O perímetro da sua organização não têm limites e se expande para endpoints e redes ilimitados. Junte-se a nós para conhecer o lado humano de uma célula moderna de ransomware, seus conselhos sobre como impedir que eles se infiltrem em sua organização, criptografem seus endpoints e se espalhem para outras unidades e segmentos da sua rede.

La primera mitad de 2021 generó muchas preguntas cuando se trata de ransomware.
Con el ransomware creciendo tan rápidamente tanto en alcance como en sofisticación, nunca ha sido más crítico estar al tanto de los últimos desarrollos. Para obtener más información sobre las tendencias que impulsarán el ransomware durante la segunda mitad de 2021 y más allá.

O primeiro semestre de 2021 levantou muitas questões quando se trata de ransomware: Há mais empresas optando por pagar um resgate? Ryuk ainda está reinando supremo? E o que diabos aconteceu com REvil ??

Com o ransomware crescendo tão rapidamente em escopo e sofisticação, nunca foi tão importante ficar por dentro dos desenvolvimentos mais recentes. Para saber mais sobre as tendências que impulsionarão o ransomware durante a segunda metade de 2021 e além, participe do webinar da SonicWall.

Que o teletrabalho chegou para ficar não é novidade. Mas, os desafios de cibersegurança desse novo formato são enormes. A vertical de governo, por exemplo, é o principal alvo de ataques de ransomware em 2021. Participe deste webinar e conheça os desafios e como se proteger.

2020 brought unprecedented global change, and cybersecurity was no exception. From the widescale shift to remote work brought by the pandemic, to record-high cryptocurrency prices, to one of the worst cyberattacks of all time, the tools and tactics we started 2020 with are no match for the threat landscape of 2021.

Join Cybersecurity Expert Brook Chelmo as he discusses the report’s findings, including the new and disruptive cyber trends and threats of 2020 and what they mean for cybersecurity in 2021 and beyond:

• A new era for supply-chain attacks and nation-state campaigns
• Preparing for the future of work: at home or on prem
• Ransomware: Which states, countries and industries were hit hardest?
• And more

Join SonicWall Cybersecurity expert & Senior Solutions architect, Muhammed Jihad, as he explores the risks of not inspecting encrypted traffic — such as security holes, ransomware, and compliance issues – and what your network needs to do to gain visibility into this growing attack vector.

Critical infrastructure attacks. Crypto pickpockets. Triple extortion. Ransomware was delivered via snail mail.

From triple-digit spikes to new records to significant reversals, the stats found in the 2022 SonicWall Cyber Threat Report are stories unto themselves. But behind every stat is a wealth of trends, tactics and developments ranging from the encouraging, to the terrifying, to the bizarre.

Join SonicWall cybersecurity expert Jeff Marshall as he explores:
• The latest on ransomware’s meteoric rise
• The locations and industries most targeted in 2021
• Why we’ve reached an inflection point in the war on cybercrime
• Business Email Compromise, Supply Chain Attacks, and more

Presented by Josh Joseph, SonicWall Cybersecurity Expert, this webcast will explore how cybercriminals are leveraging the software-as-a-service business model to establish a rapidly growing ‘hacker economy.’ It will also include insights on new trends, define the MaaS/RaaS business model, and what you can do to protect your business with a dive into deep business data behind MaaS and known examples that have been uncovered.

Critical infrastructure attacks. Crypto pickpockets. Triple extortion. Ransomware was delivered via snail mail.

From triple-digit spikes to new records to significant reversals, the stats found in the 2022 SonicWall Cyber Threat Report are stories unto themselves. But behind every stat is a wealth of trends, tactics and developments ranging from the encouraging, to the terrifying, to the bizarre.

Join SonicWall cybersecurity expert Bryan and Hartony as they explore:
• The latest on ransomware’s meteoric rise
• The locations and industries most targeted in 2021
• Why we’ve reached an inflection point in the war on cybercrime
• Business Email Compromise, Supply Chain Attacks, and more