En esta próxima sesión de junio, queremos ofrecerle un caso de uso que hemos visto funcionar bien en entornos de clientes que surgen con regularidad, compartiendo una breve demostración de buenas prácticas.

Si usted es cliente o socio de GMS y desea iniciar la transición a la última plataforma de gestión, no dude en unirse a nosotros.

Lo esperamos!

Nesta próxima sessão de junho, procuramos fornecer a você um caso de uso que vimos funcionar bem em ambientes de clientes regularmente, e compartilhar uma breve demonstração de melhores práticas. Além disso, falaremos sobre o nosso NSM beta que lançaremos em breve.

E se você é um cliente ou parceiro GMS atualmente e está procurando iniciar sua transição para a plataforma de gerenciamento mais recente, junte-se a nós!

Nossa equipe de SE regional ficará feliz de ver você e estará disponível para responder suas perguntas ao vivo.

In this up-and-coming June session, we are looking to provide you with a use case that we have seen work well in customer environments that come up regularly, sharing a short best practices demo. In addition, we will talk about what is in our current NSM beta that we expect to be released soon.

And if you are a GMS customer or partner, looking to start your transition to the latest management platform, please join us.

Our regional SE team is looking forward to virtually seeing you there and will be available to answer any questions live.

In this up-and-coming June session, we are looking to provide you with a use case that we have seen work well in customer environments that come up regularly, sharing a short best practices demo. In addition, we will talk about what is in our current NSM beta that we expect to be released soon.

And if you are a GMS customer or partner, looking to start your transition to the latest management platform, please join us.
Our regional SE team is looking forward to virtually seeing you there and will be available to answer any questions live.

With assistance from the U.S. Army Cyber Center of Excellence and industry experts, TechNet Augusta is uniquely designed to open the lines of communication and facilitate networking, education and problem-solving between the military and commercial sector.

Government, industry and academic speakers will discuss issues and share solutions surrounding cyber electromagnetic activities and unified land operations. The robust program will include:

• Several continuing education sessions to help maintain cybersecurity certifications

• Senior cyber leaders discussing risk management challenges and solutions

• Opportunities to network with peers and potential partners

• Discussion of current procurement challenges

Please make sure to visit with the SonicWall team; 

Cliff Varnadoe –  Director, US Federal Portfolio at SonicWall

Dan Solomon – Vice President, Strategic and Federal Sales at SonicWall

Rudy Messex – Senior Solutions Engineer at SonicWall

In this up-and-coming June session, we are looking to provide you with a use case that we have seen work well in customer environments that come up regularly, sharing a short best practices demo. In addition, we will talk about what is in our current NSM beta that we expect to be released soon.

And if you are a GMS customer or partner, looking to start your transition to the latest management platform, please join us.

Our regional SE team is looking forward to virtually seeing you there and will be available to answer any questions live.

Kaseya DattoCon Europe is your chance to experience the best of both Connect and DattoCon in one event. It is a great opportunity to learn about the most powerful IT service solutions to date and gain technical insights from industry experts. SonicWall is the cybersecurity vendor of choice for a number of leading Kaseya and Datto partners globally and this year we are delighted to be involved with DattoCon. Stop by stand 16 at DattoCon to learn why they, plus more than 17,000 registered solution and service providers partner with SonicWall or register to book an appt with the team at the event.

Please note that registering for an appointment does not include a ticket to the event. Tickets to DattoCon can be purchased here

In diesem kurzen Webinar möchten wir Ihnen hilfreiche Tipps geben, wie Sie mit SonicWall Lizenzen und dem Backend System mehr Flexibilität erhalten. Darunter fallen z.B.:

– Geräte-Registrierungen

– Serviceverlängerung

– Laufzeit Zusammenlegungen

– Einstellungen der E-Mail Benachrichtigungen

– Product Claims

und mehr.

Nutzen Sie diesen Webcast, um weitere Vorteile für Sie zu finden.

SonicWall will be present at Sicurezza ICT in Rome on May 4th! The roadshow that for 14 years has provided an opportunity for companies to meet and compare solutions for security and business protection.

A plenary session conference, built with contributions from companies from the world of supply, consulting and research, and an exhibition area to facilitate contact between visitors and the companies.

Among the new features of the 2023 edition are the exclusively physical format; a paced agenda with short speeches curated by Sponsor companies; contributions from companies in the research, consulting and user sectors; and a matching kit, intended as meeting opportunities designed to stimulate contact with companies present in the expo area.

Cyber attacks are an ever growing threat in today’s tech environment. Cybersec Europe 2023 is the platform for experienced cyber security experts as well as next-gen start-ups to share knowledge with peers for jointly coping with the cybersecurity challenges. Businesses and institutions of all sectors learn how to enhance cyber resilience and protect their core.

Come and meet SonicWall at Copaco’s booth 07.D030, we’ll offer you some drinks and discuss about future possibilities!