Spettabile Partner,

SonicWall Italia è lieta di invitarla al nostro evento dedicato ai partner, che si terrà presso il Golf Club Colli Berici – Strada Monti Comunali, 36040 Brendola (Vicenza) il 21 settembre 2023.

L’evento è mirato a presentare i benefici del programma di canale, la strategia commerciale ed evoluzioni dell’offerta di cybersecurity che potrà approfondire insieme ai nostri esperti.

Di seguito i dettagli dell’evento:
15:00 – 15:15: Registrazione
15:15 – 16:45: SonicWall Strategic Partner Event 2023
17:00 – 18:30: Golf Clinic con istruttore (driving range ball, putting green challenge)
19:00: Dinner

Non perda l’occasione di partecipare, si prega di dare conferma entro il 10 settembre 2023.

Nel ringraziarla per l’attenzione la salutiamo cordialmente.

Team SonicWall Italia

“Questo evento è strettamente riservato ed è necessario aver ricevuto specifico invito. Se interessato, contratta il tuo referente di zona per avere maggiori dettagli.”

The Midsize Enterprise Summit (MES) Fall event offers the opportunity to discuss pain points and potential solutions, learn the latest technology trends from thought leaders and seasoned analysts, and build meaningful relationships to maximize your investment in attending — in just a few highly productive days away from the office. Join us for MES where you’ll make unmatched connections through peer-to-peer networking and our unique boardroom format. Hear from industry experts on market and technology trends.

MES Fall 2023 event will take place September 17-19 at the Marriott Marquis Houston. 

SonicWall will be at booth #115 Monday – Tuesday from 5:30pm – 7:30pm.

SonicWall will have 2 breakout rooms that you can attend and listen!

We look forward to seeing you there!

Cyber Threats: People, Process, Technology, and Operational Maturity

Please join us on September 19th at the SonicWall Security Roadshow Event at the Dave & Buster’s in Addison, IL. This is an invitation only event for a small group of partners, so space is limited. Enjoy an overview from SonicWall’s technical team on the most current cyber threats and solutions, followed by a lively and interactive conversation with cyber thought leader Michael Crean.

Following the presentations, let’s continue the conversation over food and beverage on behalf of SonicWall.


• 1:00pm – 2:00pm EST: Sales & Marketing Overview:

o SonicWall Boundless overview

o SonicWall University

o Deal reg Process & Review

o MSSP Program Changes

• 2:00pm – 4:00pm EST: Technical Overview:

o CATP, The perfection of the Zero Day Attacks Prevention!

o Why GEN7 SonicWall NGFWs are the best?!

o The SonicWall Secure Switches are powerful, proven and AVAILABLE to be shipped once ordered!

o The new WiFi6 600 series / the new generation of proven SonicWaves.

o Capture Client, Stop Breaches Faster Than Humanly Possible….Autonomously!

o Cloud Application Security, is Office365 secure enough? Are the MX solutions effective at all?!

o Secure Mobile Access and Cloud Edge, For the productive secure remote working environments!

o CSC & NSM The MGMT and Reporting Single pane of glass.

• 4:00pm – 5:00pm – Michael Crean CEO Solutions Granted – Discussing Threats, MDR, mitigation, MSSP, etc.

• 5:00pm – 6:00pm EST – Q&A Happy Hour & Networking

Location: Dave & Buster’s 

Address: 1155 North Swift Rd., Addison, IL  

Cybercrime has evolved, making it harder for defenders to protect against, detect and stop attacks from entering their networks. As the pace of cyberattacks continues to increase — and the ways threat actors breach and infiltrate systems continue to become more targeted and evasive — our future will increasingly belong to the proactive.

Make sure you are one of the proactive and join SonicWall on Friday 15th September for an afternoon of exploring a defense in depth cybersecurity strategy, networking and golf! We will discuss and explore:

• Real world, data backed insights on the evolving cyber threat landscape

• The latest threats and how to protect against them

• Cybersecurity priorities for the next 12 months and beyond

• Steps to building a defense in depth strategy to protect your organisation

After the session we would be delighted if you would join us for some golf and lunch. Please register by 5th September.

Cher partenaire,

Vous êtes un inconditionnel de l’ovalie. Plus aucune règle ne vous échappe (Pas plus que le ballon).
Vous maitrisez les rucks, les mêlées, les chandelles, les cocottes, les plaquages en cathédrale, les « 22 » (Rien à voir avec la gendarmerie nationale), les poteaux, les drops et tout le reste (Mais pas la boite à gifles ni les commotions cérébrales !).
Vous ne ratez jamais un « crunch », alors, réservez vite votre soirée du 08 septembre.
SonicWall a le plaisir de vous conviez à une soirée d’anthologie durant laquelle nous vivrons la cérémonie d’ouverture de la coupe du monde de rugby organisée en France, suivie « du » match France vs NewZeland.
Les bleus contre les blacks, le French flair contre le haka. Une confrontation qu’on aurait rêvé voir en finale de cette compétition, et que le hasard du tirage au sort nous livre dès le match d’ouverture.
Alors prenez vos écharpes, drapeaux, fanions, et tout ce qui permettra de porter haut les couleurs tricolores à l’issue de cette confrontation dont, n’en doutons pas, nous sortirons grandis.
Nous vous invitons à partager ce moment de sport et de fraternité lors d’une soirée organisée dans un bar parisien retransmettant la compétition (Ambiance assurée, dîner, boissons). Une seule contrainte, être au Fut’Rax à 19h00 pour garantir votre place sur l’espace réservé.
Pour des soucis d’organisation, merci de bien vouloir nous confirmer au plus vite (Le nombre de places étant limité) votre participation en complétant le formulaire.
Si vous n’êtes pas disponible, merci également de bien vouloir nous le faire savoir au plus vite.
Espérant pouvoir vous compter parmi nous.

Taylor Business Group’s BigBIG Conference 2023 is taking place in August 23-26 at the Diplomat Beach Resort Hotel in Hollywood, FL. The annual conference brings together MSP business owners, C-level executives, and managers for a multi-day educational and networking event.

Taylor Business Group (TBG), founded in 2001, is an executive coaching firm that focuses on IT solution providers and copier dealers. Its Business Improvement Groups (or BIGs) consist of 10-12 noncompeting members that meet monthly, facilitated by TBG coaches.

Join SonicWall Channel Chief Michelle Ragusa-McBain to learn the latest threat intelligence and trends from our Mid-Year Update to the 2023 SonicWall Threat Report. Our data is compiled from millions of devices all around the globe to bring you the most up-to-date data to better protect yourself and your organization from sophisticated cyber threats. Join us on Friday, August 25th at 1:30pm to learn how YOU can be the cybersecurity hero for your customers. We’ll also cover how you can drive the right skillsets, mindsets and behaviors in your organization to put yourself ahead of the competition and save the day for even more customers.

Make sure to come visit SonicWall during the Community Pavilion Booth hours:

Thursday, August 24th & Friday, August 25h

11:30am – 12:30pm

3:15pm – 4:15pm

SonicWall will be at booth #2329

We look forward to seeing you there!

Come and meet the SonicWall team and wider SonicWall community for an evening of cyber chats and refreshments. Get to know our experienced sales and technical team, discuss the latest cybersecurity insights and network with other cybersecurity professionals.

Cyber Threats: People, Process, Technology, and Operational Maturity

Please join us on July 11th at the SonicWall Security Roadshow Event at the Dave & Buster’s in Columbus, Ohio. This is an invitation only event for a small group of partners, so space is limited. Enjoy an overview from SonicWall’s technical team on the most current cyber threats and solutions, followed by a lively and interactive conversation with cyber thought leader Michael Crean.

Following the presentations, let’s continue the conversation over food and beverage on behalf of SonicWall.


• 1:00pm – 2:00pm EST: Sales & Marketing Overview:

o SonicWall Boundless overview

o SonicWall University

o Deal reg Process & Review

o MSSP Program Changes

• 2:00pm – 4:00pm EST: Technical Overview:

o CATP, The perfection of the Zero Day Attacks Prevention!

o Why GEN7 SonicWall NGFWs are the best?!

o The SonicWall Secure Switches are powerful, proven and AVAILABLE to be shipped once ordered!

o The new WiFi6 600 series / the new generation of proven SonicWaves.

o Capture Client, Stop Breaches Faster Than Humanly Possible….Autonomously!

o Cloud Application Security, is Office365 secure enough? Are the MX solutions effective at all?!

o Secure Mobile Access and Cloud Edge, For the productive secure remote working environments!

o CSC & NSM The MGMT and Reporting Single pane of glass.

• 4:00pm – 5:00pm – Michael Crean CEO Solutions Granted – Discussing Threats, MDR, mitigation, MSSP, etc.

• 5:00pm – 6:00pm EST – Q&A Happy Hour & Networking

Location: Dave & Buster’s 

Address: 1554 Polaris Pkwy #206, Columbus, OH 43240

We are delighted to invite you to join SonicWall’s VP of Worldwide Solution Engineering, Osca St Marthe and members of the SonicWall UK Senior leadership team as they host an exclusive roundtable dinner on the 20th July at No. 4 Clifton Village, Bristol.

At this event you will have the opportunity to hear directly from our leadership team about recent changes at SonicWall and share successes, opportunities whilst getting valuable input from Osca. You will also have the opportunity to provide constructive feedback and input on the product developments that you’d like to see that will further enhance both you and your customers experiences across the SonicWall portfolio as well as building valuable relationships for your future business.

Dear Valued Partner,

We are pleased to invite you to attend our exciting SonicWall team building Event on Thursday, 8th June 2023 at Escape Hunt, The Galleria Mall Dubai from 4:00 PM to 6:30 PM (UAE Time).

The partners will be divided into groups and each group will be locked in a room to play a game requiring them to solve a series of puzzles within a certain amount of time to find the key to unlock the room. The event provides a great team-building opportunity followed by networking and hi-tea. 

We hope to see you there!