Threat actors are more emboldened than ever, pushing effective phishing campaigns at an increasing rate in 2022. Their approach and methods continue to evolve. The crafting of malicious emails to effectively fool users is putting organizations at constant risk of a breach.

Listen to the panel discussion with our security experts to examine real-world examples of sophisticated phishing campaigns that reached users’ inboxes. They will offer insights and advice you want to take to avoid them.

Although the first known copy dates back 2,000 years, Sun Tzu’s Art of War book contains strategies that your IT teams can apply to today’s state of cybersecurity. We’ve studied the “art” to appreciate how military strategists may look at a traditional battlefield and deploy resources so that we’re more effective at sustaining attacks from ransomware gangs, state-sponsored hackers, and other threats. Learn from SonicWall Cybersecurity expert Tudor Florescu about how we translated the strategies of the Art of War into our world where Cyber Warfare is a reality

Obwohl die erste bekannte Ausgabe 2.000 Jahre alt ist, enthält Die Kunst des Krieges von Sunzi Strategien, die Ihre IT-Teams heute auf die Cybersicherheit anwenden können. Wir haben diese „Kunst“ untersucht, um besser zu verstehen, wie Militärstrategen ein traditionelles Schlachtfeld sehen und wie wir Ressourcen einsetzen können, um Angriffe von Ransomware-Gruppen oder staatlich geförderten Hackern sowie andere Bedrohungen effektiver abzuwehren. Erfahren Sie vom SonicWall-Cybersecurity-Experten Robert Wislsperger , wie wir die Strategien aus dem Buch Die Kunst des Krieges auf unsere Welt übertragen haben, in der die Cyberkriegsführung eine Realität ist.

Bien que le premier exemplaire connu ait 2 000 ans, l’Art de la guerre de Sun Tzu contient des stratégies que vos équipes informatiques peuvent appliquer aujourd’hui à la cybersécurité. Nous avons étudié « l’art » pour comprendre comment les stratèges militaires considèrent un champ de bataille traditionnel et déployer nos ressources de manière à être plus efficaces pour faire face aux attaques des gangs de ransomware, des pirates informatiques sponsorisés par des États et d’autres menaces. Découvrez avec Guillaume Sevrin, expert en cybersécurité SonicWall, comment nous avons transposé les stratégies de l’Art de la guerre dans notre monde où la cyberguerre est une réalité.

Si bien la primera copia conocida se remonta a hace 2.000 años, el libro El arte de la guerra de Sun Tzu contiene estrategias que sus equipos de TI pueden aplicar al estado actual de la ciberseguridad. Hemos estudiado el “arte” para apreciar cómo los estrategas militares ven un campo de batalla tradicional e implementar recursos destinados a aumentar nuestra eficacia a la hora de hacer frente a ataques de grupos de ransomware, hackers con patrocinio estatal, y otras amenazas. Reserve su plaza y aprenda del experto en ciberseguridad de SonicWall Sebastián Yáñez cómo hemos traducido las estrategias del Arte de la guerra a nuestro mundo, en el que la ciberguerra es una realidad.

Sebbene la prima copia conosciuta risalga a 2.000 anni fa, il libro “L’arte della guerra” di Sun Tzu contiene strategie che i team IT possono facilmente applicare alla cybersecurity attuale. Abbiamo studiato questa ‘”arte” e il modo in cui gli strateghi militari valutano un campo di battaglia tradizionale e implementano le risorse, per capire come possiamo resistere più efficacemente agli attacchi di gruppi ransomware, hacker sponsorizzati da stati nazionali e altre minacce. In questo webinar Paolo Melchiori, esperto di cybersecurity di SonicWall, spiega come applicare le strategie dell’Arte della guerra al nostro mondo attuale, dove la guerra informatica è una realtà.

Join the SonicWall Threat and Detection Strategist as we uncover the findings in the latest Osterman Research paper, Ransomware Attacks: Strategies for Prevention and Recovery. You’ll get actionable insights that include:

• Common set of realities found in 2022
• SWOT Analysis on Ransomware
• New strategies to defend against ransomware
• How to recover after an attack occurs

Immanuel Chavoya is a spokesperson and Senior Manager of the Product Security Incident Response Team (PSIRT) at SonicWall. As an advocate for Security, Immanuel has spoken at DefCon highlighting the importance of a building a product security program in his mission to make Zero-Days harder. Prior to SonicWall, Immanuel led mission critical security operations defending against Nation States and Advanced Threat Actors at NASA and Intuitive Surgical. Immanuel gives back to the security community through education and outreach as an Elected member of the Silicon Valley Information Security Association (ISSA), a not-for-profit serving the security community.

Michael is the Senior Analyst at Osterman Research, with broad interests in cybersecurity, data protection and information governance. Michael is the author of seven books on collaboration and user adoption, including Re-Imagining Productive Work with Office 365, User Adoption Strategies (2nd Edition), and Collaboration Roadmap. Michael holds a Master of Commerce with first-class honours in telecommunications-based IT from the University of Canterbury in New Zealand.

The 2022 holiday season is upon us, kicking off another massive year of phishing scams carefully crafted to do one thing: bait users into making bad decisions. Even the most savvy employees can fall victim to these scams.
Watch this panel discussion now on-demand. Our security experts examine real-world examples of advanced holiday phishing campaigns that have successfully bypassed security filters and reached users’ inboxes.
Our experts answer questions and provide actionable insights and best practices you can implement to avoid falling victim this holiday season, including how to:
– Know the common indicators of phishing
– Understand different forms of obfuscation methods
– Discern legitimate emails from fake ones
– Choose the right email content protection technologies

Escuche al Experto en ciberseguridad de SonicWall, que ofrecerá detalles sobre el Informe de Ciberamenazas 2023 de SonicWall y hablará sobre la importancia de implementar contramedidas clave para protegerse contra las ciberamenazas y mantenerse al corriente de la más reciente inteligencia de amenazas.

A medida que las ciberamenazas continúan evolucionando, es esencial que las organizaciones conozcan bien los comportamientos y las tácticas de los cibercriminales para protegerse contra posibles ataques. En este seminario virtual, cubrimos la importancia de implementar contramedidas basadas en datos anuales fusionados sobre los comportamientos y las tácticas de los cibercriminales. Al conocer y responder a las tácticas y técnicas específicas utilizadas por los cibercriminales, las organizaciones pueden defenderse de forma más efectiva contra los ciberataques.

The future success of your cybersecurity programs rests on how well your organization can spot, understand and preemptively act against active vulnerabilities, phishing scams and human errors. The most dangerous of these often become entry points for your adversaries, whomever they may be. Attackers increasingly utilize these means of entry to deploy ransomware and steal data.

Our panel of presenters will discuss what you need to know to prepare your people, processes and technology for 2023:
• The zero-day economy and top exploited threat vectors
• What to watch out for and key indicators of compromise
• Actionable insight to reduce risk and threat surface