What is service co-termination?


Service Co-termination allows you to adjust the expiration dates of all Service Contracts to expire on the same date. Service Co-termination is provided as a free service to SonicWall customers who have active service contracts. Expired services must be renewed before they can be included.


Services covered in Co-termination

  • Content Filter
  • Standard Support
  • 24x7 Support
  • Premium Content Filter
  • Gateway AV/Anti-Spyware/Intrusion Prevention
  • Comprehensive Gateway Security Suite
  • SonicWall Gateway Anti-Virus
  • Total Secure/Advanced Total Secure/Email Protection (Anti-Spam and Anti-Phishing)
  • SonicWall Kaspersky Anti-Virus Subscription for Email Security
  • SonicWall Policy Subscription for Email Security
  • Email DLP and Compliance
  • SonicWall Connect Support 24X7
  • SonicWall Advanced EPC Support 24X7
  • SonicWall Connect Mobile Support 24X7
  • SonicWall Native Access Support 24X7
  • SonicWall Terminal Emulation Support 24X7
  • Comprehensive Anti-Spam Service
  • Central User Licenses
  • Capture Advanced Threat Protection
  • CSC Management and Reporting
  • CSC Management
  • CSC Management Lite
  • CSC Analytics (Includes Reporting)
  • Email Continuity License
  • NSv Software
  • Cloud App Security
  • Cloud Edge Secure Access
  • Cloud Edge Gateway
  • Wireless Network Management
  • NSM Essential
  • NSM Advanced
  • Essential Protection Service Suite
  • Advanced Protection Service Suite

Note: Co-termination also depends on product status and models.

How Service Co-termination is calculated

The value of the selected services in the MySonicWall account is calculated and averaged between the chosen items so that all services expire on the same date.

MySonicWall Co-termination calculates an expected expiration date for the selected services in the following way:

  1. The number of days remaining until expiration is determined for each service (DR).
  2. The cost per day is calculated for each service (CPD). This is determined by dividing the price of the service by its duration).
  3. The Days Remaining times the Cost Per Day yields the Remaining Cost of the service (RC).
  4. The sum of the remaining service costs divided by the sum of the costs per day yields the Days Variance (DR).
  5. The Co-term Date is Today’s date + Days Variance.

RC[1] = CPD[1] * DR[1]
RC[2] = CPD[2] * DR[2]
DV = ( (RC[1]+RC[2]) / (CPD[1]+CPD[2]) )
Coterm Date = Today + DV

DR = Number of Days remaining for the service (Expiration Date – Today’s Date)
CPD = Cost per day of the service (MSRP/Duration)
RC = Remaining cost of the service (CPD * DR)
DV = Days Variance ( (Sum of RC for all services) / (Sum of CPD for all services) )
Co-term Date = Today’s date + Days Variance

Cost-per-day is the amount a specific service on a specific device costs for a single day. In terms of co-termination, the cost-per-day for a given service is directly related to the MSRP of the service divided by the number of days in the duration (1 year = 365 days, 2 years = 730 days, 3 years = 1095 days).


  • On the NSA E7500, Dynamic Support services for 1 year cost $4,859. The cost-per-day for Support on the NSA E7500 is:$4,859 / 365 = $13.31
  • In comparison, the TZ 150 Unlimited’s Dynamic Support services for 1 year cost $89. The cost-per-day for Support on the TZ 150 Unlimited is: $89 / 365 = $0.24

How Co-termination is performed

  • Select the devices and services you wish to modify and click the appropriate checkboxes.
  • Click Co-Term Services when you have selected the services to be co-terminated. At least two services must be selected.
  • Products can be grouped or filtered by Product, Service Name, Expiration Date, or days until service expiration, allowing you to narrow the choices to the most relevant products.
  • After Co-termination dates have been calculated, they appear in the Co-term Date column.
  • If you agree to this date, select the checkbox and click Complete. Otherwise, click the Back button to revise the co-termination order.

Co-termination Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What Is Co-termination?

  • Co-termination is the process of consolidating many service contracts to produce a common expiration date.

Do I need to buy anything?

  • No purchase is needed. SonicWall offers the Co-termination feature free of charge to customers with active service contracts.

How does it work?

  • MySonicWall will survey services chosen by the user, calculate the dollar value of the time remaining for those services, then spread that value across the devices so the services all end on the same date.

Can I co-term services on multiple devices?

  • Yes. You can co-terminate services on a single device or all the devices in your MySonicWall account.
    Note: To co-term all services on a device, select the individual service (which are part of service bundle) or the Service bundle only. Do not select the services and bundle both, because individual services are part of the service bundle.

My company has multiple accounts with SonicWALL Can I co-terminate services for devices in all of them?

  • You can run the Co-termination feature only for devices registered to your MySonicWall account. If your company has multiple accounts, you can transfer devices to a single account, then run the Co-termination feature.

How can I coterminate services for only a few select devices?

  • Yes. The Co-termination feature will let you easily filter and group your devices. You can explicitly choose which services you would like to co-terminate.

Some of my services have expired, why can’t I select them for Co-termination?

  • The Co-termination feature is available only to active services. If a service has expired, you must purchase a license and activate it through MySonicWall before it can be co-termed.

Note: Co-termination is currently available for countries that can make an online purchase of services.

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