Strengthen your security posture, safeguard the data, and streamline workflows for heightened efficiency with powerful integration! In this key session live demonstrations showcase the combined power of these three great solutions. Industry experts share important insights improving your information’s security and safety. Join us to explore how the seamless integration of these robust solutions significantly elevates your protection and your customer value proposition!

The challenge is to continuously improve cybersecurity posture with enhanced email security, proactive threat hunting and modeling, and immediate action from detection to effective response. That requires cybersecurity that goes far beyond just endpoints. SonicWall’s Managed Detection and Response (MDR) gives you every tool you need to quickly detect, identify, analyze, and remediate every threat. Here’s how to add value that also fulfills your requirements for cyber insurance and keeping in full compliance with regulatory standards. Attend this session to see it in action!

Beseitigen Sie die separate VM, die für die Bereitstellung von Cloud Secure Edge erforderlich ist, und vereinfachen Sie ZTNA mit dem neuen Gateway, das in SonicWall-Firewalls integriert ist. Die Veröffentlichung von SonicOS 7.1.2 vereinfacht nicht nur die Bereitstellung, sondern verbessert auch die Netzwerksicherheit. Nehmen Sie an dieser CAFÉ-TECH-Sitzung teil und erfahren Sie, wie Sie mit bestehenden SonicWall-Firewalls die Komplexität reduzieren, die Kosten senken und die Kundenzufriedenheit steigern!

Éliminez la VM distincte nécessaire au déploiement de Cloud Secure Edge et simplifiez le ZTNA avec la nouvelle passerelle intégrée aux pare-feux SonicWall. Le lancement de SonicOS 7.1.2 permet non seulement de simplifier le déploiement, mais aussi de renforcer la sécurité de votre réseau. Rejoignez-nous lors de cette session CAFÉ TECH pour découvrir comment réduire la complexité et les coûts, et améliorer le CSAT, le tout avec vos pare-feux SonicWall existants !

Elimine el VM separado que era necesario para la implantación de Cloud Secure Edge y simplifique ZTNA con la nueva pasarela integrada en los firewalls SonicWall. La versión 7.1.2 de SonicOS no solo proporciona una implantación más sencilla; también mejora la seguridad de su red. Participe con nosotros en esta sesión de CAFÉ TECH para averiguar cómo reducir la complejidad y los costes y cómo aumentar la satisfacción del cliente con todos los firewalls SonicWall existentes.

Nous devons sécuriser les terminaux. Nous devons sécuriser le cloud. Et nous devons sécuriser le réseau qui les relie. C’est ce que fait le centre opérationnel de sécurité (SOC) de SonicWall, mettant tout en contexte pour permettre à nos analystes SOC et à nos partenaires MSP d’identifier rapidement tous les types de cyber-incidents et s’en défendre. Un SOC pour tout protéger ! Lors de cet événement CAFÉ TECH, nous nous pencherons sur les avantages que notre SOC apporte à chaque partenaire, et annoncerons de nouvelles évolutions et extensions à ne manquer sous aucun prétexte !

Introduced by Gartner in 2019, Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) is a cloud architecture model that combines different functions of network and security solutions into a unified cloud security platform to be delivered as a service — without any or minimal hardware involved. This joint session between SonicWall and Perimeter 81 will explain why the SASE model was created, the challenges it’s fixing and how the movement is redefining a future of network security without traditional perimeters.

You probably know there are attackers willing to pay for access to your inbox. But did you know there are groups so sure they can gain access to your accounts that they offer a money-back guarantee?

Join SonicWall’s Ken Dang as he explores the sophisticated tools one advanced persistent threat organization uses to exploit vulnerabilities and bypass Microsoft Security — and reveal what it takes to keep them out of your inbox.

Many people feel that Microsoft Advanced Threat Protection (ATP) offers plenty of protection against email attacks. But does it?

To find out, an analysis of over 500,000 malicious emails sent to real end users was conducted—and the findings could have major implications for how you view email security.

Join SonicWall Solution Architect John Phil as he explores
-How effective Microsoft ATP is against phishing in real-world scenarios
-Why Office 365 is uniquely susceptible to targeted phishing attacks
-How to better protect your organization against modern-day phishing attacks.

The workforce has never been as mobile — or at risk — as it is today. With employees outside the traditional perimeter, how do you enforce consistent, effective security policy?

A Zero-Trust approach ensures security and access are no longer at odds. Solutions like SonicWall Cloud Edge Secure Access empower remote workforces while protecting high-value business assets, regardless of location.
Join Cybersecurity experts Sony Kogin – SonicWall, Jason Makevich – Greenlight-IS and Harry Boyne – Chalkline, as they explore:
– How least-privilege security protects corporate assets
– How SonicWall’s cloud native service provides fast, reliable access from anywhere
– How Self-Service Deployment can onboard new users and branches in minutes