Join new SonicWall President and CEO Bob VanKirk and Vice President Debasish Mukherjee for an exclusive webinar that profiles the next growth phase for the company and its partners in the APJ region. The 30-minute update will outline SonicWall’s commitment to MSPs and MSSPs, as well as preview the company’s accelerated growth paths across SMB, enterprise and cloud opportunities. 

On July 28th the ninth annual DC Metro Cyber Security Summit returns In-Person. SonicWall will be participating in the event with a booth and a presentation at 3:25 – 3:50 PM EDT given by John Phil. John will be talking about the Mid-Year Threat Report 2022. 

SecTor 2022 will feature Keynotes from the IT industry’s most respected and trusted experts and Speakers who are true security professionals with depth of understanding on topics that matter. SecTor is a must attend event for every IT Professional.

At the Midsize Enterprise Summit (MES), senior midmarket IT decision-makers and top technology suppliers gather to uncover the latest market intelligence to accelerate their business goals and make invaluable connections along the way. MES is the best event to share pain points, hear solutions to maximize your ROI, learn about the latest technology trends, and establish important relationships — all in just a few short, highly productive days away from the office.

More Reasons to Attend MES:

• Discover innovative technology solutions to maximize your ROI and connect with vendors and solution providers in our one-stop solutions pavilion.

• Access the latest intelligence on market trends, predictions, and analysis, direct from the experts.

• Participate in empowering presentations, breakouts, business leadership, and solution track sessions based on today’s most requested topics and presented by top thought leaders.

• Engage in peer-to-peer networking and build long-term, strategic business relationships

Attending MES, stop by our SonicWall Booth Number # 111 

We are excited to invite SonicWall partners to attend this in-person event in Delhi on Friday, September 9 at Pride Plaza, Areocity and get this opportunity to learn more about the SonicWall business roadmap and its channel strategy for the partners to lead the business. 

Participe de nossas sessões exclusivas para parceiros SonicWall SecureFirst. Durante 30 minutos nossos especialistas irão falar sobre produtos e tendências, e tirarão as suas dúvidas sobre os temas. Esperamos por você!

Únase a nuestras sesiones exclusivas para canales del programa SonicWall SecureFirst. Durante 30 minutos nuestros expertos hablarán sobre productos y tendencias, y responderán a sus preguntas sobre los temas. ¡Lo esperamosi!

SonicWall Email Security 9.0 con Capture ATP Service está disponible en todo el mundo. Aprovechando una arquitectura altamente escalable y redundante, SonicWall Email Security ofrece una amplia gama de opciones de implementación, incluyendo aplicaciones en premisa, máquinas virtuales, software y soluciones alojadas en la nube.

O SonicWall Email Security 9.0 com o serviço Capture ATP está disponível mundialmente. Utilizando uma arquitetura altamente escalável e redundante, o SonicWall Email Security oferece uma variedade de opções de implementação, incluindo appliances on-premise, máquina virtual, software e soluções hospedadas em nuvem.

Neste webcast, de conteúdo mais abrangente e executivo, vamos abordar como o e-mail, um dos meios de comunicação mais importantes na realização de negócios, tornou-se um vetor popular para a sabotagem de redes e consequentemente, uma plataforma de disseminação de malware (incluindo ransomware e outras ameaças) e como é possível protegê-la.
Este webcast terá como complemento técnico o webcast parte (II) que será apresentado no dia 11 de Outubro de 2017.