Escuche al Experto en ciberseguridad de SonicWall, que ofrecerá detalles sobre el Informe de Ciberamenazas 2023 de SonicWall y hablará sobre la importancia de implementar contramedidas clave para protegerse contra las ciberamenazas y mantenerse al corriente de la más reciente inteligencia de amenazas.

A medida que las ciberamenazas continúan evolucionando, es esencial que las organizaciones conozcan bien los comportamientos y las tácticas de los cibercriminales para protegerse contra posibles ataques. En este seminario virtual, cubrimos la importancia de implementar contramedidas basadas en datos anuales fusionados sobre los comportamientos y las tácticas de los cibercriminales. Al conocer y responder a las tácticas y técnicas específicas utilizadas por los cibercriminales, las organizaciones pueden defenderse de forma más efectiva contra los ciberataques.

Seien Sie dabei, wenn unser Cybersicherheitsexperte den SonicWall Cyber Threat Report 2023 unter die Lupe nimmt, und erfahren Sie, warum Sie effektive Maßnahmen zur Abwehr von Cyberbedrohungen implementieren und stets die neuesten Bedrohungsdaten im Blick behalten sollten.

Fakt ist, dass Cyberbedrohungen sich kontinuierlich weiterentwickeln. Um sich gegen potenzielle Angriffe zu wappnen, benötigen Organisationen unbedingt ein umfassendes Verständnis der Verhaltensweisen und Taktiken von Bedrohungsakteuren. In diesem Webinar erfahren Sie, warum es so wichtig ist, Abwehrmaßnahmen zu implementieren, die auf den jährlich erfassten Daten zu den Verhaltensweisen und Taktiken von Cyberkriminellen basieren. Durch ein besseres Verständnis dieser Taktiken und Techniken können sich Organisationen effektiver vor Cyberangriffen schützen.

Rejoignez l’expert en cybersécurité de SonicWall pour explorer le Rapport SonicWall 2023 sur les cybermenaces et découvrir pourquoi il est important de mettre en place des mesures clés de protection contre les cybermenaces et de pouvoir accéder aux tout derniers renseignements sur les menaces. Les cybermenaces ne cessant d’évoluer, il est essentiel pour les organisations de bien comprendre les comportements et les tactiques des acteurs de la menace pour se protéger contre les attaques potentielles. Ce webinaire souligne l’importance de mettre en place des contre-mesures adaptées sur la base des données annuelles collectées. Une bonne compréhension des tactiques et techniques spécifiques utilisées par les pirates peut aider les entreprises à se défendre plus efficacement contre les cyberattaques.

In questo webinar l’esperto di sicurezza di SonicWall presenta il Rapporto SonicWall 2023 sul Cybercrime e spiega quanto sia importante implementare contromisure per proteggersi dalle cyber minacce e rimanere aggiornati grazie alla informazioni più recenti sulle minacce. Poiché le cyber minacce continuano ad evolversi, per le aziende è essenziale comprendere i comportamenti e le tattiche dei criminali informatici per potersi proteggere dai potenziali attacchi. Questo webinar spiega l’importanza di implementare contromisure basate su dati raccolti ogni anno sui comportamenti e sulle tattiche adottate dai cybercriminali. Le organizzazioni possono difendersi in modo più efficace dagli attacchi informatici solo se comprendono e affrontano le tattiche e le tecniche specifiche utilizzate dagli autori delle minacce.

Join SonicWall’s Threat Detection and Response Strategist as he dives into the 2023 SonicWall Cyber Threat Report, covering the importance of implementing key countermeasures to protect against cyber threats and to stay updated with the latest threat intelligence.

As cyber threats continue to evolve, it is essential for organizations to have a comprehensive understanding of the behaviors and tactics of threat actors in order to protect against potential attacks. This webinar covers the importance of implementing countermeasures based on coalesced yearly data on threat actor behaviors and tactics. By understanding and addressing the specific tactics and techniques used by threat actors, organizations can more effectively defend against cyber attacks.

MES IT Security 2023 taking place March 20th to 21st, 2023 at the JW Marriott Indianapolis in Indiana.

SonicWall will have a tabletop in the Griffin Exhibit Hall at the JW Marriott Indianapolis.

  • Monday, March 20th – Open during the Welcome Reception: 6:15 pm – 7:30 pm
  • Tuesday, March 21st – Open during the Closing Reception: 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm

SonicWall will also have 2 Boardroom sessions

  • Monday, March 20 2:45pm 3:10pm 8 SonicWall Room 206
  • Tuesday, March 21 2:30pm 2:55pm 6 SonicWall Room 201

Please come visit SonicWall!

Cyber Threats: People, Process, Technology, and Operational Maturity

Please join us on March 21st at the SonicWall Security Roadshow Event at Dave & Buster’s in Marietta, GA. This is an invitation only event for a small group of partners, so space is limited. Enjoy an overview from SonicWall’s technical team on the most current cyber threats and solutions, followed by a lively and interactive conversation with cyber thought leader Michael Crean.

Following the presentations, let’s continue the conversation over Happy Hour, on behalf of SonicWall.


• 1:00pm – 1:30pm EST: Welcome & SonicWall Update

 Elizabeth Reynolds –Regional Sales Director

 Beau Schmidt –Channel Account Manager

• 1:30pm – 3:30pm EST: Technical Product Overview

 Kevin Smith – Sr. Solutions Engineer

• 3:30pm – 4:30pm EST: Discussing Threats, MDR, mitigation, MSSP, etc.

 Michael Crean – CEO of Solutions Granted

• 4:30pm – 5:30pm EST: Happy Hour & Networking

The SonicWall Network Security Professional (SNSP) for SonicOS 7 curriculum expands on the topics covered in SNSA for SonicOS 7 and features advanced SonicWall firewall configuration and administration tasks aimed at helping enterprises adapt to dynamic security environments.

The new SNSP curriculum includes an enhanced and deeper scope of the SonicOS 7 features and functionality, as well as changes in the learning and delivery methodologies, to better balance the professional needs of the students and the business requirements for network and cyber security.

The Virtual Instructor-Led Training (VILT) class connects the student with our experienced instructors in a live-online classroom using hands-on labs. The SNSP is designed to be a flexible and learner-centric blended curriculum that combines online learning with hands-on, instructor-led classroom training:

eLearning*: This course begins with fully immersive, self-paced online training modules that showcase the unique features and functionality of SonicOS 7 in a simulated application environment. These training modules also include interactive simulations that will guide you in leveraging the unique NGFW capabilities of a SonicWall NSv firewall.

Instructor-Led Training: The two-day instructor-guided portion of the curriculum provides a suite of intensive ILT scenario-based sessions wherein you learn, in a risk-free lab environment, how to configure the SonicWall Next-Gen NSv firewall for network security, control and visibility.  You can find more information in the SNSP Course Description and Technical Guide.

*Activation keys are required to access the eLearning course modules, and you will be sent by your instructor one week before the class when you enroll.

The current SNSP for SonicOS 7 eligibility criteria:

SNSA 6.5 certified students with a current or expired in the last three months certificate

SNSP 6.5 certified students with a current or expired in the last three months certificate

SNSA for SonicOS 7 certified students with a current or expired in the last three months certificate

Please email Training Support to confirm eligibility before registering if you are unsure.

Erfahren Sie in diesem spannenden Deep-Dive Workshop Superlücken 2023 – so schützen Sie sich kurzfristig gegen bereits ausgekundschaftete, brandaktuelle Angriffsszenarien! von unserem Cybersicherheitsexperten Stephan Kaiser, Sales Engineer bei SonicWall, mehr über ein Fallbeispiel, wie einfach eine Hackerkarriere ohne nennenswertes Knowhow starten kann und erhalten Sie einen Überblick über Angriffsmuster & Schutzmaßnahmen, um die Superlücken 2023 möglichst effektiv zu schließen:

  • Aktuelle Angriffsmuster der Cyberkriminellen
  • Spezifische Attackvarianten auf KRITIS, Retail, Education, Healthcare
  • Multi-Platform-Security
  • UNBEKANNTE & VERSCHLÜSSELTE Bedrohungen absichern
  • AI-Threat Detection, Virtual Patching
  • LOG4Shell, malicious Executables, Microprocessor Malware
  • NON-Standard Port- & HTTPS- & IoT Attacks
  • Network-Micro-Segmentation
  • Vergleich TLS 1.2 vs. TLS 1.3 Sicherheitsstandards & aktuelle SSL Re-Negotiation-Attacken
  • Anforderungen Cybersecurity Versicherung & DSGVO, aktuelle Förderungen
  • Fachkräftemangel bewältigen

Melden Sie sich noch heute an – wir freuen uns auf Sie!

SonicWall is thrilled to announce our participation in this year’s CYBERUK conference. We proudly showcase our innovative cybersecurity solutions at stand A16 and offer you the opportunity to schedule a meeting with one of our cybersecurity experts. Our team will provide you with the latest insights on cybersecurity threats and show you how SonicWall can assist you in constructing a secure and resilient digital future.

To book a meeting, please click the “register now” button, and our team will contact you to schedule a convenient time. It’s important to note that you must already have a ticket for CYBERUK 2023 to book a meeting at the event.

CYBERUK 2023 is the UK’s premier cyber security event, organized by the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), and we are excited to be a part of it. The conference’s theme for 2023 is “securing an open and resilient digital future.” We acknowledge the unparalleled growth in digital and technological advancements, which greatly benefit society. However, it also poses significant threats to the UK’s national and economic security interests and other free and open societies. That’s why SonicWall is dedicated to providing the best cybersecurity solutions to protect against these threats and safeguard our digital future.