Futurist Gerd Leonhard says that “Humanity will change more in the next 20 years than it has in the last 300 years”. Join SonicWall Cybersecurity Expert Neal Lewis to hear about the impacts of these changes on society and businesses, pushing new development of better and more effective cybersecurity to face the newest and most complex cybercrimes.

Futurista e autore tedesco specializzato nel dibattito tra umanità e tecnologia Gerd Leonhard afferma che “l’umanità cambierà di più nei prossimi 20 anni che negli ultimi 300 anni”. In questo webinar, l’esperto di cybersecurity Federico Diamantini illustra l’impatto di questi cambiamenti sulla società e sulle aziende e propone lo sviluppo di una cybersecurity più efficace per affrontare i più recenti e complessi crimini informatici.

Der Zukunftsforscher Gerd Leonhard ist sich sicher: „Die Menschheit wird sich in den nächsten 20 Jahren mehr verändern als in den letzten 300 Jahren“. Erfahren Sie von dem Cybersecurity-Experten Fabian Freundt von SonicWall mehr über die Auswirkungen von 5IR auf die Gesellschaft und die Unternehmenswelt und wie bessere und effektivere Cybersecurity-Lösungen Sie vor den neuesten und komplexesten Cybergefahren schützen können.

Futurist Gerd Leonhard zegt dat “de mensheid in de komende 20 jaar meer zal veranderen dan in de afgelopen 300 jaar”. Sluit u aan bij SonicWall Cyberbeveiligingsdeskundige René Bos om te horen over de gevolgen van deze veranderingen voor de samenleving en het bedrijfsleven, en om aan te dringen op de ontwikkeling van betere en doeltreffender cyberbeveiliging om de nieuwste en meest complexe cybercriminaliteit het hoofd te bieden.

Selon le futurologue Gerd Leonhard, « l’humanité va davantage changer dans les vingt ans à venir qu’au cours des trois cents ans passés. » Rejoignez Laurent Meimoun, expert en cybersécurité SonicWall, pour analyser les impacts de ces changements sur la société et sur les entreprises, qui appellent le développement d’une meilleure cybersécurité, plus efficace pour affronter les cybercrimes de demain les plus complexes.

Managing certificate deployment and certificate pinning are among the top challenges when implementing Deep Inspection of SSL services on a next-generation firewall.

Join us for a technical deep-dive webcast and demo to learn best practices to a successful SonicWall Deep Packet Inspection of SSL (DPI-SSL) service implementation. Learn about:

• Establishing trust
• Operating system certificate store
• Deploying the certificate

Join us for an informative webcast between SonicWall and SentinelOne, two pioneers in the network and endpoint security space. They will give a live demonstration of two different attack vectors in action to demonstrate the abilities of modern endpoint security solutions.

In this webcast you’ll learn:

• How to stop threats that travel through the network without a file
• How to cut out a common attack method that takes advantage of the good Samaritan in your office
• Best practices for network security hygene to sanitize traffic before it gets to the endpoint

Safeguarding K-12 networks is a delicate yet critical undertaking. Connectivity is critical. Student safety is paramount. Yet access to budgets, staff and resources is limited. This unique webinar brings together a panel of experts from security, networking and education to outline how districts can expand wireless security to the edge — even without firewalls. The must-attend session will explore:

•Emerging threats to both network safety, insider threats and student privacy
•Seamless ways to monitor and manage access to dangerous content
•How to simplify wireless deployment, management and analytics
•Methods to enhance campus-wide WiFi performance, coverage and capacity
•Opportunities to leverage the federal E-rate program to help eligible districts simultaneously stretch budgets, improve security and protect students