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SonicWall Firewall Achieves Perfect Effectiveness Score, Tested in Real-World Conditions via NetSecOPEN Laboratory

  • Achieves one of the highest security effectiveness ratings in the industry
  • Blocked 100% of attacks against private vulnerabilities used in test
  • Blocked 99% of all attacks, private and public

MILPITAS, Calif. — February 20, 2020 — SonicWall announces it is one of the first security vendors to receive firewall certification in the 2020 NetSecOPEN Test Report.

Designed to be one of the industry’s most comprehensive and rigorous benchmark tests, the NetSecOPEN standard evaluated the SonicWall NSa 4650 next-generation firewall (NGFW), delivering results to help guide product purchasing decisions made by security professionals. The NSa 4650 was tested under realistic, real-world conditions against 465 combined public and private Common Vulnerability and Exposure (CVE) vulnerabilities.

“There has been a long-standing industry need for transparent and comparable findings when it comes to firewalls, a technology that is heavily depended upon and is at the core of an organization’s security posture,” said SonicWall President and CEO Bill Conner. “Decision-makers need to think effectively and quickly when deciding upon a security vendor and dependable research is key in a selection process that has become increasingly difficult to navigate.”

The SonicWall NSa 4650 firewall achieved 100% security effectiveness against all private CVEs used in the test (CVEs unknown to NGFW vendors, and was rated 99% when factoring in the results of the public CVE test. Measured by NetSecOPEN at 3.5 Gbps of threat protection and up to 1.95 Gbps SSL decryption and inspection throughput, the SonicWall NSa 4650 proved its fast performance meets the demands of data centers.

Formed in 2017, NetSecOPEN members work together through groups to help create testing standards and guidance that achieve consistent, open, repeatable evaluations and stated results. SonicWall recognizes NetSecOPEN for its reputation as an independent and unbiased product test and validation organization.

“In our quest for to deliver best-in-class cybersecurity, we firmly believe that delivering NetSecOPEN-certified metrics is imperative in helping organizations and technology partners of all sizes make informed decisions about their security in this interconnected world,” said Atul Dhablania, Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, SonicWall. “A true, transparent comparison provides security buyers with ease of mind when compared with results from realistic conditions.”

A member of the group since December 2018, SonicWall actively works with NetSecOPEN and other members to help define, refine and establish repeatable and consistent testing procedures, parameters, configurations, measurements and KPIs to produce a fair and reasonable comparison across all network security functions. Jointly, they strive to deliver organizations with total transparency about cybersecurity and performance.

About SonicWall

SonicWall has been fighting the cybercriminal industry for over 28 years defending small and medium businesses, enterprises and government agencies worldwide. Backed by research from SonicWall Capture Labs, our award-winning, real-time breach detection and prevention solutions secure more than a million networks, and their emails, applications and data, in over 215 countries and territories. These organizations run more effectively and fear less about security. For more information, visit or follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram.

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