NIS2 ist aktuell in aller Munde und erhöht die Unsicherheit bezüglich Complianceanforderungen weiter. Parallel erleben wir Cyberkriminelle im Goldrausch, verstärkt durch KI und Automatisierung. Was nun? 

Als Mitglied des Wirtschaftsrats Deutschland und der Bundesarbeitsgruppe Cybersicherheit ist SonicWall beratend an Entwürfen zur Umsetzung von Richtlinien – wie NIS in das nationale Recht – aus Sicht der Wirtschaft tätig, mit dem Ziel, die Politik fachlich zu unterstützen, bevor die NIS2 Richtlinie voraussichtlich in den nächsten Wochen als NIS2UmsuCG, – nach der parlamentarischen Sommerpause -, final verabschiedet wird.

Somit können wir Ihnen Hintergründe aus erster Hand teilen und unterstützen, die Herausforderung der gestiegenen Sicherheitsanforderungen Schritt-für-Schritt zu erfüllen.

Alles was Sie jetzt wissen müssen, erfahren Sie in diesem Webinar zur neuen NIS2 Richtlinie.


Überprüfung des Status Quo

  • Was ist generell bei der Erstellung einer Cybersicherheitsarchitektur zu beachten?
  • Wen betrifft die neue Regelung zu NIS2, wer ist Teil der Kette?
  • Wer ist in der Verantwortung und was sind die Konsequenzen?

Ermittlung der Maßnahmen

  • Was können Sie schon jetzt tun?
  • Wer kann Ihnen helfen die Herausforderungen von NIS2 zu erfüllen?

Aktuelle Angriffsmuster & -Routen der Cyberkriminellen

spezifische Attackvarianten auf Großunternehmen, KRITIS, Retail, Education, Healthcare

Risikobewertung für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen

zu erwartende Standardanforderungen Cybersecurity Versicherungen

DSGVO, NIS2, & aktuelle Förderungen die Sie kennen sollten

die 3 wichtigsten Sicherheitsschwerpunkte 2023


Wir freuen uns darauf, Sie in diesen spannenden Webinar begrüßen zu dürfen! 

SonicWall is attending CompTIA ChannelCon. This is the technology industry’s premier annual conference for vendor-neutral collaboration, learning and partnership, stimulating the innovative ideas and actionable advice to help grow and protect businesses around the world.

Here are five reasons not to miss this event!

Business Opportunities – Staying on top in an ultra-competitive market requires you to know the latest sales and marketing strategies that will keep customers happy. Hear from industry experts about trends and best practices that will help your business reach new heights.

Cybersecurity – A solid cybersecurity framework is the best defense against the constant barrage of data breaches, ransomware and other threats. Today’s cyber strategies must be multifaceted, collaborative and resolute. Learn from security leaders about how to identify the latest threats and respond proactively to stay safe.

Networking – Tech businesses are always looking for new tools to build innovative solutions but knowing how to use the tools can be a challenge. Learn how to engage in meaningful discussions with partners and get valuable insights to build successful relationships.

Workforce Strategies – Innovation and creativity can differentiate your business. Our Communities and Industry Advisory Council leaders will discuss business-building tactics and IT workforce strategies that will keep your employees and customers on solid ground.

Stop by Booth # 719 or reach out to us to book a meeting. 

SonicWalls Mission ist Kunden vor unbekanntem und bereits existieren Schadcode zu schützen. Das können wir natürlich nur dann erreichen, wenn wir viele Unternehmen durch unsere Partner von SonicWall überzeugen.

Aus diesem Grund möchten wir die Partner belohnen, die neue Kunden von Sonicwall begeistern und diese Partner erhalten einen sehr attraktiven Neukunden Bonus.

Was Sie dafür brauchen und was Sie erhalten, erfahren Sie in diesem kurzen Update Webcast.

Info: Dieser Webcast richtet sich ausschließlich an Wiederverkäufer. Falls Sie sich als Partner registrieren möchten, können Sie das in wenigen Sekunden hier durchführen:

Featuring SonicWall’s leaders: Jason Carter, Chandro Prasad and Os St Marthe.

We are excited to spend 30 minutes with you and share the following:

• Feedback from our global technical advisory councils

• Our future platform vision

• Market trends & strategic investment areas

Join us to discover why there’s never been a better time to partner with SonicWall.

Featuring SonicWall’s leaders: Jason Carter, Chandro Prasad and Os St Marthe.

We are excited to spend 30 minutes with you and share the following:
• Feedback from our global technical advisory councils
• Our future platform vision
• Market trends & strategic investment areas
Join us to discover why there’s never been a better time to partner with SonicWall.

Featuring SonicWall’s leaders: Jason Carter, Chandro Prasad and Os St Marthe.

We are excited to spend 30 minutes with you and share the following:

• Feedback from our global technical advisory councils

• Our future platform vision

• Market trends & strategic investment areas

Join us to discover why there’s never been a better time to partner with SonicWall.

Featuring SonicWall’s leaders: Jason Carter, Chandro Prasad and Os St Marthe.

We are excited to spend 30 minutes with you and share the following:

• Feedback from our global technical advisory councils

• Our future platform vision

• Market trends & strategic investment areas

Join us to discover why there’s never been a better time to partner with SonicWall.

Join us to discover why there’s never been a better time to partner with SonicWall!

Cyber Threats: People, Process, Technology, and Operational Maturity

Please join us on July 11th at the SonicWall Security Roadshow Event at the Dave & Buster’s in Columbus, Ohio. This is an invitation only event for a small group of partners, so space is limited. Enjoy an overview from SonicWall’s technical team on the most current cyber threats and solutions, followed by a lively and interactive conversation with cyber thought leader Michael Crean.

Following the presentations, let’s continue the conversation over food and beverage on behalf of SonicWall.


• 1:00pm – 2:00pm EST: Sales & Marketing Overview:

o SonicWall Boundless overview

o SonicWall University

o Deal reg Process & Review

o MSSP Program Changes

• 2:00pm – 4:00pm EST: Technical Overview:

o CATP, The perfection of the Zero Day Attacks Prevention!

o Why GEN7 SonicWall NGFWs are the best?!

o The SonicWall Secure Switches are powerful, proven and AVAILABLE to be shipped once ordered!

o The new WiFi6 600 series / the new generation of proven SonicWaves.

o Capture Client, Stop Breaches Faster Than Humanly Possible….Autonomously!

o Cloud Application Security, is Office365 secure enough? Are the MX solutions effective at all?!

o Secure Mobile Access and Cloud Edge, For the productive secure remote working environments!

o CSC & NSM The MGMT and Reporting Single pane of glass.

• 4:00pm – 5:00pm – Michael Crean CEO Solutions Granted – Discussing Threats, MDR, mitigation, MSSP, etc.

• 5:00pm – 6:00pm EST – Q&A Happy Hour & Networking

Location: Dave & Buster’s 

Address: 1554 Polaris Pkwy #206, Columbus, OH 43240

With assistance from the U.S. Army Cyber Center of Excellence and industry experts, TechNet Augusta is uniquely designed to open the lines of communication and facilitate networking, education and problem-solving between the military and commercial sector.

Government, industry and academic speakers will discuss issues and share solutions surrounding cyber electromagnetic activities and unified land operations. The robust program will include:

• Several continuing education sessions to help maintain cybersecurity certifications

• Senior cyber leaders discussing risk management challenges and solutions

• Opportunities to network with peers and potential partners

• Discussion of current procurement challenges

Please make sure to visit with the SonicWall team; 

Cliff Varnadoe –  Director, US Federal Portfolio at SonicWall

Dan Solomon – Vice President, Strategic and Federal Sales at SonicWall

Rudy Messex – Senior Solutions Engineer at SonicWall