BYOD and Mobile Security

How to Simplify Endpoint Security

by SonicWall Staff

As an extension of our last blog on evaluating endpoint protection solutions, I would like to talk about how SonicWall Capture Client can deliver advanced endpoint security that meets the needs of both your organization and the users with the endpoints.

Managing endpoints and securing them across various environments is a well-known challenge for SecOps professionals. If you do not have a solution that provides visibility and reduces your response time during an outage or business disruption, you’ll spend a good chunk of your day in troubleshooting and mitigating.

In this post, we will discuss how we can use SonicWall Capture Client to manage your endpoints and save time implementing the features provided by the solution.

  1. Don’t worry, it’s always onMost of the endpoint solutions on the market rely on cloud connectivity. Some are based on reputation or similarities to known malware. With SonicWall Capture Client, all the intelligence and AI models are baked into the low-footprint SentinelOne engine that automatically quarantines and mitigates malicious activity on the endpoint.

    This process works in tandem with the Capture Advanced Threat Protection (ATP) cloud sandbox service, which delivers off-box analysis for an instant “good-or-bad” verdict. The result? Users can continue working securely and uninterrupted without worrying about potential compromise.

  2. One-click rollback for easier remediationWith malware and ransomware adopting smarter techniques to penetrate your security perimeter, behavioral analysis is more likely to get triggered as a defense mechanism. However, there is no 100% guarantee. If all layers are breached by the 1%, it generally hits the radar when the user reports the problem. By this time, it’s often too late. You will need to come up with a response plan and quickly remediate the threat.

    With SonicWall, you are a click away from rolling back the impact, saving a lot of time and cycles around coordinating with the user, and allowing the user to get back to completing their tasks without any further interruption.

  3. Seamless endpoint managementThe early days of endpoint security implementation used a zone-based approach. The idea behind zones is to allow SecOps to configure different policies based on location, usually because of on-premise management limitations.

    But ransomware is location-agnostic — and you need consistent security following the endpoint. By deploying the SonicWall agent (leveraging SentinelOne’s low-memory footprint) across your endpoint assets, you don’t need to worry about this. With a cloud-based management console, endpoint policies are now applied to every endpoint consistently with the ability to define granular user/device-based exceptions.Moreover, by using the cloud-based Capture ATP sandbox service, endpoints can take full advantage of protection without depending on on-premise appliances.

  4. What you see is what you defendOnce SonicWall Capture Client is deployed across your assets, each agent automatically reports on all installed applications. Unlike other solutions, this functionality is not dependent on ever running the actual application.

    From the management console, you can see the onboarded endpoints and the applications that are on the machine, what processes are running, etc. Reports can be scheduled and emailed to recipients of your choice with executive-level insights. Further details can be leveraged from the report to implement any corrective measures that are needed to address the same.

  5. Automate & orchestrate with APIsWith threats increasing at exponential rates, there is a big bang effect that is being observed in the threat landscape.

    Cybercriminals are getting craftier and leveraging automation techniques to evade traditional ways of getting detected. This gives them the ability to process more data in less time, jumping from database to database or network to network with relative ease. If enterprises try to eliminate threats using manual processes or ad-hoc hunts, they are at a severe disadvantage.

    SonicWall Capture Client has been built with an API-first approach, so anything the technology does in isolation can also be orchestrated and integrated, creating unified and proactive workflows with other security tools. This allows the organizations to be one step ahead of the attacks and protect environments from other threats.

Read-to-Go Security Bundle Includes Endpoint Protection

To help organizations cost-effectively build their work-from-home workforces, SonicWall is making its remote access products and services, endpoint protection and cloud application security solutions available to both new and existing customers via deeply discounted rates.

These packages were bundled to include everything needed to protect employees outside the network:

  • Free Secure Mobile Access (SMA) virtual appliance
  • Aggressive discounts on Capture Client endpoint protection
  • Aggressive discounts on Cloud App Security
  • Aggressive discounts on support contracts and Remote Implementation Services when you bundle a virtual appliance
  • New 30- and 60-day VPN spike licenses for existing SMA 100 and 1000 series customers

To explore the new offers, please visit our special SonicWall promotions page. From there you can review offer details or chat with a SonicWall security expert who can answer questions on how best to quickly scale your remote workforce.


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SonicWall Staff