SecTor 2022 will feature Keynotes from the IT industry’s most respected and trusted experts and Speakers who are true security professionals with depth of understanding on topics that matter. SecTor is a must attend event for every IT Professional.

If you are protecting your cloud environment with your cloud providers proprietary firewall have you asked yourself:
• Can my firewall deliver Deep Packet Inspection of encrypted traffic? (DPI-SSL)
• Do my existing virtual firewalls deliver zero-hour threat prevention and detection in a sandbox environment?
• Has my deployed firewall been awarded a 100% accuracy by ICSA Labs over an 18 month period of testing?
If you are uncertain about any of these points, then join our webinar to learn more about how the SonicWall NSV series can help secure your organization in public cloud, private cloud and hybrid environments.

Erfahren Sie in diesem spannenden Workshop Raus aus der Theorie, rein in die aktuelle Realität – so schützen Sie sich gegen die Superlücken 2022 von unserem Cybersicherheitsexperten Frank Michael Bickel alles was Sie wissen müssen über:

  • Aktuelle Angriffsmuster der Cyberkriminellen
  • Spezifische Attackvarianten auf KRITIS, Retail, Education, Healthcare
  • Multi-Platform-Security [On-Prem- vs. Cloud Strategy]
  • UNBEKANNTE & VERSCHLÜSSELTE Bedrohungen absichern
  • AI-Threat Detection, Virtual Patching gegen LOG4Shell & Co
  • malicious Executables, Microprocessor Malware, Cryptojacking
  • NON-Standard Port-, HTTPS- & IoT Attacks
  • Network-Micro-Segmentation in Multi-Gig Architekturen
  • TLS 1.2 vs. TLS 1.3 Security & aktuelle SSL Re-Negotiation-Attacken Anforderungen von Cybersecurity Versicherungen
  • DSGVO, aktuelle Förderungen
  • Securitybetrieb bei Fachkräftemangel und immer mehr Angriffsvektoren

Unter allen Teilnehmern* verlosen wir ein iPhone 14 Plus!

*nach Absolvierung des kompletten Workshops mit maximal 45 Teilnehmern, Teilnehmeranzahl limitiert

At the Midsize Enterprise Summit (MES), senior midmarket IT decision-makers and top technology suppliers gather to uncover the latest market intelligence to accelerate their business goals and make invaluable connections along the way. MES is the best event to share pain points, hear solutions to maximize your ROI, learn about the latest technology trends, and establish important relationships — all in just a few short, highly productive days away from the office.

More Reasons to Attend MES:

• Discover innovative technology solutions to maximize your ROI and connect with vendors and solution providers in our one-stop solutions pavilion.

• Access the latest intelligence on market trends, predictions, and analysis, direct from the experts.

• Participate in empowering presentations, breakouts, business leadership, and solution track sessions based on today’s most requested topics and presented by top thought leaders.

• Engage in peer-to-peer networking and build long-term, strategic business relationships

Attending MES, stop by our SonicWall Booth Number # 111 

In this webinar, Tim will cover how to setup and configure DPI-SSL on a SonicWall SonicOS7 Firewall. Tim will explore how the technology works and go over some of the challenges that come with the decryption and inspection of SSL/TLS traffic with DPI-SSL.