Selon le futurologue Gerd Leonhard, « l’humanité va davantage changer dans les vingt ans à venir qu’au cours des trois cents ans passés. » Rejoignez Laurent Meimoun, expert en cybersécurité SonicWall, pour analyser les impacts de ces changements sur la société et sur les entreprises, qui appellent le développement d’une meilleure cybersécurité, plus efficace pour affronter les cybercrimes de demain les plus complexes.

Introduced by Gartner in 2019, Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) is a cloud architecture model that combines different functions of network and security solutions into a unified cloud security platform to be delivered as a service — without any or minimal hardware involved. This joint session between SonicWall and Perimeter 81 will explain why the SASE model was created, the challenges it’s fixing and how the movement is redefining a future of network security without traditional perimeters.

Many people feel that Microsoft Advanced Threat Protection (ATP) offers plenty of protection against email attacks. But does it?

To find out, an analysis of over 500,000 malicious emails sent to real end users was conducted—and the findings could have major implications for how you view email security.

Join SonicWall Solution Architect John Phil as he explores
-How effective Microsoft ATP is against phishing in real-world scenarios
-Why Office 365 is uniquely susceptible to targeted phishing attacks
-How to better protect your organization against modern-day phishing attacks.

Join SonicWall Cybersecurity expert Simon Wikberg as he explores attack origins: who’s behind attacks, where they come from, and how and why they succeed at compromising your network. Determining your risk requires you to know your adversaries, but by learning their tactics, you’ll be better able to create a plan, deploy proper countermeasures and significantly decrease your risk of compromise.

Join SonicWall Cybersecurity expert & Lead Solution architect, Sorin Stan, as he explores the risks of not inspecting encrypted traffic — such as security holes, ransomware and compliance issues – and what your network needs to do to gain visibility into this growing attack vector.

The workforce has never been as mobile — or at risk — as it is today. With employees outside the traditional perimeter, how do you enforce consistent, effective security policy?

A Zero-Trust approach ensures security and access are no longer at odds. Solutions like SonicWall Cloud Edge Secure Access empower remote workforces while protecting high-value business assets, regardless of location.
Join Cybersecurity experts Sony Kogin – SonicWall, Jason Makevich – Greenlight-IS and Harry Boyne – Chalkline, as they explore:
– How least-privilege security protects corporate assets
– How SonicWall’s cloud native service provides fast, reliable access from anywhere
– How Self-Service Deployment can onboard new users and branches in minutes

Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs) differ from other IT security threats, both in terms of the motivation and the approach of attackers. Join SonicWall Cybersecurity Expert Alexis Holmes as he explores today’s new APTs, discusses how to make sure you are using the right tools to detect these silent threats.

Presented by Simon Wikberg, SonicWall Cybersecurity Expert, this webcast will explore how cybercriminals are leveraging the software-as-a-service business model to establish a rapidly growing ‘hacker economy.’ It will also include insights on new trends, define the MaaS/RaaS business model, and what you can do to protect your business with a dive into deep business data behind MaaS and known examples that have been uncovered.

Is your IT Team up to the challenge?

Bad cybersecurity decisions are risky enough in a normal year. But in 2021 — with ransomware setting new records each quarter and showing no sign of slowing down, and with double extortion and BEC attacks on the rise — these decisions could have a life-or-death impact on your business.

Do you have the knowledge you need to make the best decisions possible when it comes to choosing vendors, deploying solutions and more?

Join panelists David Bankemper, Mark Essayian and Kevin McDonald as they cut through the fluff and discuss what you REALLY need to know to safeguard your business.