Organizations increasingly rely on security service providers to fill the gaps and face threats, exposure points, and personnel needs that are growing at a pace their budgets and actual headcount can’t keep up with. By implementing improvements focusing on simplicity and efficiency, organizations can better prepare themselves for the future.
SonicWall has leveraged its nearly three decades in the channel industry to create a Service Provider partner program focused on delivering simplicity and efficiency to help our service provider partners meet the unprecedented demand for their knowledge and expertise. We are extending the program to more SonicWall products like Switches and Access Points to strengthen our SD-branch solution for service providers.
The monthly program extension to its Switch and Access Point users delivers superior cloud management and CapEx reduction for all partners in the Service Provider program. With this launch, we will provide service providers with access to the hardware at a special service provider-friendly price that will be super exciting and cost-effective for your organization. Special pricing is available for all SonicWall Switches and SonicWave 600 Series Access Points starting July 1st, 2024. In addition, as an inaugural offer for customers, customers who register for the product in MySonicWall before October 1st, 2024, will receive 90 days of free services for the highest product bundle and 24/7 support.
We aim to help service providers increase profitability by combining our expanding threat intelligence solutions with flexible pricing options. By adding program enhancements such as simplified operations, automated provisioning and billing, unified visibility and security management, and pre-defined threat analytics, reporting, and workflows, we’re offering service providers the opportunity to meet goals more efficiently than ever.
Go to the FAQ page to learn more about this promotional offer. Visit our Secure Access product pages to learn more about Switches, Access Points, and Wireless Network Managers.
Are you a partner looking to enroll in our Service Provider Program? Find out more about the monthly billing program here. Customers looking to procure Switches and Access Points on monthly billing and take advantage of the new promotional offer should contact their SonicWall partner or our sales team.
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Rakesh Ramesh
Rakesh Ramesh