Wir müssen die Endpunkte schützen. Wir müssen die Cloud schützen. Und wir müssen das Netzwerk schützen, das sie miteinander verbindet. Das Security-Operations-Center (SOC) von SonicWall übernimmt all diese Aufgaben und stellt den erforderlichen Kontext her. Auf diese Weise können unsere SOC-Analysten und MSP-Partner alle Arten von Cyberangriffen schnell erkennen und abwehren. Ein SOC reicht, um die gesamte Infrastruktur zu schützen! Bei diesem CAFÉ-TECH-Event gehen wir ausführlich auf die Vorteile ein, die unser SOC jedem Partner bietet, und kündigen einige neue SOC-Erweiterungen und -Ergänzungen an, die Sie nicht verpassen sollten!

Dobbiamo proteggere gli endpoint. Dobbiamo proteggere il cloud. E dobbiamo proteggere la rete che li connette. Il Security Operations Center (SOC) di SonicWall fa esattamente tutto questo, permettendo ai nostri analisti del SOC e ai nostri partner MSP di identificare rapidamente le minacce e difendersi da ogni tipo di incidente informatico. Un SOC per proteggere tutti! In questo evento CAFÉ TECH esamineremo i vantaggi che il nostro SOC offre a tutti i partner e annunceremo alcune nuove espansioni ed estensioni del SOC da non perdere assolutamente!

Nous devons sécuriser les terminaux. Nous devons sécuriser le cloud. Et nous devons sécuriser le réseau qui les relie. C’est ce que fait le centre opérationnel de sécurité (SOC) de SonicWall, mettant tout en contexte pour permettre à nos analystes SOC et à nos partenaires MSP d’identifier rapidement tous les types de cyber-incidents et s’en défendre. Un SOC pour tout protéger ! Lors de cet événement CAFÉ TECH, nous nous pencherons sur les avantages que notre SOC apporte à chaque partenaire, et annoncerons de nouvelles évolutions et extensions à ne manquer sous aucun prétexte !

Tenemos que proteger los endpoints. Tenemos que proteger la nube. Y tenemos que proteger la red que los une a todos. El centro de operaciones de seguridad (SOC) de SonicWall hace todo eso y lo pone en contexto para que nuestros analistas del SOC y nuestros partners MSP identifiquen rápidamente todo tipo de ciberincidentes y se defiendan contra ellos. ¡Un SOC para protegerlos a todos! En este evento de CAFÉ TECH profundizaremos en las ventajas que nuestro SOC proporciona a todos los partners, y anunciaremos algunas ampliaciones y mejoras del SOC que no querrá perderse.

While the historic disruption resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic has been challenging for businesses, it’s been a boon for cybercriminals.
As organizations across the world re-architect how their workforces securely connect and communicate in the new work reality, it’s never been more important to stay abreast of the fast-moving cyber threat landscape.
Join SonicWall’s Brook Chelmo as he discusses the ways the pandemic affected cybercrime — shifting, increasing, decreasing and upending long-standing patterns. This shift can be seen throughout most of SonicWall’s mid-year Cyber Threat Report

2020 brought unprecedented global change, and cybersecurity was no exception. From the widescale shift to remote work brought by the pandemic, to record-high cryptocurrency prices, to one of the worst cyberattacks of all time, the tools and tactics we started 2020 with are no match for the threat landscape of 2021.

Join Cybersecurity Expert Brook Chelmo as he discusses the report’s findings, including the new and disruptive cyber trends and threats of 2020 and what they mean for cybersecurity in 2021 and beyond:

• A new era for supply-chain attacks and nation-state campaigns
• Preparing for the future of work: at home or on prem
• Ransomware: Which states, countries and industries were hit hardest?
• And more

Join SonicWall Cybersecurity expert & Lead Solution architect, Sorin Stan, as he explores the risks of not inspecting encrypted traffic — such as security holes, ransomware and compliance issues – and what your network needs to do to gain visibility into this growing attack vector.

Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs) differ from other IT security threats, both in terms of the motivation and the approach of attackers. Join SonicWall Cybersecurity Expert Alexis Holmes as he explores today’s new APTs, discusses how to make sure you are using the right tools to detect these silent threats.

The first half of 2021 raised a lot of questions when it comes to ransomware: Are more businesses choosing to pay a ransom? Is Ryuk still reigning supreme? And what in the world happened to REvil??

With ransomware growing so quickly in both scope and sophistication, it’s never been more critical to stay on top of the latest developments. To learn more about the trends that will drive ransomware during the second half of 2021 and beyond.

With personalized and targeted phishing attacks looking more like legitimate emails, even some of the most trained and security-conscious users are being lured in by today’s fraudsters.
Join us for a panel discussion with our security experts on the newest and most nefarious techniques email fraudsters use to successfully reach your inbox. They’ll also offer advice on the best ways to both spot them and stop them.