Wir haben 500 IT-Leiter und Experten gefragt, wie ihre Organisationen mit E-Mail-Bedrohungen umgehen. Möchten Sie wissen, was sie geantwortet haben?

Nehmen Sie an unserem Webinar teil und erfahren Sie von unserem Experten Stephan Kaiser mehr über die versteckten Kosten bösartiger E-Mails. Wir zeigen Ihnen auch, wie ein effektiveres E-Mail-Management Ihr SOC entlasten kann, sodass Ihre Teams mehr Zeit für das Wesentliche haben.

Cosa ne pensano 500 manager e responsabili IT del modo in cui le loro aziende gestiscono le minacce alla posta elettronica?

Luca Pesce di SonicWall spiega qual è il costo nascosto delle e-mail dannose e come una gestione più efficace della posta elettronica potrebbe ridurre la pressione sul personale del SOC, lasciando loro più tempo per concentrarsi su ciò che conta

¿Qué dicen 500 directores y líderes de TI sobre la forma en que sus organizaciones gestionan las amenazas de correo electrónico?

Escuche al experto de SonicWall Sebastián Yáñez, que revela el coste oculto de los e-mails maliciosos — y explica cómo una gestión del correo electrónico más efectiva puede aliviar la carga de su centro de operaciones de seguridad, permitiéndole dedicar más tiempo a centrarse en lo importante.

Qu’est-ce que 500 responsables et leaders IT ont dit sur leur façon de gérer les menaces véhiculées par e-mail ?

Rejoignez Xavier Mariault, expert SonicWall, pour connaître le coût caché des e-mails malveillants. Vous apprendrez également comment une gestion plus efficace de votre messagerie peut soulager le SOC et lui permettre de se concentrer davantage sur l’essentiel.

Many organizations are adopting cloud platforms such as Office 365 or G Suite. These offer a broad range of productivity tools beyond just email, so email security point solutions alone cannot protect the entire platform from targeted attacks.

Hear from our SonicWall expert to learn:
•The key capabilities needed to protect cloud office platforms
•How SonicWall Cloud App Security can help you protect email, data and user credentials for Office 365, G Suite and other SaaS apps

The growing number of cloud services available in most organizations enable fast time-to-market for productivity and collaboration tools, but the easy availability of these capabilities can pose significant security risks for organizations.

Join SonicWall and Osterman Research as they collaborate to help you understand the current threats landscape and the best practices to protect against phishing, ransomware, email fraud

We will cover the following:
•Major concerns and issues with SaaS adoption
•What to look for in a CASB solution
•Overview of SonicWall Cloud App Security

Are persistent cyberattacks already lurking in your network?

To prevent these modern, never-stopping attacks, organizations require a layered security solution that systematically leverage overlapping layers of protection, detection and inspection.
SonicWall solution architect Rob Krug explains how this end-to-end approach can protect your organization.

Register now to learn how to:

•Stop everything from ransomware to encrypted attacks
•Add overlapping layers to your security strategy
•Bolster security across your networks and endpoints
•Protect your business, and your budget

The growing number of cloud services available in most organizations enable fast time-to-market for productivity and collaboration tools, but the easy availability of these capabilities can pose significant security risks for organizations.

Join SonicWall and Osterman Research as they collaborate to help you understand the current threats landscape and the best practices to protect against phishing, ransomware, email fraud

We will cover the following:
•Major concerns and issues with SaaS adoption
•What to look for in a CASB solution
•Overview of SonicWall Cloud App Security

Is your business deploying more and more SaaS applications? Although SaaS applications empower businesses with agility and enhanced productivity, the increased agility isn’t without risks. SaaS apps need to be adopted in a secure, responsible manner.

Join SonicWall security expert Shannon Emmons for an exclusive webinar to learn about:

•Key security risks to address when adopting SaaS applications
•Where proper SaaS security should be applied
•Best practices and guidance for implementing SaaS security solutions

Protect your Remote and Work-from-Home Employees during the COVID-19 Outbreak

Join SonicWall security experts as we explore the challenges you need to address to stay safe — and operational — during the coronavirus outbreak.

Register now to gain actionable best practices to:
•Expand your remote workforce securely
•Defend against fear-based cyberattacks
•Establish a true remote office for employees
•Gain additional operational benefits
•Learn how to apply learnings to critical business continuity and disaster recovery plans