I nuovi firewall NSsp ad alte prestazioni, la gestione nativa del cloud e l’analisi interna delle minacce stanno rivoluzionando il mercato aziendale nel senso della sicurezza con un valido rapporto qualità-prezzo, nella nuova normalità operativa

MILPITAS, California, 11 agosto 2020. Le nuove imprese distribuite, gli enti pubblici e i fornitori di servizi di sicurezza gestiti (MSSP) sono costantemente alle prese con la necessità di garantire la protezione vitale e immediata delle reti di grandi dimensioni e dei dipendenti che utilizzano il telelavoro, dovendo al tempo stesso attenersi a un numero sempre crescente di obblighi che variano da paese a paese.

SonicWall, un’azienda che propone soluzioni economicamente innovative per gli ambienti a sicurezza elevata, ha annunciato in data odierna nuovi metodi per installare, adeguare e proteggere nel tempo gli investimenti in sistemi di sicurezza per le nuove imprese estese distribuite, gli enti pubblici e gli MSSP. La concezione di sicurezza riformulata di SonicWall razionalizza i controlli di sicurezza di rete e la visibilità dell’intera rete attraverso interfacce utente comprensibili e intuitive.

Questa evoluzione della Cybersecurity illimitata di SonicWall comprende i nuovi firewall ad alte prestazioni NSsp 15700 e multi-gigabit TZ570 e TZ670, il nuovo CSa 1000 per sandboxing con tecnologia Real-Time Deep Memory Inspection™ (RTDMI), i nuovi modelli di firewall virtuali NSv e la gestione modulare della sicurezza nativa per il cloud.

“Le organizzazioni stanno ripensando le attività e la sicurezza dovendo fare i conti con le nuove sfide portate dalla diffusione degli ambienti di massa resa necessaria dalla nuova normalità operativa – ha dichiarato Bill Conner, Presidente e CEO di SonicWall, che ha così proseguito –  e garantire la sicurezza di queste nuove reti estese in modo rapido e completo è diventata una delle principali priorità. Le organizzazioni sono sempre più bersaglio di malintenzionati che cercano di trarre vantaggio delle minacce legate al COVID ai danni di reti distribuite che sono state riorganizzate in tutta fretta – praticamente dall’oggi al domani – per consentire l’accesso al personale che lavora in remoto e in mobilità”.

L’espansione completa della piattaforma Capture Cloud comprende:

  • Il nuovo sistema operativo SonicOS 7.0
  • Il nuovo sistema operativo SonicOSX 7.0 per le imprese distribuite, gli enti pubblici e gli MSSP
  • I nuovi firewall di fascia alta SonicWall NSsp 15700
  • I nuovi firewall virtuali SonicWall NSv 270, 470 e 870
  • Il nuovo SonicWall CSa 1000 con tecnologia RTDMITM
  • I nuovi firewall entry-level SonicWall TZ570 e TZ670
  • La nuova certificazione SNSP (SonicWall Network Security Professional) 2.0

“È giunto il momento di garantire che le organizzazioni interessate possano contare sulla capacità, sulla protezione e sui controlli necessari per potersi difendere con successo senza penalizzare la velocità, la convenienza e l’affidabilità, il tutto nel rispetto dei requisiti normativi” ha dichiarato Bill Conner.

Protezione delle nuove imprese estese distribuite e degli enti pubblici
Forte di una lunga tradizione all’insegna della semplificazione degli aspetti complessi della sicurezza, SonicWall mette la stessa facilità d’uso e le stesse capacità a disposizione delle grandi imprese distribuite, degli enti pubblici e degli MSSP, semplificando la gestione grazie a un approccio più flessibile di facile attuazione.

Il sistema operativo SonicOS 7.0 e Network Security Manager (NSM) 2.0 consentono una visibilità, una gestione e un controllo migliori grazie alle interfacce utente completamente nuove. Il modo di lavorare dell’utente moderno è organizzato in modo intelligente, comprende i pannelli di controllo dei dispositivi, topologie riprogettate, il supporto dell’applicazione mobile SonicExpress e la semplificazione della definizione e della gestione delle politiche.

Realizzato da zero come piattaforma di gestione nativa per il cloud, NSM è stato progettato in funzione della velocità, della modularità e dell’affidabilità per le grandi aziende distribuite. Le grandi aziende e gli enti pubblici possono ottimizzare, controllare, supervisionare e gestire decine di migliaia di dispositivi di sicurezza di rete, come firewall, switch gestiti e access point wireless, il tutto grazie ad una soluzione di gestione della sicurezza affidabile, modulare e nativa per il cloud.

“I prodotti SonicWall hanno sempre funzionato ottimamente, ma il nuovo sistema operativo SonicOS 7.0 abbinato alle apparecchiature di settima generazione costituisce un enorme passo in avanti – ha dichiarato Prabhod T.R., Senior Security Engineer di Thinkss, che ha aggiunto –  e con la versione 7.0 del suo sistema operativo SonicOS l’azienda ha abbandonato le interfacce e le esperienze utente (UI/UX) tradizionali che sono state in voga per anni ed ha cambiato completamente l’aspetto e l’operabilità dei suoi dispositivi, facendo fare loro un balzo in avanti per essere all’altezza della concorrenza”.

Migliore protezione e maggiori rendimenti degli investimenti per la sicurezza
Lo sviluppo globale e l’espansione dei reparti fanno sì che sia le grandi aziende, sia gli enti pubblici avvertano l’esigenza di adeguarsi rapidamente, garantire una maggiore protezione e mantenere il controllo di reti in rapida espansione, il tutto dovendo tener conto delle ristrettezze di bilancio.

“Qualsiasi impresa che si chieda perché rivolgersi a un fornitore di soluzioni di sicurezza dovrebbe considerare le sfide quotidiane che deve affrontare: ambienti complessi con soluzioni complesse di tipo aziendale di numerosi fornitori – ha dichiarato Jeff Wilson Chief Analyst per la Cybersecurity di Omdia, che ha così proseguito – e spesso si tratta di ambienti che non sono in realtà riusciti a risolvere i problemi di sicurezza delle reti, mentre le aziende si trovano a dover fare i conti con carenze di personale, mancanza di competenze e ristrettezze di bilancio. SonicWall produce soluzioni pensate per offrire una sicurezza elevata alle aziende che non hanno personale specializzato in cybersecurity o non ne hanno a sufficienza o sufficientemente preparato e che hanno anche problemi di budget”.

Il sistema operativo potenziato SonicOSX 7.0 è stato progettato per semplificare le politiche complesse, le verifiche ispettive e i controlli di gestione sempre più richiesti dalle imprese distribuite e dagli enti pubblici. Il nuovo sistema operativo SonicWall è basato su un unico codice, per cui quando gli amministratori imparano a utilizzare un prodotto, imparano a utilizzali tutti. Le interfacce e l’esperienza UI/UX consentono di acquisire familiarità, ridurre la formazione e accorciare i tempi d’installazione.

Network Security Manager 2.0, una soluzione aperta, modulare e nativa per il cloud, ottimizza l’agilità e l’efficienza operativa per imprese, enti pubblici e fornitori di servizi attraverso un unico pannello di controllo. Il servizio riduce anche il rischio, visualizzando gli eventi di sicurezza che interessano i dispositivi gestiti. I reparti informatici ottengono conferme e riscontri istantanei, possono annullare le modifiche a livello di singole apparecchiature o di gruppo e sono in grado di definire intere sequenze di prova complete con uno storico delle variazioni completo.

Le organizzazioni possono ridurre ulteriormente i costi limitando l’impiego del personale in loco ed evitando di dover inviare stuoli di tecnici per installare migliaia di firewall, switch connessi e access point wireless grazie al provisioning potenziato in modalità zero-touch e ai modelli di configurazione. Gli amministratori in mobilità possono completare le più comuni attività di gestione, come la registrazione, l’installazione, la configurazione e il monitoraggio dei firewall, grazie alla nuova applicazione mobile SonicExpress.

Reti di grandi dimensioni e sicurezza delle filiali già predisposte per il futuro
Il nuovo firewall SonicWall NSsp 15700, dotato di interfacce multiple da 100/40/10 GbE e di capacità di elaborazione comparabile con quella dei cluster di computer, mette imprese, enti pubblici, centri di elaborazione dati e fornitori di servizi in condizione di sfruttare gli investimenti man mano che le esigenze d’impiego delle risorse e di connessione crescono con l’aumentare dei dispositivi e degli utenti connessi.

“La nuova piattaforma destinata alle imprese che SonicWall si appresta a commercializzare abbina una tecnologia di livello aziendale a tutto ciò che abbiamo appreso aiutando le PMI ad affrontare sfide che, a quanto pare, sono effettivamente le più importanti che le aziende si trovano a dover affrontare” ha dichiarato Jeff Wilson.

I firewall SonicWall della serie NSsp 15700 sono ottimizzati per l’analisi veloce delle minacce nelle reti più esigenti. Si tratta di firewall che si contraddistinguono per le rivoluzionarie funzioni multi-istanza, in grado di proteggere milioni di connessioni.

Sia i firewall di fascia alta NSsp 15700, sia il nuovissimo servizio di firewall virtuali NSv 270, 470 e 870 comprendono il supporto TLS 1.3 integrato, che migliora le prestazioni e la sicurezza, eliminando al tempo stesso le complessità. Il supporto completo TLS 1.3 sui firewall fisici e su quelli virtuali garantisce anche per il futuro la compatibilità degli investimenti anche con i più recenti standard di crittografia.

I nuovi firewall SonicWall TZ570 e 670 sono dotati di funzioni zero-touch integrate per installare la connettività e la sicurezza delle filiali nel giro di pochi minuti. I modelli della nuova serie TZ sono anche predisposti per il 5G e per SD-Branch sicura.

Installazione della protezione interna per un miglior controllo dei dati
Per le organizzazioni che hanno l’esigenza di aumentare la visibilità e mantenere il controllo dei dati al momento dell’identificazione e del blocco dei ciberattacchi conosciuti e non, che contraddistinguono la nuova normalità operativa, il servizio di sandbox multi-engine SonicWall Capture Advanced Threat Protection (ATP) con tecnologia RTDMI è disponibile per le apparecchiature interne tramite la CSa 1000 completamente nuova.

Con la tecnologia in attesa di brevetto Real-Time Deep Memory Inspection (RTDMI), la CSa 1000 interna e la piattaforma Capture ATP basata sul cloud sono in grado di individuare e bloccare ogni giorno migliaia di campioni di malware evasivo fino ad ora sconosciuti, e persino attacchi crittografati con TLS 1.3 inviati da un firewall connesso SonicWall per un’analisi più approfondita.

La tecnologia RTDMI è una delle poche a offrire una protezione basata sulla rete nei confronti del codice necessario per portare attacchi su canale laterale come Meltdown, Spectre, Foreshadow, PortSmash, Spoiler, MDS e TPM-Fail.

Per informazioni dettagliate sui prodotti visitare:

SonicWall fornisce soluzioni di cybersecurity illimitata per l’era iperdistribuita in una realtà lavorativa in cui tutto è all’insegna del telelavoro, della mobilità e della mancanza di sicurezza. SonicWall salvaguarda le organizzazioni che si mobilitano per la nuova normalità operativa con una protezione senza soluzione di continuità che blocca i ciberattacchi più evasivi in tutti i punti di esposizione esterni e che colpiscono un organico che lavora in misura sempre maggiore in remoto, in mobilità e in ambienti cloud. Conoscendo l’ignoto, offrendo una visibilità in tempo reale e rendendo possibili economie innovative, SonicWall colma le lacune della cybersecurity per aziende, enti pubblici e PMI in ogni parte del mondo. Per ulteriori informazioni visitare www.sonicwall.com o seguirci su Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook e Instagram.

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July 3, 2024

SonicWall Launches EMEA Managed Security Services Backed by a 24×7 European Security Operations Center (SOC)

SonicWall delivers on its promises of more fortification and flexibility for EMEA partners with key Managed Security Services additions – all ahead of strict new EU tech regulations MILPITAS, Calif. — July 3, 2024 — SonicWall announced today that it has rolled out its new Managed Security Services suite for European Managed Service Providers (MSPs), Managed Security Service Providers (MSSPs) and other partners, all backed by a new locally-based 24x7x365 Security Operations Center (SOC) providing local understanding of regional cyber threats, regulations, and business environments, enhancing threat detection and response capabilities. The announcement reinforces SonicWall’s commitment to its valued partners and extends its portfolio to include EMEA-based Managed Detection and Response (MDR), Security Operations Center services (SOCaaS), and other managed security services that are delivered in partnership with MSPs and MSSPs. “Within the past year, SonicWall made a commitment to its global partners that it would take an endpoint agnostic and flexible tailored to their unique journeys – we delivered that in February,” said SonicWall CEO and President Bob VanKirk. “Building on this commitment, we’re now introducing managed security services, an EMEA-based SOC, and a suite of additional tools and resources essential for our partners’ success. Our establishment of an EMEA-based SOC with European data residency further strengthens our promise to empower partners with local expertise and rapid response capabilities, crucial for effective client protection amidst Europe's ever-evolving cybersecurity landscape. Additionally, we've upheld our pledge to partners by recently launching MDR for Capture Client, Sentinel One, and Microsoft Defender. SonicWall’s European-based SOC is now available, ensuring European partners can offer their customers enterprise-grade SOC monitoring while remaining compliant with European regulations. In many cases, MSPs and other organizations don’t have an in-house SOC team monitoring alerts and managing the performance of security solutions around the clock, meaning there can be delays in taking defensive action at critical times. Alert fatigue can also be a problem as it can be difficult to identify true problems in the noise of false positives. Adding a SOC provides 24x7x365 monitoring, so that alerts are prioritized, and no alert is missed, no matter when it comes in. Sustained EMEA Momentum This announcement comes a week after the conclusion of SonicWall’s EMEA Partner Conference Elevate 2024, held in Lisbon, Portugal. Partners from across Europe joined SonicWall’s leadership for a hands-on understanding of SonicWall’s new Managed Security Services solutions, and for a better understanding on how to grow and diversify their business in an increasingly dynamic threat and business environment. “We listened to our community and delivered solutions that will dramatically impact their businesses, and the feedback we received at Elevate 2024 was overwhelmingly positive,” said SonicWall Chief Strategy Officer Matt Neiderman. “Our commitment to empowering our partners with a platform of modern solutions designed to help them grow their business is evident in both EMEA and around the globe, and we will continue to enhance the solutions and tools they need to sustain this current momentum.” EU’s Strict Regulations The addition of these Managed Security Service solutions comes just ahead of the European Union’s strict new DORA regulations which, from January 17, 2025, will place additional compliance burdens on cybersecurity providers and their customers. Compliance with DORA will involve a rethink of current risk management frameworks and operational resilience assessments including penetration testing, incident response and third-party risks. “The EU is leading the way globally on cyber-resilience to protect its economic interests with DORA,” said SonicWall Vice President of EMEA Spencer Starkey. “SonicWall’s new SOC is physical proof we’re onboard ahead of this important new regulatory reality. We know attackers work internationally and not just nine to five, now our partners can offer ultra-fast, local response capabilities with EU data residency starting today.” The new enterprise-grade SOC is an addition to SonicWall’s existing Managed Extended Detection and Response (MXDR) capabilities announced earlier this year to deliver powerful cybersecurity monitoring and response across the entire attack surface, including firewalls, endpoint protection, antivirus and cloud threat detection for MSPs and MSSPs. “Having a European-based SOC is pivotal for ensuring compliance with stringent regulations like GDPR and DORA,” said long-time SonicWall Partner and CTO at Data-Sec GmbH Moritz Freiherr von Schwerin. “It not only strengthens our ability to protect sensitive data and uphold privacy standards but also enables us to provide localized, agile responses to emerging cybersecurity threats specific to our region. This localization is crucial for maintaining trust and delivering effective security solutions that meet the unique needs of our clients across Europe. SonicWall has enhanced its offerings, both organically and through acquisitions, and they’re focused on supporting us better than ever before.” For more information on SonicWall’s Managed Security Services please visit: https://www.sonicwall.com/products/managed-security-services/. About SonicWall SonicWall is a cybersecurity forerunner with more than 30 years of expertise and is recognized as a leading partner-first company. With the ability to build, scale and manage security across the cloud, hybrid and traditional environments in real-time, SonicWall provides seamless protection against the most evasive cyberattacks across endless exposure points for increasingly remote, mobile and cloud-enabled users. With its own threat research center, SonicWall can quickly and economically provide purpose-built security solutions to enable any organization—enterprise, government agencies and SMBs—around the world. For more information, visit www.sonicwall.com or follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram.

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June 11, 2024

SonicWall Builds off its Partner Strength to Drive New Heights at Elevate 2024

Partners will get exclusive previews of the recently announced SonicPlatform and SonicWall’s newly enhanced solution roadmap from its recent acquisitions MILPITAS, Calif. — June 11, 2024 — SonicWall announced today the return of SonicWall Elevate, its premier partner event where it will detail its recent acquisitions and preview its solution roadmap which is helping organization create defensive measures from cloud to endpoint. This is yet another delivery for SonicWall’s valued partner and customer community – which has generated incredible momentum over the last several quarters. “SonicWall has been actively listening to its partner channel for the last 18 months and Elevate 2024 is another testament to our commitment to provide partners what they need to succeed in 2024 and beyond,” said SonicWall CEO Bob VanKirk. “Our partners are a force multiplier, one of our key differentiators, and we will be sharing an updated roadmap that has been specifically shaped by our partners’ voices. We have added managed security services, cloud-native security and more – all to put our partners in position to take their businesses to new heights.” SonicWall Elevate will involve sharing  key updates on its network security products, threat intelligence, as well as its newly acquired additions which include security service edge (SSE), zero trust network access (ZTNA) and additional managed security services for threat detection and response. With the platform, users get a unified backend for threat visibility and simplified workflows, uniquely positioning SonicWall well with an end-to-end solution. Elevate 2024 is designed to give partners all the tools they need to succeed in the coming year and beyond, including: Exclusive demos of SonicWall’s latest technology, including the new SonicPlatform Information on how to leverage recent acquisitions and how partners can grow and diversify their business to increase revenue Enhance the value of network security solutions and see what’s coming next Everything partners need to know about decreasing alert fatigue and growing opportunities with the 24x7 SOC protection of SonicWall MDR Interactive breakout sessions, complete with workshops and Q&A Opportunities for partners to offer feedback directly to SonicWall executive leadership SonicWall is experiencing consecutive quarters of partner growth, fueled by the explosive expansion in our Service Provider Program, recent program enhancements, and a dedicated focus on channel engagement. Over the last three quarters, SonicWall has seen an increase of transacting partners, including a 4% quarter-over-quarter growth. When and Where Americas June 12-14:Dallas, TX USA Europe, Middle East and Africa June 26-28: Lisbon, Portugal Asia, Pacific and Japan July 10-12: Bali, Indonesia For more information about Elevate 2024 and to register, please visit https://www.sonicwall.com/events/sonicwall-elevate-2024/. About SonicWall SonicWall is a cybersecurity forerunner with more than 30 years of expertise and is recognized as a leading partner-first company. With the ability to build, scale and manage security across the cloud, hybrid and traditional environments in real-time, SonicWall provides seamless protection against the most evasive cyberattacks across endless exposure points for increasingly remote, mobile and cloud-enabled users. With its own threat research center, SonicWall can quickly and economically provide purpose-built security solutions to enable any organization—enterprise, government agencies and SMBs—around the world. For more information, visit www.sonicwall.com or follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram.

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May 2, 2024

SonicWall Data Reveals the Top Five Most Widespread Network Attacks Used Against Small Businesses

The last two years of firewall telemetry data, paints a clear picture of what attacks are most widespread amongst SMBs – demanding the need for prioritization MILPITAS, Calif. — May 2, 2024 — A review of SonicWall telemetry data suggests that the most widespread network attacks to small businesses (SMBs) are older vulnerabilities with a large amount of publicly available information and affecting major vendors. In light of this data, prioritization is a critically important factor for today’s CISOs who are asked to manage and prioritize risk. “In order to properly prioritize threats, we must first understand what attacks, vulnerabilities, and tactics are being used by our enemies,” said SonicWall Executive Director of Threat Research Doug McKee. “Relying too heavily on one factor (e.g., CVSS scores) can lead to an incomplete view of the risk associated with a vulnerability. Consider all factors together to develop a comprehensive understanding of the risk landscape and prioritize vulnerabilities accordingly.” From January 2022 to March 2024, using SonicWall IPS data, SonicWall determined the most widespread attacks against small businesses. Here are the top five ranked: Log4j (CVE-2021-44228) - 43% of organizations were under attack Fortinet SSL VPN Path Traversal (CVE-2018-13379) - 35% of organizations were under attack Heartbleed (CVE-2014-0160) - 35% of organizations were under attack Atlassian Pre-Auth Arbitrary File Read (CVE-2021-26085) - 32% of organizations were under attack VMware SSRF (CVE-2021-21975) - 28% of organizations were under attack The “newest” vulnerability on this list is almost three years old, and the oldest goes back almost a decade.  This suggests the biggest “win” for small businesses is to ensure they have a solid methodology in place for dealing with well-known vulnerabilities, regardless of the age of the threat. “It is still very relevant to spend time and resources tracking down items like heart bleed and log4j, which is arguably more valuable than worrying about the latest AI threat or zero days in Microsoft with no publicly available exploit,” said McKee. Prioritization is Key Prioritization is a critical factor for today’s CISOs who are asked to manage and prioritize risk.  The largest challenge with supply chain issues like Log4j, is understanding simply – is it used and where?  Product security testing or other forms of deep technical analysis of the product used on your network is vital to ensure a business is protected from threats being used by attackers and therefore should take priority in terms of funding. For more information visit www.sonicwall.com. About SonicWall SonicWall is a cybersecurity forerunner with more than 30 years of expertise and is recognized as a leading partner-first company. With the ability to build, scale and manage security across the cloud, hybrid and traditional environments in real-time, SonicWall provides seamless protection against the most evasive cyberattacks across endless exposure points for increasingly remote, mobile and cloud-enabled users. With its own threat research center, SonicWall can quickly and economically provide purpose-built security solutions to enable any organization—enterprise, government agencies and SMBs—around the world. For more information, visit www.sonicwall.com or follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram.

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April 25, 2024

Riding a Wave of Momentum, SonicWall Debuts New Cybersecurity Management Platform at RSA Conference 2024

After securing three acquisitions, adding MSP-tailored managed services and cloud security to build out its platform, SonicWall is delivering on partner commitments MILPITAS, Calif. — April 25, 2024 — In recent months, SonicWall reinforced its ongoing commitment to its valued partners and extended its cybersecurity portfolio to include managed security services and cloud edge security solutions that are tailor-made for MSPs (Managed Service Providers) and MSSPs (Managed Security Service Providers). Now, SonicWall and its new solutions, together with its new cybersecurity management platform will be showcased at the RSA Conference 2024 in San Francisco, Calif., May 6-9, at Booth N-5353, North Expo Hall, at the Moscone Center. “An unwavering commitment to SonicWall partners and customers around the globe is, and will continue to be, SonicWall’s priority,” said SonicWall CEO and President Bob VanKirk. “It’s encouraging to experience the remarkable momentum sweeping across our business – It starts with taking an outside in approach and executing on that insight. As a result, SonicWall is proud to demonstrate its updated capabilities and introduce the SonicPlatform, all of which are a direct result of feedback from our partners.” SonicWall returns to RSA Conference in 2024 after introducing its revamped executive leadership team last year. It will provide insightful sessions, new technology demos and one-on-one conversations with SonicWall cybersecurity and MSP experts, and an after-hours networking event. "As a SonicWall partner, it’s invaluable to learn the latest in cybersecurity trends and technologies,” said Logically CEO and SonicWall Partner Joshua Skeens. “This past year we've seen SonicWall transform, becoming even more partner friendly and focused on ensuring we have the security solutions and business tools we need to protect our customers as they do business. With the introduction of the SonicPlatform, SonicWall is ensuring that we are positioned to provide world-class security across multiple solutions in a more cohesive and efficient way." SonicWall Partner Momentum SonicWall’s business momentum is fueled by growth in its partner community – with key new partner wins over the last three quarters as part of a growing trend. SonicWall’s commitment to providing meaningful initiatives to its partners is paying dividends. Within the last 6-months SonicWall has offered: New Customer Deal Registration: Partners can receive additional discounts ranging from 10% for any qualified approved opportunity to up to 50% discount for a qualified new customer. Tier Match +1: For a limited time, SonicWall will beat the loyalty status partners currently hold with a competing firewall manufacturer. Eligible partners can have their SonicWall partner account matched to the closest equivalent tier, plus one for 180 days. Exclusive Partner Support: In addition to flexible subscription pricing, SonicWall offers exclusive technical support in addition to its Service Provider Plan. This offering allows partners priority access to tier two subject matter experts (SMEs) across the SonicWall portfolio – all with an exceptional response time. These and other partner initiatives have led to a 42% increase in partner growth year-over-year, with 63% of new partners transacting within the same quarter they onboarded. Additionally, partners in the Service Provider Program increased 91% year-over-year. SonicPlatform SonicWall is proud to introduce SonicPlatform, an innovative management platform designed to unify SonicWall products into a single integrated interface. SonicPlatform is not only focused on streamlining management tasks; it also delivers deep product integration that enables the sharing of contextual information across all enforcement points. SonicPlatform is built to deliver on a vision of a comprehensive, intuitive, and unified management that greatly simplifies the oversight of both cloud-based and on-premises infrastructures. SonicWall has added numerous security and networking solutions, including endpoint security, wireless access, cloud email security and threat intelligence, along with its recent additions of security service edge (SSE), zero trust network access (ZTNA) and managed security services, such as managed detection and response (MDR). With the platform’s unified backend for threat visibility and simplified workflows, partners will have a highly coherent end-to-end solution. This platform is especially beneficial for MSPs and MSSPs, enabling them to efficiently manage multiple client environments, automate key tasks, reduce operational costs, enhance service delivery, and garner valuable insights—all through a single, user-friendly interface. SonicPlatform serves as a centralized hub for managing all client resources, with key features such as: Unified Console: A single, intuitive interface for managing all clients and their resources. Unified System Health Visibility: Comprehensive insights into the health and performance of clients' products – including maintenance needs. Enhanced Security Management: Advanced capabilities for detecting and mitigating threats. Expanded Inventory Management: Efficient management of clients' resources, including appliances, subscriptions, and licenses, across on-premises and cloud environments. SonicPlatform represents a significant stride towards a more integrated, efficient, and secure management ecosystem for SonicWall's increasingly diverse suite of security solutions. More Information SonicWall leaders and experts will be available during the company’s exhibition hours to demo and answer any questions regarding its recent acquisitions and SonicPlatform. SonicWall | Booth 5353, North Hall | Moscone Center Tues., May 7: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. PT Wed., May 8: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. PT Thurs., May 9: 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. PT For more information, or to request a 1-on-1 meeting with a SonicWall cybersecurity expert, please visit SonicWall.com/RSA. About SonicWall SonicWall is a cybersecurity forerunner with more than 30 years of expertise and is recognized as a leading partner-first company. With the ability to build, scale and manage security across the cloud, hybrid and traditional environments in real-time, SonicWall provides seamless protection against the most evasive cyberattacks across endless exposure points for increasingly remote, mobile and cloud-enabled users. With its own threat research center, SonicWall can quickly and economically provide purpose-built security solutions to enable any organization—enterprise, government agencies and SMBs—around the world. For more information, visit www.sonicwall.com or follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram.

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