Accepting payment cards is a given for retailers and hospitality businesses. That means complying with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI).

High-profile security breaches have become the norm along with laws mandating public disclosure in the event of one happening. Attackers, laws and compliance standards create a stressful environment for anyone who wants to do business with credit cards.

This webcast will cover the threat landscape and discuss how attackers are trying to get the PII data that you hold. Learn how to better protect against advanced cyberattacks and customized malware from the perimeter to the endpoint.

In this webcast you’ll learn how to:
• Protect your retail business in the current threat landscape
• Stop threats at the perimeter
• Knock out phishing attacks
• What steps to take to become PCI compliant
• Discover and stop unknown forms of cyberattacks

Sehen Sie sich dieses Webinar an und erfahren Sie in einer Livedemo, wie Sie Ihre G Suite effektiv mit folgenden Mitteln schützen:

•überragende Advanced-Threat-Protection-Funktionen zum Schutz vor E-Mail-Betrug, Business-E-Mail-Compromise (BEC) und gezielten Phishing-Angriffen
•Schutz vor Datenverlust

Vea este seminario virtual, en el que le ofreceremos una demostración en directo y le enseñaremos cómo defender su G Suite de forma efectiva con:

•Protección superior contra amenazas avanzadas, como el fraude de correo electrónico, el compromiso del correo electrónico de negocio (BEC) y los ataques de phishing específicos
•Prevención de pérdida de datos
•Continuidad del correo electrónico

Guarda questo webinar con una demo live per scoprire come difendere G Suite in modo efficace tramite:

•Protezione contro minacce avanzate come frodi via e-mail, business email compromise (BEC) e attacchi di phishing mirati
•Prevenzione della perdita dei dati (DLP)
•Continuità della posta elettronica

Ce webinaire vous propose une démonstration en direct et vous dit comment assurer efficacement la sécurité de votre G Suite grâce à :

•Une protection de pointe contre les menaces évoluées – messages frauduleux, Business Email Compromise (BEC) et attaques de phishing ciblées
•La prévention contre la perte de données (DLP)
•La continuité de messagerie

With SonicWall Zero-Touch Deployment, cloud-based deployment of remote firewalls is as simple as register, connect, power-up and manage

Mit SonicWall Zero-Touch Deployment wird die Implementierung von Remote-Firewalls zum Kinderspiel: registrieren, verbinden, starten, verwalten – fertig.

Con Zero-Touch Deployment di SonicWall, l’implementazione basata su cloud di firewall remoti consiste semplicemente nel registrare, connettere, avviare e gestire i firewall.

Con Zero-Touch Deployment di SonicWall, l’implementazione basata su cloud di firewall remoti consiste semplicemente nel registrare, connettere, avviare e gestire i firewall.

Con la prestación Zero-Touch Implementation de SonicWall, la implementación basada en la nube de firewalls remotos es tan sencilla como registrarse, conectarse, poner en marcha y gestionar la unidad.