Finding the Ethernet Hardware (MAC) Addresses of the SonicWall
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This article describes how to obtain the SonicWall MAC Address and its interfaces' MAC Addresses.
Resolution for SonicOS 7.X
This release includes significant user interface changes and many new features that are different from the SonicOS 6.5 and earlier firmware. The below resolution is for customers using SonicOS 7.X firmware.
The Ethernet hardware (MAC) addresses of the interfaces on any SonicWall appliance can be found using one of the following techniques:
- Go to Home |Dashboard| System and look at the Serial Number. The MAC Address of the SonicWall will be the Serial Number with colon every two digits (i.e. 0017C5E1T74Y will become 00:17:C5:E1:T7:4Y)
- Generate a Technical Support Report (TSR) from Device | Diagnostics |Tech support report and locate the MAC addresses for all interfaces in the Ethernet section of the report.
- Observe that the appliance's serial number represents its LAN interface MAC address. You can also search for "Config MAC" under the X0 Interface: that will be the SonicWall MAC Address.
TIP: The MAC addresses of other interfaces on the appliance will be variations on the last octet of the unit's serial number.
The MAC address of an interface on a firewall (UTM) appliance can be found:
- On the GUI, go to Network | System | Interfaces, select the interface and click the Edit icon. Move to the Advanced tab and here you will find the interface's MAC Address.
- On the TSR, search for Config MAC of the related interface.
Resolution for SonicOS 6.5
This release includes significant user interface changes and many new features that are different from the SonicOS 6.2 and earlier firmware. The below resolution is for customers using SonicOS 6.5 firmware.
The Ethernet hardware (MAC) addresses of the interfaces on any SonicWall appliance can be found using one of the following techniques:
- Go to Monitor | System Status and look at the Serial Number. The MAC Address of the SonicWall will be the Serial Number with colon every two digits (i.e. 0017C5E1T74Y will become 00:17:C5:E1:T7:4Y)
- Generate a Technical Support Report (TSR) from Investigate | Tools | System Diagnostics | Download Report and locate the MAC addresses for all interfaces in the Ethernet section of the report.
- The MAC address of an interface on a firewall (UTM) appliance can be found:
- On the GUI, go to Manage | System Setup | Network | Interfaces, select the interface and click the Edit icon. Move to the Advanced tab and here you will find the interface's MAC Address.
- On the TSR, search for Config MAC of the related interface.
Resolution for SonicOS 6.2 and Below
The below resolution is for customers using SonicOS 6.2 and earlier firmware. For firewalls that are generation 6 and newer we suggest to upgrade to the latest general release of SonicOS 6.5 firmware.
The Ethernet hardware (MAC) addresses of the interfaces on any SonicWall appliance can be found using one of the following techniques:
- Go to System | Status and look at the Serial Number. The MAC Address of the SonicWall will be the Serial Number with colon every two digits (i.e. 0017C5E1T74Y will become 00:17:C5:E1:T7:4Y)
- Generate a Technical Support Report (TSR) from System | Diagnostics | Download Report and locate the MAC addresses for all interfaces in the Ethernet section of the report.
- The MAC address of an interface on a firewall (UTM) appliance can be found:
- On the GUI, go to Network | Interfaces, select the interface and click the Edit icon. Move to the Advanced tab and here you will find the interface's MAC Address.
- On the TSR, search for Config MAC of the related interface.
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