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SonicWall Recognizes Valued Partners, Distributors with Distinguished Partner Awards

Key SonicWall partners and distributors from around the globe recognized for delivering cybersecurity excellence

Milpitas, CA - March 9, 2023 SonicWall recognized distinguished partners and distributors for their continued excellence in protecting customers in a challenging threat landscape through its annual SonicWall Partner Awards. The awards honor SonicWall partner organizations worldwide that have gone above and beyond delivering cybersecurity solutions to their customers.

“From our early days, SonicWall’s accomplishments have always been linked to the success of its esteemed partners and distributors,” said SonicWall CEO and President Bob VanKirk. “We are delighted to acknowledge our SonicWall SecureFirst partners who consistently deliver first-class security services to organizations of all sizes. We are extremely grateful and humbled by our global network of over 17,000 partners and distributors, and these awards recognize their outstanding work.”

Partners were nominated in various categories in each region for outstanding performance throughout the past year. The partners were evaluated on portfolio distribution, online activities, project success rate and certification level and commitment and feedback from the team.

SonicWall is pleased to announce the following North American Region winners:

Distributor of the YearIngram Micro
Distributor of the YearTD SYNNEX
Platinum Partner of the YearWestern NRG
Gold Partner of the YearOcean Computer Group
Silver Partner of the YearBtech
DMR Partner of the YearBlueAlly
NSP Partner of the YearCDW
MSSP Partner of the YearEpicor
Enterprise Partner of the YearLogically
Public Sector Partner of the YearFedData
Newcomer of the YearAmerican Lazer Services
Sales Hero of the YearMatt Burton
Technical Hero of the Year Darren Schmidt
Project of the YearQuarterhorse Technology

To see all the winners, please visit:

“Epicor is humbled to receive a SonicWall Security Award,” said Director of Private Cloud Hosting at Epicor Software Harry Hartnup. “Our cybersecurity solutions enable customers to safeguard their most valuable business assets. We look forward to continued work with SonicWall to help customers navigate the complex and ever-evolving threat landscape.”

SonicWall takes great pride in honoring partners and distributors every year for their special contributions in protecting customers from cyber threats. For more information on the Security Awards, please visit

About SonicWall

SonicWall delivers Boundless Cybersecurity for the hyper-distributed era in a work reality where everyone is remote, mobile and unsecure. SonicWall safeguards organizations mobilizing for their new business normal with seamless protection that stops the most evasive cyberattacks across boundless exposure points and increasingly remote, mobile and cloud-enabled workforces. By knowing the unknown, providing real-time visibility and enabling breakthrough economics, SonicWall closes the cybersecurity business gap for enterprises, governments and SMBs worldwide. For more information, visit or follow us on TwitterLinkedInFacebook and Instagram.

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