The world has never seen anything quite like the recent rush to remote work. Over the last few weeks SonicWall and our partner community have been working hard to support our customers in staying fully operational. One such customer is the Taxback Group and here is what they had to say …

Chi acquista firewall di prossima generazione (NGFW) deve effettuare scelte difficili per quanto riguarda la valutazione delle caratteristiche dichiarate dalle case produttrici.
Sentite che cosa hanno da dire gli esperti di sicurezza di SonicWall circa la “Metodologia di benchmarking per le prestazioni dei dispositivi di sicurezza di rete” di NetSecOPEN e in che modo la stessa può essere utile per scegliere il firewall ideale che sia in grado di soddisfare e superare gli obiettivi di sicurezza informatica delle vostre aziende.

Organisationen stehen vor einer schwierigen Aufgabe, wenn sie die Herstellerangaben bei Angeboten für Firewalls der nächsten Generation (NGFW) vergleichen und bewerten möchten.
Nehmen Sie an diesem Webinar mit SonicWall Sicherheitsexperten teil, um zu erfahren, wie Ihnen die „Benchmarking-Methoden“ von NetSecOPEN bei der Wahl der richtigen Firewall helfen.

How Boundless Cybersecurity safeguards organizations mobilizing for the new business normal with seamless protection that stops the most evasive cyberattacks. Learn more at

Join SonicWall expert John Aarsen as he goes through the anatomy of social engineering attacks to demonstrate how people are manipulated into performing actions or divulging confidential information. These attacks have become more frequent and aggressive as attackers attempt to exploit the circumstances surrounding COVID-19. In the case of both users and organizations, overconfidence can lead to complacency, allowing such attacks to succeed. That’s why it’s crucial that you consider social engineering as your company builds its boundless cybersecurity strategy.