
What Is SonicWall Partner Enabled Services?

by SonicWall Staff

The technology industry is one of the fastest-moving business sectors today. To protect privacy, data, applications and assets, security infrastructures must operate at the same speed. Advanced cyber threats require new products and functionalities, but IT departments are often lost in the sea of information they have to absorb to stay current.

And that’s where technology partners are needed most.

To ensure SonicWall Partners are fully equipped to address this need, the SecureFirst Partner Enabled Services (PES) program offers partners expert training and guidance so they can effectively deploy and support SonicWall’s latest security offerings.

Partners enrolled in the program have grown their revenue in excess of 15 percent year over year. All Partner Enabled Services courses are completely free and accessible through the SonicWall University platform. The only requirement is to be part of the SonicWall SecureFirst Partner program.

There are three different Authorizations within the program, with different layers of complexity:

  • Implementation Services Authorization: Designed for SecureFirst Partners looking to provide basic implementation services for state-of-the-art SonicWall firewalls.
  • Solution Services Authorization: Enables SecureFirst Gold and Platinum Partners to perform assessments of firewall configurations through a Security Health Check service, which provides a report outlining suggestions to maximize the security of their customer’s network.
  • Architecture Services Authorization: Equips SecureFirst Gold and Platinum Partners to implement more complex or larger-scale SonicWall products. For example, Authorized Architecture Services Partners are trained to implement DPI-SSL with the help of our automated certificate-deployment tool, which drastically reduces deployment time. Partners are also enabled to conduct remote implementation services for SonicWall NSv virtual firewalls.

After completing the required training, partners become SonicWall Authorized Service Partners. Authorized Services Partners can display the SecureFirst Authorized Services Partner go on their website and leverage marketing materials to give prospects and customers added piece of mind knowing that their security team has a high level of expertise with SonicWall solutions.

Think the Partner Enabled Services program is right for your organization? To learn how PES can accelerate your business, visit the SecureFirst Partner Portal.


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SonicWall Staff