Die secIT Messe & Konferenz in Hannover ist eine der wichtigsten Messen für IT-Sicherheitsbeauftragte, Rechenzentrumsleiter, Netzwerkadministratoren und Entscheider in Sicherheitsfragen.

Unsere Experten von SonicWall freuen sich, Sie auf der SecIT zu treffen. Zusammen mit unseren Partnern Tarador, Dr. Netik & Partner, itc und netzperten geben wir Ihnen im persönlichen Gespräch einen Überblick über unsere Top Themen:

Erkenntnisse von 1.1 Millionen Bedrohungssensoren: Cybergangs im Goldrausch, verstärktes agieren aus dem Schatten

Ganzheitlicher Schutz der Infrastruktur: Abwehr von gezielten Angriffen mit Advanced-Persistent-Threats und künstlicher Intelligenz

Supply-Chain-Angriffe: Umgang mit Dienstleistern in der Kette

• Erhöhung der Cyberresilienz durch ganzheitliche Sicherheitsplattform und Überprüfung der Cybersicherheitskenntnisse

• Absicherung Ihres Netzwerk-Edges: Effiziente Segmentierung und Inspektion verschlüsselter Verbindungen

Multi-Plattform Strategie: Entscheidung über Ihre Cloud-Nutzung und Sicherheitsverantwortung

• Compliance zur NIS2-Verordnung: Wichtig für KRITIS, Gesundheitswesen, Bildung, Public und weitere Einrichtungen

• Minimierung von Software-Schwachstellen durch Virtual Patching: Schutz gegen LOG4J & Co. innerhalb weniger Stunden

• Live-Demos und deep-dive Workshops mit erfahrenen Systems-Engineers

Vereinbaren Sie sich noch heute einen Gesprächstermin mit unseren Experten und verpassen Sie nicht unseren Experten-Vortrag zum Thema Cybergangs im Schatten, NIS2 vor der Tür, so implementieren Sie eine ganzheitliche Sicherheitsarchitektur! am 06.03.2024, 16:45 – 17:05 Uhr (Bühne 3, Eilenriedehalle).

Wir freuen uns darauf, Sie in Hannover begrüßen zu dürfen!

Ihr SonicWall Team

The SonicWall Network Security Administrator (SNSA) for SonicOS 7.0 curriculum provides students with the required background, knowledge, and hands-on experience to design, implement and troubleshoot SonicWall Network Security products. SonicOS 7 is SonicWall’s most advanced security operating system and is at the core of its latest physical and virtual firewalls, including models from the TZ, NSv, NSa and NSsp Series. SonicOS 7.0 features advanced security, simplified policy management, and critical networking and management capabilities for distributed enterprises and small- to medium-sized businesses with SD-branch support.

The Virtual Instructor-Led Training (VILT) class connects the student with our experienced instructors in a live-online classroom using hands-on labs. The SNSA is designed to be a flexible and learner-centric blended curriculum that combines online learning with hands-on, instructor-led classroom training:

eLearning*: This course begins with fully immersive, self-paced online training modules that showcase the unique features and functionality of SonicOS 7 in a simulated application environment. These training modules also include interactive simulations that will guide you in leveraging the unique NGFW capabilities of a SonicWall NSv firewall.

Instructor-Led Training: The two-day instructor-guided portion of the curriculum provides a suite of intensive ILT scenario-based sessions, wherein you learn, in a risk-free lab environment, how to configure the SonicWall Next-Gen NSv firewall for network security, control and visibility.

*Activation keys are required to access the eLearning course modules, and you will be sent by your instructor one week before the class when you enroll.

You can find more information in the SNSA Course Description.

Two Day Course

– 23 January 2024 – 7:00am – 3:30pm MST

– 24 January 2024 – 7:00am – 3:30pm MST

The SonicWall Network Security Professional (SNSP) for SonicOS 7 curriculum expands on the topics covered in SNSA for SonicOS 7 and features advanced SonicWall firewall configuration and administration tasks aimed at helping enterprises adapt to dynamic security environments.

The new SNSP curriculum includes an enhanced and deeper scope of the SonicOS 7 features and functionality, as well as changes in the learning and delivery methodologies, to better balance the professional needs of the students and the business requirements for network and cyber security.

The Virtual Instructor-Led Training (VILT) class connects the student with our experienced instructors in a live-online classroom using hands-on labs. The SNSP is designed to be a flexible and learner-centric blended curriculum that combines online learning with hands-on, instructor-led classroom training:

eLearning*: This course begins with fully immersive, self-paced online training modules that showcase the unique features and functionality of SonicOS 7 in a simulated application environment. These training modules also include interactive simulations that will guide you in leveraging the unique NGFW capabilities of a SonicWall NSv firewall.

Instructor-Led Training: The two-day instructor-guided portion of the curriculum provides a suite of intensive ILT scenario-based sessions wherein you learn, in a risk-free lab environment, how to configure the SonicWall Next-Gen NSv firewall for network security, control and visibility.  You can find more information in the SNSP Course Description and Technical Guide.

*Activation keys are required to access the eLearning course modules, and you will be sent by your instructor one week before the class when you enroll.

The current SNSP for SonicOS 7 eligibility criteria is:

SNSA 6.5 certified students with a current or expired in the last three months certificate

SNSP 6.5 certified students with a current or expired in the last three months certificate

SNSA for SonicOS 7 certified students with a current or expired in the last three months certificate

Please email Training Support trainingsupport@sonicwall.com to confirm eligibility before registering if you are unsure.

Two Day Course

– 19 March 2024 – 7:00am – 3:30pm MST

– 20 March 2024 – 7:00am – 3:30pm MST

The SonicWall Network Security Administrator (SNSA) for SonicOS 7.0 curriculum provides students with the required background, knowledge, and hands-on experience to design, implement and troubleshoot SonicWall Network Security products. SonicOS 7 is SonicWall’s most advanced security operating system and is at the core of its latest physical and virtual firewalls, including models from the TZ, NSv, NSa and NSsp Series. SonicOS 7.0 features advanced security, simplified policy management, and critical networking and management capabilities for distributed enterprises and small- to medium-sized businesses with SD-branch support.

The Virtual Instructor-Led Training (VILT) class connects the student with our experienced instructors in a live-online classroom using hands-on labs. The SNSA is designed to be a flexible and learner-centric blended curriculum that combines online learning with hands-on, instructor-led classroom training:

eLearning*: This course begins with fully immersive, self-paced online training modules that showcase the unique features and functionality of SonicOS 7 in a simulated application environment. These training modules also include interactive simulations that will guide you in leveraging the unique NGFW capabilities of a SonicWall NSv firewall.

Instructor-Led Training: The two-day instructor-guided portion of the curriculum provides a suite of intensive ILT scenario-based sessions, wherein you learn, in a risk-free lab environment, how to configure the SonicWall Next-Gen NSv firewall for network security, control and visibility.

*Activation keys are required to access the eLearning course modules, and you will be sent by your instructor one week before the class when you enroll.

You can find more information in the SNSA Course Description and Technical Guide.

Two Day Course

– 8 November 2023 – 8:00am – 5:00pm GMT

– 9 November 2023 – 8:00am – 5:00pm GMT

The SonicWall Network Security Professional (SNSP) for SonicOS 7 curriculum expands on the topics covered in SNSA for SonicOS 7 and features advanced SonicWall firewall configuration and administration tasks aimed at helping enterprises adapt to dynamic security environments.

The new SNSP curriculum includes an enhanced and deeper scope of the SonicOS 7 features and functionality, as well as changes in the learning and delivery methodologies, to better balance the professional needs of the students and the business requirements for network and cyber security.

The Virtual Instructor-Led Training (VILT) class connects the student with our experienced instructors in a live-online classroom using hands-on labs. The SNSP is designed to be a flexible and learner-centric blended curriculum that combines online learning with hands-on, instructor-led classroom training:

eLearning*: This course begins with fully immersive, self-paced online training modules that showcase the unique features and functionality of SonicOS 7 in a simulated application environment. These training modules also include interactive simulations that will guide you in leveraging the unique NGFW capabilities of a SonicWall NSv firewall.

Instructor-Led Training: The two-day instructor-guided portion of the curriculum provides a suite of intensive ILT scenario-based sessions wherein you learn, in a risk-free lab environment, how to configure the SonicWall Next-Gen NSv firewall for network security, control and visibility. You can find more information in the SNSP Course Description and Technical Guide.

*Activation keys are required to access the eLearning course modules, and you will be sent by your instructor one week before the class when you enroll.

The current SNSP for SonicOS 7 eligibility criteria is:

SNSA 6.5 certified students with a current or expired in the last three months certificate

SNSP 6.5 certified students with a current or expired in the last three months certificate

SNSA for SonicOS 7 certified students with a current or expired in the last three months certificate

Please email Training Support trainingsupport@sonicwall.com to confirm eligibility before registering if you are unsure.

Two Day Course

– 6 December 2023 – 8:00am – 5:00pm GMT

– 7 December 2023 – 8:00am – 5:00pm GMT

The SonicWall Network Security Administrator (SNSA) for SonicOS 7.0 curriculum provides students with the required background, knowledge, and hands-on experience to design, implement and troubleshoot SonicWall Network Security products. SonicOS 7 is SonicWall’s most advanced security operating system and is at the core of its latest physical and virtual firewalls, including models from the TZ, NSv, NSa and NSsp Series. SonicOS 7.0 features advanced security, simplified policy management, and critical networking and management capabilities for distributed enterprises and small- to medium-sized businesses with SD-branch support.

The Virtual Instructor-Led Training (VILT) class connects the student with our experienced instructors in a live-online classroom using hands-on labs. The SNSA is designed to be a flexible and learner-centric blended curriculum that combines online learning with hands-on, instructor-led classroom training:

eLearning*: This course begins with fully immersive, self-paced online training modules that showcase the unique features and functionality of SonicOS 7 in a simulated application environment. These training modules also include interactive simulations that will guide you in leveraging the unique NGFW capabilities of a SonicWall NSv firewall.

Instructor-Led Training: The two-day instructor-guided portion of the curriculum provides a suite of intensive ILT scenario-based sessions, wherein you learn, in a risk-free lab environment, how to configure the SonicWall Next-Gen NSv firewall for network security, control and visibility.

*Activation keys are required to access the eLearning course modules, and you will be sent by your instructor one week before the class when you enroll.

You can find more information in the SNSA Course Description and Technical Guide.

Two Day Course

– 14 February 2024 – 8:00am – 5:00pm GMT

– 15 February 2024 – 8:00am – 5:00pm GMT

The SonicWall Network Security Administrator (SNSA) for SonicOS 7.0 curriculum provides students with the required background, knowledge, and hands-on experience to design, implement and troubleshoot SonicWall Network Security products. SonicOS 7 is SonicWall’s most advanced security operating system and is at the core of its latest physical and virtual firewalls, including models from the TZ, NSv, NSa and NSsp Series. SonicOS 7.0 features advanced security, simplified policy management, and critical networking and management capabilities for distributed enterprises and small- to medium-sized businesses with SD-branch support.

The Virtual Instructor-Led Training (VILT) class connects the student with our experienced instructors in a live-online classroom using hands-on labs. The SNSA is designed to be a flexible and learner-centric blended curriculum that combines online learning with hands-on, instructor-led classroom training:

  • eLearning*: This course begins with fully immersive, self-paced online training modules that showcase the unique features and functionality of SonicOS 7 in a simulated application environment. These training modules also include interactive simulations that will guide you in leveraging the unique NGFW capabilities of a SonicWall NSv firewall.
  • Instructor-Led Training: The two-day instructor-guided portion of the curriculum provides a suite of intensive ILT scenario-based sessions, wherein you learn, in a risk-free lab environment, how to configure the SonicWall Next-Gen NSv firewall for network security, control and visibility.

*Activation keys are required to access the eLearning course modules, and you will be sent by your instructor one week before the class when you enroll.

You can find more information in the SNSA Course Description and Technical Guide.

Two Day Course

– 9 January 2024 – 7:00am – 3:30pm MST

– 10 January 2024 – 7:00am – 3:30pm MST

The SonicWall Network Security Professional (SNSP) for SonicOS 7 curriculum expands on the topics covered in SNSA for SonicOS 7 and features advanced SonicWall firewall configuration and administration tasks aimed at helping enterprises adapt to dynamic security environments.

The new SNSP curriculum includes an enhanced and deeper scope of the SonicOS 7 features and functionality, as well as changes in the learning and delivery methodologies, to better balance the professional needs of the students and the business requirements for network and cyber security.

The Virtual Instructor-Led Training (VILT) class connects the student with our experienced instructors in a live-online classroom using hands-on labs. The SNSP is designed to be a flexible and learner-centric blended curriculum that combines online learning with hands-on, instructor-led classroom training:

eLearning*: This course begins with fully immersive, self-paced online training modules that showcase the unique features and functionality of SonicOS 7 in a simulated application environment. These training modules also include interactive simulations that will guide you in leveraging the unique NGFW capabilities of a SonicWall NSv firewall.

Instructor-Led Training: The two-day instructor-guided portion of the curriculum provides a suite of intensive ILT scenario-based sessions wherein you learn, in a risk-free lab environment, how to configure the SonicWall Next-Gen NSv firewall for network security, control and visibility. You can find more information in the SNSP Course Description and Technical Guide.

*Activation keys are required to access the eLearning course modules, and you will be sent by your instructor one week before the class when you enroll.

The current SNSP for SonicOS 7 eligibility criteria is:

SNSA 6.5 certified students with a current or expired in the last three months certificate

SNSP 6.5 certified students with a current or expired in the last three months certificate

SNSA for SonicOS 7 certified students with a current or expired in the last three months certificate

Please email Training Support trainingsupport@sonicwall.com to confirm eligibility before registering if you are unsure.

Two Day Course

– 12 December 2023 – 7:00am – 3:30pm MST

– 13 December 2023 – 7:00am – 3:30pm MST

Cybersecurity Summit in 2023 addressing several emerging threats and key topics in the field of cybersecurity:

  • Tracking Cybercriminals: Exploring challenges in identifying cybercriminals operating in the shadows and discussing advanced techniques for attribution.
  • Cybercrime Trends: An overview of prevalent cyber threats in the first half of 2023, including attack methods and trends.
  • Defender Countermeasures: Insights into cybersecurity defense strategies, potentially focusing on SonicWall solutions, covering threat prevention, detection, and response.
  • Bringing Together People, Process, and Technology: Integration of People, Process, and Technology: Emphasizing the need for a unified approach to cybersecurity, emphasizing collaboration, training, and incident response planning.

The Cyber Defense Initiative Conference (CDIC) is one of the largest cybersecurity and information security conferences in Thailand and Southeast Asia, supported by several noted private and public sectors. Year after year, CDIC stands at the front line, successfully providing a platform for IT and cybersecurity technology, digital transformation trends updating, and fostering a resilient business community. It also serves as a hub for networking, security affairs, sales, and marketing in the information security industry in Thailand for consecutive 22 years.

This year, CDIC 2023 will be held on the ground in a full conference format under the concept of “Powering Techno-Drive in Digi-Hype Behavior towards Digital Trust.” 

SonicWall is exhibiting at CDIC 2023. Our team is looking forward to meet you at Booth P07.