Spettabile Partner,

SonicWall Italia è lieta di invitarla al nostro evento dedicato ai partner, che si terrà presso il Golf Club Colli Berici – Strada Monti Comunali, 36040 Brendola (Vicenza) il 21 settembre 2023.

L’evento è mirato a presentare i benefici del programma di canale, la strategia commerciale ed evoluzioni dell’offerta di cybersecurity che potrà approfondire insieme ai nostri esperti.

Di seguito i dettagli dell’evento:
15:00 – 15:15: Registrazione
15:15 – 16:45: SonicWall Strategic Partner Event 2023
17:00 – 18:30: Golf Clinic con istruttore (driving range ball, putting green challenge)
19:00: Dinner

Non perda l’occasione di partecipare, si prega di dare conferma entro il 10 settembre 2023.

Nel ringraziarla per l’attenzione la salutiamo cordialmente.

Team SonicWall Italia

“Questo evento è strettamente riservato ed è necessario aver ricevuto specifico invito. Se interessato, contratta il tuo referente di zona per avere maggiori dettagli.”

Cyber Threats: People, Process, Technology, and Operational Maturity

Please join us on September 19th at the SonicWall Security Roadshow Event at the Dave & Buster’s in Addison, IL. This is an invitation only event for a small group of partners, so space is limited. Enjoy an overview from SonicWall’s technical team on the most current cyber threats and solutions, followed by a lively and interactive conversation with cyber thought leader Michael Crean.

Following the presentations, let’s continue the conversation over food and beverage on behalf of SonicWall.


• 1:00pm – 2:00pm EST: Sales & Marketing Overview:

o SonicWall Boundless overview

o SonicWall University

o Deal reg Process & Review

o MSSP Program Changes

• 2:00pm – 4:00pm EST: Technical Overview:

o CATP, The perfection of the Zero Day Attacks Prevention!

o Why GEN7 SonicWall NGFWs are the best?!

o The SonicWall Secure Switches are powerful, proven and AVAILABLE to be shipped once ordered!

o The new WiFi6 600 series / the new generation of proven SonicWaves.

o Capture Client, Stop Breaches Faster Than Humanly Possible….Autonomously!

o Cloud Application Security, is Office365 secure enough? Are the MX solutions effective at all?!

o Secure Mobile Access and Cloud Edge, For the productive secure remote working environments!

o CSC & NSM The MGMT and Reporting Single pane of glass.

• 4:00pm – 5:00pm – Michael Crean CEO Solutions Granted – Discussing Threats, MDR, mitigation, MSSP, etc.

• 5:00pm – 6:00pm EST – Q&A Happy Hour & Networking

Location: Dave & Buster’s 

Address: 1155 North Swift Rd., Addison, IL