Threat intelligence

Cyber Threat Map: SonicWall Security Center Delivers Real-Time Cyber Attack Data

by SonicWall Staff

Cyber security professionals exist in an increasingly complex world. As the cyber threat landscape evolves, a new cyber arms race has emerged that places organizations and their security solutions in the crosshairs of a growing global criminal industry.

Cyber criminals are increasingly turning to highly effective advanced cyber weapons, such as ransomware, infostealers, IoT exploits and TLS/SSL encrypted attacks, to target organizations of all sizes around the world.

To help organizations protect their networks and sensitive data from advanced cyber attacks, SonicWall developed a next-generation Automated Real-Time Breach Detection and Prevention Platform. Over a decade ago, SonicWall Capture Labs threat researchers pioneered the use of machine learning for threat research and cyber protection.

Complementing the platform, SonicWall is unlocking the power of the SonicWall Capture Labs Threat Network data for our customers, partners and the greater industry via the modern SonicWall Security Center.

What is the SonicWall Security Center?

The SonicWall Security Center provides a graphical view of the worldwide attacks over the last 24 hours, countries being attacked and geographic attack origins. This view illustrates the pace and speed of the cyber arms race. Even more important is the actionable data found on the Capture Labs Threat Metrics pages.

On these interactive pages, cyber threat meters show telemetry data that empower you to take action to better protect your organization. For example, the dashboard below shows that worldwide malware attack attempts are up 139 percent in February 2018 over February 2017.

In this example, SonicWall Security Center threat metrics state that the number of malware attacks increased from 0.42 billion to 1.0 billion, and that the attacks are largely coming from IP addresses in the United States, followed by China. The Security Center includes regional drilldowns for North America, Europe and Asia to give deeper insight for organizations around the globe.

This level of detail is available not only for malware attacks, but also for intrusion attempts, ransomware, encrypted traffic, https encrypted malware, new threats discovered by Capture Advanced Threat Protection and spam/phishing activity.

With this tool, we aim to provide actionable cyber threat intelligence to help you identify the types of attacks you need to be concerned about so you can design and test your security posture to make sure that your organization is properly protected.

Cyber security news, trends and analysis

The final section on the SonicWall Security Center is Security News. On this page, the Capture Labs team publishes research and analysis on the latest security threats, attacks, vulnerabilities and more — as it’s happening. When the next big cyber attack occurs, this will be the go-to source for information not only for the SonicWall community, but for the greater cyber security industry as well.

SonicWall threat intelligence and cyber attack data

SonicWall uses deep-learning algorithms to analyze data, classify attacks and block known malware before it can infect a network. Unknown files are sent to Capture Advanced Threat Protection service for automated analysis using a variety of techniques, including hypervisor analysis, emulation, virtualization and our patent-pending Real-Time Deep Memory Inspection.TM

The information we obtain on unknown threats is then combined with the billions of telemetry data points that Capture Labs gathers from the million-plus firewalls, email security appliances and endpoint clients used by our customers.


The cyber arms race is a challenge we face together. And it’s the core reason we’re committed to passing our findings, intelligence, analysis and research to the global public via the SonicWall 2018 Cyber Threat Report.

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SonicWall Staff