El futuro éxito de sus programas de ciberseguridad depende de la precisión con la que su organización sea capaz de detectar, entender y prevenir las vulnerabilidades activas, las estafas de phishing y los errores humanos.  Escuche a nuestros expertos hablar sobre la seguridad de TI del futuro y obtenga orientación esencial para su éxito futuro.

Black hat hackers and white hat researchers discover new security flaws in popular systems and applications that threat attackers can use to compromise your data or lock you out of your network completely. Are you aware of the newest and potentially most impactful vulnerabilities that hackers have discovered and researchers have disclosed? This webinar features top experts and researchers who follow emerging cyber vulnerabilities that every enterprise operator should know about and how to stop these weaknesses from being exploited within your company.