This webinar is for current SonicWall Partners only.  

SonicWall is pleased to introduce our first Wi-Fi 6 access points. This training will cover the differences between Wi-Fi 6 (the 641/681) and the 432x family of access points. We’ll cover why there is a big push for Wi-Fi 6, how our APs exceed customers’ expectations (hint: security), and what’s going to happen to the 432x family. We will also cover important information on the availability of our Wi-Fi 6 access points.

Erfahren Sie in diesem spannenden Workshop Raus aus der Theorie, rein in die aktuelle Realität – so schützen Sie sich gegen die Superlücken 2022 von unserem Cybersicherheitsexperten Frank Michael Bickel alles was Sie wissen müssen über:

  • Aktuelle Angriffsmuster der Cyberkriminellen
  • Spezifische Attackvarianten auf KRITIS, Retail, Education, Healthcare
  • Multi-Platform-Security [On-Prem- vs. Cloud Strategy]
  • UNBEKANNTE & VERSCHLÜSSELTE Bedrohungen absichern
  • AI-Threat Detection, Virtual Patching gegen LOG4Shell & Co
  • malicious Executables, Microprocessor Malware, Cryptojacking
  • NON-Standard Port-, HTTPS- & IoT Attacks
  • Network-Micro-Segmentation in Multi-Gig Architekturen
  • TLS 1.2 vs. TLS 1.3 Security & aktuelle SSL Re-Negotiation-Attacken Anforderungen von Cybersecurity Versicherungen
  • DSGVO, aktuelle Förderungen
  • Securitybetrieb bei Fachkräftemangel und immer mehr Angriffsvektoren

Unter allen Teilnehmern* verlosen wir ein iPhone 14 Plus!

*nach Absolvierung des kompletten Workshops mit maximal 45 Teilnehmern, Teilnehmeranzahl limitiert

At the Midsize Enterprise Summit (MES), senior midmarket IT decision-makers and top technology suppliers gather to uncover the latest market intelligence to accelerate their business goals and make invaluable connections along the way. MES is the best event to share pain points, hear solutions to maximize your ROI, learn about the latest technology trends, and establish important relationships — all in just a few short, highly productive days away from the office.

More Reasons to Attend MES:

• Discover innovative technology solutions to maximize your ROI and connect with vendors and solution providers in our one-stop solutions pavilion.

• Access the latest intelligence on market trends, predictions, and analysis, direct from the experts.

• Participate in empowering presentations, breakouts, business leadership, and solution track sessions based on today’s most requested topics and presented by top thought leaders.

• Engage in peer-to-peer networking and build long-term, strategic business relationships

Attending MES, stop by our SonicWall Booth Number # 111 

When your customers upgrade to SonicWall’s Gen 7 NGFWs, they gain significantly improved performance, high port density, groundbreaking firewall inspection, DPI performance, IPSec VPN performance and more. Plus, they’re powered by SonicOS 7, which has been redeveloped from the ground up to be more advanced, agile and user-friendly than any of its predecessors. Please join us for this monthly webinar to find out more details and to know better about our limited time GEN7 upgrade promotions.

We are excited to invite SonicWall partners to attend this in-person event in Delhi on Friday, September 9 at Pride Plaza, Areocity and get this opportunity to learn more about the SonicWall business roadmap and its channel strategy for the partners to lead the business. 

Sales Engineer Kevin Smith will be providing an overview on the Gen7 NSv as well as cover details on the addition of the Gen7 NSv gear being added to our MSSP offering.

Participe de nossas sessões exclusivas para parceiros SonicWall SecureFirst. Durante 30 minutos nossos especialistas irão falar sobre produtos e tendências, e tirarão as suas dúvidas sobre os temas. Esperamos por você!

Participe de nossas sessões exclusivas para parceiros SonicWall SecureFirst. Durante 30 minutos nossos especialistas irão falar sobre produtos e tendências, e tirarão as suas dúvidas sobre os temas. Esperamos por você!

Thank you for choosing SonicWall, we are delighted to have you as part of the SonicWall family. Join our channel account management team as they bring you through everything SonicWall and our partner program has to offer including our product portfolio, partner discounts and more. The webinar will cover:​

  • Company Overview​
  • Boundless Cybersecurity​
  • SecureFirst Partner Program​
  • Pricing and Licensing​
  • MySonicWall Asset Management​
  • Support​
  • SecureFirst Partner Portal​
  • SonicWall University​

This webinar is targeted at new SonicWall partners and new employees in existing partners and distributors.

Únase a nuestras sesiones exclusivas para canales del programa SonicWall SecureFirst. Durante 30 minutos nuestros expertos hablarán sobre productos y tendencias, y responderán a sus preguntas sobre los temas. ¡Lo esperamosi!