Moving IT infrastructure to public clouds offer huge advantages in terms of agility and cost effectiveness — but in many cases, securing those cloud assets can cause slowdowns, bottlenecks and more. Is there a way to safeguard public clouds without sacrificing performance?

Join Tolly Group CEO Kevin Tolly; Keysight Technologies Senior Product Mgr. Amritam Putatunda; and SonicWall Dir. of Product Marketing Ajay Uggirala as they explore:
• Which firewall services can secure the public cloud
• The best way to deploy and test a firewall in a public cloud infrastructure
• What sort of performance you can expect from your SonicWall NGFW in AWS cloud, as validated by experts at Keysight and Tolly Group

La science-fiction est devenue réalité. Le metaverse est un nouvel écosystème virtuel en trois dimensions dans lequel les utilisateurs peuvent interagir les uns avec les autres, travailler, jouer, réaliser des transactions économiques. Mais dans ce monde de rêve guettent des dangers bien connus. Venez écouter Guillaume Sevrin, expert en cybersécurité SonicWall, qui vous dira comment assurer la sécurité de tous dans les deux mondes, virtuel et réel.

Science-Fiction ist zur Realität geworden. Das Metaverse ist ein neues virtuelles und dreidimensionales Ökosystem, in dem Nutzer miteinander interagieren, arbeiten, spielen und Finanztransaktionen abwickeln können. Doch tief im Inneren dieser Traumwelt schlummern bekannte Gefahren. Erfahren Sie vom SonicWall-Cybersecurity-Experten Robert Wislsperger, wie Sie in der virtuellen und in der realen Welt alle schützen können.

Scoprite il punto di collisione tra metaverso e cybersecurity. I nostri esperti illustreranno le implicazioni che i recenti sviluppi tecnologici avranno per la società e le aziende

Science fiction has become a reality. The Metaverse is a new virtual and three-dimensional ecosystem in which users can interact with each other, work, play, carry out economic transactions. But deep inside this dream world are familiar dangers. Learn from SonicWall Cybersecurity Expert, Alexis Holmes, about how you can keep everyone safe in the virtual and real worlds.

La ciencia ficción se ha hecho realidad. El metaverso es un nuevo ecosistema virtual y tridimensional en el que los usuarios pueden interactuar, trabajar, jugar y realizar transacciones económicas. Sin embargo, este mundo de ensueño también conlleva peligros que nos resultan familiares. Aprenda del experto en Ciberseguridad de SonicWall, Sebastián Yáñez, cómo puede garantizar la seguridad de todos los usuarios en los mundos virtual y real.

The 2022 SonicWall Cyber Threat Report revealed more than 20,000 Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs) were published in 2021, the first time in history that the number of CVEs has passed the 20,000 mark. The most serious of these vulnerabilities, those scored above nine on the 10-point scale, become entry points for cybercriminals, and attackers are increasingly utilizing this means of entry to deploy ransomware and steal data.

Watch now to hear our expert cover:
– Exploited threat vectors and what to look out for
– Critical zero-days used to wreak havoc on businesses and governments
– Actionable insights for you and your organization

Sciencefiction is werkelijkheid geworden. De metaverse is een nieuw virtueel en driedimensionaal ecosysteem waarin gebruikers met elkaar kunnen communiceren, werken, spelen, studeren en handelen. Er schuilen in deze droomwereld echter de vanouds bekende gevaren. Leer van René Bos, werkzaam als cybersecurity-expert bij SonicWall, hoe u iedereen veilig kunt houden in de virtuele en reële werelden.