Selon le futurologue Gerd Leonhard, « l’humanité va davantage changer dans les vingt ans à venir qu’au cours des trois cents ans passés. » Rejoignez Laurent Meimoun, expert en cybersécurité SonicWall, pour analyser les impacts de ces changements sur la société et sur les entreprises, qui appellent le développement d’une meilleure cybersécurité, plus efficace pour affronter les cybercrimes de demain les plus complexes.

Moving IT infrastructure to public clouds offer huge advantages in terms of agility and cost effectiveness — but in many cases, securing those cloud assets can cause slowdowns, bottlenecks and more. Is there a way to safeguard public clouds without sacrificing performance?

Join Tolly Group CEO Kevin Tolly; Keysight Technologies Senior Product Mgr. Amritam Putatunda; and SonicWall Dir. of Product Marketing Ajay Uggirala as they explore:
• Which firewall services can secure the public cloud
• The best way to deploy and test a firewall in a public cloud infrastructure
• What sort of performance you can expect from your SonicWall NGFW in AWS cloud, as validated by experts at Keysight and Tolly Group

Futurist Gerd Leonhard zegt dat “de mensheid in de komende 20 jaar meer zal veranderen dan in de afgelopen 300 jaar”. Sluit u aan bij SonicWall Cyberbeveiligingsdeskundige René Bos om te horen over de gevolgen van deze veranderingen voor de samenleving en het bedrijfsleven, en om aan te dringen op de ontwikkeling van betere en doeltreffender cyberbeveiliging om de nieuwste en meest complexe cybercriminaliteit het hoofd te bieden.

According to Foundry, formerly IDG Communications, 92% of organizations currently host some or all of their mission critical applications and IT footprint in the cloud. But cloud environments continue to face a myriad of security threats including misconfiguration, lack of visibility, identity and unauthorized access.

In this panel discussion moderated by Clarify360’s Jo Peterson, tune into hear leading experts focus on specific takeaways that you and your team can put in place to now to ensure your cloud footprint is secure for the upcoming year.
– Cloud security roadmap;
– Cloud security posture management;
– Zero trust network access (ZTNA);
– SDLC and DevSecOps within the cloud;
– The need for centralized platforms;
– Increased investment in intelligent security;
– Increased investment in certification and cross training of your team.

Teena Piccone (Google)
Iain Clarke (PayPal Invest)
Charles Johnson (Coalfire)
Stan Davidson (SonicWall)