly secure an organization.

Foolproof email sanitation is challenging. This session will cover technology that is free to use (such as DNS records), only requiring a few minutes to set up along with more complex solutions offered by both SonicWall and others in the industry. Attendees can expect to learn how current security tools and technology help combat phishing, spear-phishing, and business email compromise.

We know every organization is unique in its cybersecurity needs. Network topology, sensitivity of data and regulations all come into play when selecting the appropriate technology. Join us as we help educate Customers, Consultants, Partners, and security minded individuals.