In diesem praxisnahen Workshop erfahren Sie, wie Managed Detection and Response (MDR) Ihr Unternehmen gegen hochentwickelte Cyberbedrohungen rüstet. Erleben Sie live, wie kontinuierliche Überwachung, proaktive Bedrohungsjagd und blitzschnelle Reaktionszeiten Sicherheitslücken schließen und Angriffe bereits im Keim ersticken. Wir demonstrieren, wie MDR-Lösungen durch automatisierte Netzwerkisolation und forensische Analysen Ransomware und andere Bedrohungen effektiv bekämpfen.

Nutzen Sie die geballte Expertise eines 24×7-Security Operations Centers (SOC) und revolutionieren Sie Ihre Sicherheitsstrategie nachhaltig. Doch das ist nur der Anfang:

Lernen Sie, wie SonicWall Cloud Secure Edge – eine führende Security Service Edge (SSE) Lösung – Ihrem Unternehmen sicheren, nahtlosen Zugriff auf private und öffentliche Netzwerke ermöglicht. Unsere Experten zeigen Ihnen, wie Sie mit Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) herkömmliche VPNs und Firewalls ablösen und Ihre Netzwerksicherheit zukunftssicher machen.

Dieser Workshop richtet sich an IT-Sicherheitsverantwortliche, die ihre Remote- und Hybrid-Arbeitsumgebungen effektiv absichern und gleichzeitig die Benutzererfahrung für Mitarbeiter und externe Partner optimieren möchten.

Sichern Sie sich jetzt Ihren Platz in unserem praxisnahen Workshop und erfahren Sie, wie Sie mit Managed Detection & Response und Zero Trust Network Access Ihre Unternehmenssicherheit auf das nächste Level bringen!

How many application vulnerabilities does your organization have right now? If you lack critical visibility into your organization’s endpoints, there’s no way to know — forcing you to spend valuable time cleaning up malware infections and educating people on patching.

What if you could direct employees to patch the right applications before they were targeted or hit by a random attack against a common vulnerability. Learn how you can mitigate attacks and greatly reduce your risk?

Join SonicWall cybersecurity expert John Aarsen as he explores:
• The volume of application vulnerabilities
• How to find critical vulnerabilities in your organization
• Endpoint security’s role in identifying and tracking them.

It’s logical that the faster a new attack can be identified, analyzed, and blocked, the less likely it is to cause damage to a business or organization.

Can your current security solution discover and block attacks at the speed of new threat variants?

Join Robert Wislsperger, Cybersecurity expert from SonicWall as he discusses how factors in our threat landscape will make it increasingly important for you to have machine learning technology as part of your Advanced Threat Protection (ATP) solution.

He’ll explore the current state of machine learning technology, as well as:

• Why it should be part of your security solution
• How it has become more efficient at identifying and mitigating cyberattacks
• The importance of a layered security solution

Traditional methods of deploying and maintaining security at branch sites has become ineffective, expensive and unmanageable. An SD-Branch solution can form a cornerstone for boundless security in distributed enterprise environments.

Join us to learn why increased exposure, limited resources and rising costs demand secure SD-Branch.

Today’s networks have never been more diverse and distributed. Zero-trust architecture offers a modern approach for security to meet modern work designs and tackle the cybersecurity challenges facing organizations.

Survival and continued growth often mean expanding services beyond traditional areas, being more agile and embracing work-from-anywhere policies. Most organizations expect to be fully deployed with a zero trust architecture within two years.

Hear from Osterman Research and SonicWall security experts as we discuss the importance of Zero-Trust.
Learn about:
• Threats, trends, and current issues elevating the need for zero trust
• How organizations are planning and deploying a zero-trust architecture
• Best practices and solutions to support the move to zero-trust

Turbocharge your Cybersecurity Business with SonicWall Fast Lane: Elevate!

SonicWall Fast Lane is a new series of partner events designed to bring you up to speed on the latest solutions and news from SonicWall. We are excited to exclusively invite you to SonicWall Fast Lane: Elevate, a special event hosted by your regional SonicWall team, dedicated to helping you accelerate your business growth and achieve greater success with SonicWall.

Why Attend?

Get in the Fast Lane: Learn how our comprehensive solution portfolio and product roadmap can speed up your business growth. Stay ahead in the fast-paced cybersecurity landscape with the latest insights and strategies including Managed Security Services and Cloud Secure Edge.

Empower Your Success: Discover our enhanced partner program, specifically designed to help you overtake the competition and drive revenue and business growth.

Network with Industry Leaders: Connect with SonicWall experts and industry peers, forging valuable relationships that can benefit your business.


10:00 – 10:45 – Registration and welcome coffee & snacks

10:45 – 11:15 – Recap: The New SonicWall

11:15 – 11:45 – Increasing profitability with the SonicWall SecureFirst Partner Program

11:45 – 12:15 – Coffee break

12:15 – 13:00 – Roadmap Update

13:00 – 14:00 – Lunch

14:00 – 14:30 – Call to action / Summary

14:30 – 15:00 – Open Q&A

15:00 – 15:30 – Factory guided tour

Don’t miss this opportunity to turbocharge your business growth while having fun with SonicWall!

We are looking forward to meet you there!

Turbocharge your Cybersecurity Business with SonicWall Fast Lane: Elevate!

SonicWall Fast Lane is a new series of partner events designed to bring you up to speed on the latest solutions and news from SonicWall. We are excited to exclusively invite you to SonicWall Fast Lane: Elevate, a special event hosted by your regional SonicWall team, dedicated to helping you accelerate your business growth and achieve greater success with SonicWall.

Why Attend?

Get in the Fast Lane: Learn how our comprehensive solution portfolio and product roadmap can speed up your business growth. Stay ahead in the fast-paced cybersecurity landscape with the latest insights and strategies including Managed Security Services and Cloud Secure Edge.

Empower Your Success: Discover our enhanced partner program, specifically designed to help you overtake the competition and drive revenue and business growth.

Network with Industry Leaders: Connect with SonicWall experts and industry peers, forging valuable relationships that can benefit your business.


11:15 AM – 12:00 PM: Session 1

12:00 PM – 1:00 PM: Lunch Break

1:00 PM – 2:00 PM: Session 2

2:00 PM – 2:20 PM: Coffee Break

2:20 PM – 3:20 PM: Session 2

Don’t miss this opportunity to turbocharge your business growth while having fun with SonicWall!

We are looking forward to meet you there!