SonicWall’s feature-rich switches answer the challenge. Let’s take a closer look, together with our SE team during the May Cafe Tech session

Join us at the Schoolscape IT conference and embark on an exciting journey to enhance your school’s technology landscape. Whether you’re taking the first steps or seeking advanced solutions, this event is designed to inspire and equip you with the latest in technology and educational technology (edtech). Discover how to safeguard your school against ransomware attacks with cutting-edge cybersecurity solutions provided by industry leader SonicWall.

Experience the future of education firsthand with our engaging live classroom sessions. Witness the power of innovative hardware solutions, explore edtech from the perspective of experienced teachers, and gain a comprehensive understanding of integrating technology across your entire school. SonicWall, a leader in the cybersecurity space, will guide you through strategies to keep your school safe from ransomware threats, sharing invaluable insights and best practices.

Connect with 70 local and international technology and edtech pioneers, including SonicWall, who will showcase their advancements and demonstrate how their solutions can propel your school forward. This exclusive event caters to school IT managers, edtech implementers, IT teachers, heads, deputies, heads of departments, school management teams, SGB members, and bursars. Secure your spot today and join us free of charge on the 3rd of August in Cape Town, the 17th of August in Johannesburg, or the 24th of August in Durban. By attending, you’ll not only gain invaluable knowledge and inspiration but also earn CPTD points.

Secure your place at the Schoolscape IT conference today and empower your school with the necessary tools and knowledge to navigate the ever-evolving world of technology while safeguarding against cybersecurity threats.

Los switches con amplias funcionalidades de SonicWall responden al desafío. Conózcalos más de cerca, junto con nuestro equipo de sales engineer durante la sesión de Cafe Tech.

Nous avons le plaisir de vous inviter à rejoindre les nouveaux membres de l’équipe SonicWall en France à l’occasion d’une table ronde exclusive le 31 mai à l’Hôtel Fouquet’s à Paris.

Lors de cet événement, vous aurez l’opportunité de rencontrer l’équipe nationale, d’obtenir une mise à jour sur les activités de SonicWall et de partager les succès et les opportunités tout en obtenant des informations précieuses de la part de nos experts en cybersécurité, ainsi que de construire des relations précieuses pour vos futures affaires.

En tant que partenaire estimé, nous vous invitons à participer à cet événement exclusif, sur invitation uniquement. Veuillez vous inscrire ici avant le 11 mai car le nombre de places est limité.

Fuel up on coffee, cake, and great conversations. Explore 10 edtech solutions to move your school forward.

Meet Ashley Lawrence, SonicWall Regional Sales Senior Manager, at the Schoolscape Tech & Edtech Roadshow to learn more about the SonicWall solutions that have been successfully implemented in other schools.

(23 May 14h00 – 16h00) Hilton College Premises, Pietermaritzburg,

(24 May 09h30 – 11h30) Café Salt at The Station, Durban,

(24 May 14h00 – 16h00) Legacy Yard at Umhlanga Arch, Umhlanga

Es esencial que las organizaciones conozcan bien los comportamientos y las tácticas de los cibercriminales para protegerse contra posibles ataques. En este seminario virtual, cubrimos la importancia de implementar medidas preventivas basadas en datos anuales sobre los comportamientos y las tácticas de los cibercriminales. Al conocer y responder a las tácticas y técnicas específicas utilizadas por los cibercriminales, las organizaciones pueden defenderse de forma más efectiva contra los ciberataques.  El Informe de Amenazas Cibernéticas 2023 de SonicWall,  ofrece inteligencia de amenazas accionable para ayudar a las organizaciones a prepararse para el cambiante panorama actual de las amenazas.