Threat actors and researchers are finding new security vulnerabilities every day. Are you aware of the newest and most impactful vulnerabilities? In this webinar hosted by Dark Reading, top researchers and experts discuss some of the most dangerous emerging vulnerabilities and what you can do to protect your organization.

During this webinar you will:

· Find out where vulnerabilities might be hidden inside your systems

· Get the latest intelligence on the most impactful vulnerabilities

· Hear from experts about how to manage emerging vulnerabilities inside the organization

Es esencial que las organizaciones conozcan bien los comportamientos y las tácticas de los cibercriminales para protegerse contra posibles ataques. En este seminario virtual, cubrimos la importancia de implementar medidas preventivas basadas en datos anuales sobre los comportamientos y las tácticas de los cibercriminales. Al conocer y responder a las tácticas y técnicas específicas utilizadas por los cibercriminales, las organizaciones pueden defenderse de forma más efectiva contra los ciberataques.  El Informe de Amenazas Cibernéticas 2023 de SonicWall,  ofrece inteligencia de amenazas accionable para ayudar a las organizaciones a prepararse para el cambiante panorama actual de las amenazas.

O futuro sucesso da sua infraestrutura de cibersegurança depende de quão bem sua organização consegue identificar, entender e atuar preventivamente contra vulnerabilidades ativas, esquemas de phishing e erros humanos. Junte-se aos nossos especialistas nesta discussão sobre o futuro da segurança cibernética e obtenha insights essenciais para o sucesso do seu negócio. 

As a valued customer, we cordially invite you to join our webinar on Wednesday 14 December at 3pm Arabia Standard Time to learn the basic and best practice tips about managing your SonicWall´s firewall for optimal protection to your environment. You will also learn about our new exciting Q4 promotions.

We look forward to meeting you!

Centralized Management. Elevated Security.

As the number of firewalls in your distributed enterprise grows, so too does the challenge of managing them. SonicWall Network Security Manager scales with your business and your security needs. From a single console, orchestrate all firewall operations, see hidden risks, discover misconfigured policies, and make compliance easier with a full audit trail. With a SonicWall NSM, centralize firewall management and gain more capability, not more complexity.

Learn more about this important topic in our Webinar, covering: 

• SonicWall Product Portfolio

• Need for NSM

• NSM Deployments (SaaS and On-Prem)

• Different NSM Licenses

• NSM SaaS Activation

• Capture Security Centre

• Management Features Walk Through

• Reporting – Overview

• Why reporting is necessary?

• Reporting vs. Analytics

• Reporting Features Walk Through

• Troubleshooting

• Q&A

El futuro éxito de sus programas de ciberseguridad depende de la precisión con la que su organización sea capaz de detectar, entender y prevenir las vulnerabilidades activas, las estafas de phishing y los errores humanos.  Escuche a nuestros expertos hablar sobre la seguridad de TI del futuro y obtenga orientación esencial para su éxito futuro.

Black hat hackers and white hat researchers discover new security flaws in popular systems and applications that threat attackers can use to compromise your data or lock you out of your network completely. Are you aware of the newest and potentially most impactful vulnerabilities that hackers have discovered and researchers have disclosed? This webinar features top experts and researchers who follow emerging cyber vulnerabilities that every enterprise operator should know about and how to stop these weaknesses from being exploited within your company.

Join new SonicWall President and CEO Bob VanKirk and Regional Sales Director Arley Brogiato for an exclusive webinar that profiles the next growth phase for the company and its partners in the LATAM region. The 30-minute update will outline SonicWall’s commitment to MSPs and MSSPs, as well as preview the company’s accelerated growth paths across SMB, enterprise and cloud opportunities. 

Exclusivo para canales metal tier. Regístrese en las sesiones que usted considere interesantes para complementar o reforzar sus conocimientos, los Partners que continuamente están actualizando sus conocimientos a través de nuestra plataforma de SonicWall University, venden 8 veces más que un canal regular. 

2022 – Krankenhauszukunftsgesetz (KHZG), KRITIS und Sicherheitsgesetz 2.0: Sind Ihre Cybersecurity Investitionen und Zuschüsse effizient geplant?

Erfahren Sie in diesem Webinar mit dem SonicWall Cybersicherheits-Experten Marcus Lind, wie Sie Organisationen aller Größen im Bereich Healthcare optimal gegen Bedrohungen schützen können.

Überblick über aktuelle Förderungen und Gesetze für IT-Sicherheit im Gesundheitswesen

Wie aktuelle Anforderungen und die sich daraus ergebenden Möglichkeiten optimal genutzt werden können

Ein Fallbeispiel aus der Praxis eines Krankenhauses

Mehr als 13.000 Einrichtungen im Gesundheitswesen weltweit vertrauen auf SonicWall zur Compliance-Einhaltung mithilfe unserer fortschrittlichen Lösungen zur Netzwerksicherheit. Sorgen Sie für eine robuste Cybersicherheit im Gesundheitswesen durch die Bereitstellung eines konstanten Schutzes und einer erweiterten Konnektivität bei gleichzeitiger Eliminierung von Netzwerkausfällen. Die benutzerfreundlichen, kostengünstigen Lösungen von SonicWall erhöhen die Netzwerkeffizienz und minimieren Cyber-Sicherheitsrisiken im Gesundheitswesen.